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1、大学英语四六级应试技巧 写作篇英语写作常见错误分析检查主要针对四个重点部位: 1) 是否切题它又分三个层面:一是整篇文章内容是否切合文章标题要 求;二是段落主题句的内容是否与各段落提 示句内容相一致;三是段落内部的内容是否与段落主题句 的表达相一致。如果发现任何一个层面 不切题,应尽可能弥补,删除那些多余 的或不切题的地方;增添残缺的、语义 表达不足的地方。由于时间所限,删的 内容一定要精,要切中要害,切忌动“大 手术”。2) 是否连贯检查上下文是否连贯,句子衔接是否 自然流畅,检验的标准主要是句子是否通 顺,该用连接词的地方用了没有,以及所 用的连接词是否合适。3)是否有语法错误主谓是否一致

2、,动词的时态、语态 、语气的使用是否正确,词组的搭配是 否合乎习惯。为避免不必要的语法错误 ,对把握性不大的词组、句型绝不要用 。而应使用那些自己熟悉的词组、句型 来表达相同或相近的意思。4)是否有大小写、拼写、标点错误在这些细枝末节上,谨慎细心地处 理,无疑会进一步提高文章的整体质量 。在检查、改错的过程中,切忌乱涂乱 抹。保持卷面清洁,无疑会给阅卷者留 下好印象。 英语写作常见错误一、 不切题 英汉不同的语篇思维模式是造成不切题 的直接原因。一些外国人认为东方人写作善 用迂回法,也就是总绕着主题的外围转,而 不从主题入手展开讨论。汉语语篇的思维模式是中国历史文化的 产物,人们认为这种方式含

3、蓄、委婉,容易 使人接受,而英美人则喜欢开门见山的叙述 主题;所以我国学生进行英语写作时,由于 受汉语语篇思维模式的影响,阐述时不从主 题入手,不能紧扣主题进行写作,致使文章 主题不明确,观点不够鲜明。我们来看一篇 以Trees为题目的作文:Trees are mans friends. 1. We can see trees everywhere. 2. We plant trees every year. 3. We can make tables with trees. 4. Trees also give us fruits to eat. 5. I like to eat fruit

4、s very much.该段的主题句是Trees are mans friends, 写作中心应 围绕friends,也就是树的用途展开。但学生没 有从friends入手阐明主题,而是绕圈子说了些无关 紧要的话,第一、二、五展开句偏离了树的用途 这个主题,而是说我们到处可以看见树木;每年 都种树;喜欢吃水果等;而且段落框架松散,这 样就属于主题句抓不住,中心思想不明确,而且 句型单调。再来看改写后的段落:Trees are mans friends. 1.They provide man with timber, fruits and seeds. With timber, man can b

5、uild houses and make furniture. 2. Fruits are the food, which is necessary to us every day. 3. As for seeds, they can be used to extract oil.这样就克服了前面所犯错误,紧紧 围绕了主题句来展开,算是一篇好的 作文。二、语言表达的错误从题目或给出的关键词中照搬,不 注意单词在句中所做的成分及大小 写忽视第三人称单数忽视被动语态的用法三、语言表达的错误重点分析。1句子结构混乱,出现句子不完整或句子成分多余 2 词性误用3主谓不一致4根据中文逐字硬译5. 名词可

6、数与不可数的误用 6.介词to和不定式符号的混淆 7 .动宾搭配不当 8. 词组搭配错误 9综合性语言错误: 有诸如时态, 语态,标点符号,大小写等方面的错误三、语言表达的错误重点分析 1句子结构混乱,出现句子不完整或句子 成分多余。句子不完整(Sentence Fragments )在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下 文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解可是 书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思 表达不清,这种情况常常发生在主句写完以 后,笔者又想加些补充说明时发生例1There are large number of people die from the disasters. 改为1:T

7、here are a large number of There are a large number of people who die from the disasters. people who die from the disasters. 改为2:There are a large number of There are a large number of people dying from the disasters.people dying from the disasters. 改为3:A large number of people die A large number of

8、 people die from the disasters.from the disasters. 例2There is a fire happened / broke out. There was occurred a fire in Honghua Hotel.改为:改为:A fire happened / broke out /A fire happened / broke out /occurred. occurred. 例3She learn knowledge depend on herself. 改为:改为: She She learnslearns knowledge kno

9、wledge by herselfby herself. . 例4The driver of the red car was died on the spot. 改为:改为:The driver of the red car The driver of the red car dieddied on on the spot.the spot. 例5Helping others we also know the significance of life. 改为:改为: We also We also realizerealize the the significance of life sign

10、ificance of life throughthrough helping helping others.others. 例6The public service advertisement catch everyones eyes, enable us pay more attention about our lives and societies. 改为:改为:The public service advertisementThe public service advertisements scatch everyones eyes, catch everyones eyes, whi

11、chwhich enable enables s us us toto pay more attention pay more attentionabout our lives and societies. about our lives and societies. 例7The aging of population bring some problems, such as the lack of labor, seniors feel lonely and so on. 改为:改为: The aging of population The aging of population bring

12、s brings aboutabout some problems, such as the lack some problems, such as the lack of labor, of labor, seniors sense of lonelinessseniors sense of loneliness and so on.and so on. 例8Children take care of the seniors should meet their material needs, but this is not enough, concerning their spiritual

13、 needs is more important. 改为:改为: When it comes to takingWhen it comes to taking care of care of the seniors , children should the seniors , children should meet their meet their spiritual needsspiritual needs as well as material needsmaterial needs. .例9When your opportunity coming, you attain succes

14、s will be easier. 改为:改为: When your opportunity When your opportunity comescomes, , it will be easier for you to attain successit will be easier for you to attain success. . 2 词性误用(Misuse of Parts of Speech) “词性误用”常表现为:介词 当动词用;形容词当副词用;名词 当动词用等 例Its likely to success if you have confident, diligent an

15、d intelligence. 改为1: You are likely to succeed if you have confidence, diligence and intelligence.改为2: Its likely that you will achieve success if you are confident, diligent and intelligent.改为3: It is likely that you are on theIt is likely that you are on theway to success way to success if you hav

16、e if you have confidence, diligence and confidence, diligence andintelligence. intelligence.例2You cant success without yourefforts. 改为1:You cant succeed withoutyour efforts. 改为2:You cant obtain successwithout your efforts. 改为3:You cant become successfulwithout your efforts.改为4: Success is no longer out o


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