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1、林业生态工程学时间:2010-2011学年第1学期专业:水土保持与荒漠化防治教师:贾玉华第一章 绪论 第一节 生态环境问题与林业生态工程的作 用 第二节 林业生态工程的概念及类型 第三节 我国古代的林业生态工程 第四节 国内外林业生态工程现状第三节 我国古代的林业生态工程 一、生物资源的保护与合理利用 二、农林牧复合经营 三、因地制宜,适地适树 四、造林地土壤改良工程 “旦闻禹之禁,春三月,山林不登斧,以成草木之长 ;夏三月,川泽不入网罟,以成鱼鳖之长。且以并 农力执,成男女之功。夫然则有生而不失其宜,万物不失 其性,人不失七事 ,天不失其时,以成万财。既成,放此 为人。此谓正德。 “泉深而鱼

2、鳖归之,草木茂而鸟兽归之;称贤使能,官有 材而士归之;关市平,商贾归之;分地薄敛,农民归之。 水性归下,农民归利。王若欲求天下民,社设其利,而民 自至,譬之若冬日之阳,夏日之阴,不召而民自来。此谓 归德。 逸周书大聚解梁惠王曰:“寡人之于国也,尽心焉耳矣。河内凶,则移其民于河东 ,移其粟于河内。河东凶亦然。察邻国之政,无如寡人之用心者。邻 国之民不加少,寡人之民不加多,何也?” 孟子对曰:“王好战,请以战喻。填然鼓之,兵刃既接,弃甲曳兵而 走,或百步而后止,或五十步而后止。以五十步笑百步,则何如?” 曰:“不可。直不百步耳,是亦走也。” 曰:“王如知此,则无望民之多于邻国也。不违农时,谷不可胜

3、食也。数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不可胜食也。斧斤以 时入山林,材木不可胜用也。谷与鱼鳖不可胜食,材木不可胜用,是 使民养生丧死无憾也。养生丧死无憾,王道之始也。五亩之宅,树之 以桑,五十者可以衣帛矣。鸡豚狗彘之畜,无失其时,七十者可以食 肉矣;百亩之田,勿夺其时,数口之家可以无饥矣;谨庠序之教,申 之以孝悌之义,颁白者不负戴于道路矣。七十者衣帛食肉,黎民不饥 不寒,然而不王者,未之有也。狗彘食人食而不知检,途有饿殍而不 知发。人死,则曰:非我也,岁也。是何异于刺人而杀之,曰:非 我也,兵也。王无罪岁,斯天下之民至焉 孟子梁惠王上 “圣王之制也:草木荣华滋硕之时,则斧斤不入山林,不 夭其生,不绝其长也(

4、只允许在一定的时间内砍伐林木, 反对滥砍滥伐。);鼋鼍鱼鳖鳅鳝孕别之时,罔罟毒药不 入泽,不夭其生,不绝其长也;春耕、夏耘、秋收、冬藏 ,四者不失时,故五谷不绝,而百姓有余食也;污池渊沼 川泽,谨其时禁,故鱼鳖优多,而百姓有余用也;斩伐养 长不失其时,故山林不童,而百姓有余材也。” 荀子王制 雍季曰:竭泽而渔,岂不获得?而明年无鱼。焚 薮而田,岂不获得?而明年无兽。 吕氏春秋孝行览义赏 严防森林火灾,唐律规定:“诸于山陵域内失 火者,徒二年;延烧林木者,流二千里。” 大明会典卷一百七十的刑律三的律令规 定:“若于山林地域失火,杖八十,徒二年。延烧 林者,杖一百,流二千里。” 西汉刘安淮南子中说

5、:“欲知地道,物 其树” 北魏贾思勰著齐民要术进一步阐述:“ 地势有良薄,山、泽有异宜。顺天时,量 地利,则用力少而成功多,任情返道,劳 而无获” 山中植者伐后放火烧山,驱牛耕转,则火 灰压下,土气渐肥,然后插种天然林保护工程“三北”和长江中下游地区等重点 防护林建设工程退耕还林还草工程京津风沙源治理工程第四节 国内外林业生态工程现状野生动植物保护及自然保护 区 建设工程重点地区速生丰产用 材林基地建设工程1212TropicalSoutheastNorthwestSouthwestNortheastFarmland shelter and sand- fixing forest projec

6、tThree-North Shelter ForestCoastline shelter forest project The Yangtze river shelterbelt forest projectMajor Forest Conservation Projects Natural forest protection Grain for green project Wind and sand storm source control project Three-north and Yangtze Riverbasin shelter forest system Wildlife an

7、d nature reserve establishment Fast-growing and high-yield forestsTropicalSoutheastNorthwestSouthwestNortheastFarmland shelter and sand- fixing forest projectThree-North Shelter ForestCoastline shelter forest project The Yangtze river shelterbelt forest project1 天然林资源保护工程 实施范围。长江上游地区以三峡库区为界,包括云南、四 川

8、、贵州、重庆、湖北、西藏6省(区、市),黄河上中 游地区以小浪底库区为界,包括陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏 、内蒙古、山西、河南7省(区);东北内蒙古等重点国 有林业包括吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古、海南、新疆5省(区 )。总计17个省(区、市),734个县、167个森工局(场 )。 主要任务。一是全面停止长江上游、黄河上中游地区天然 林的商品性采伐,停伐木材产量1239.0万立方米。东北内 蒙古等重点国有林区木材产量由18536万立方米减到 11021万立方米。二是管护好工程区内143亿亩的森林 资源。三是在长江上游、黄河上中游工程区营造新的公益 林191亿亩。四是分流安置由于木材停伐减产形成的富 余职工

9、74万人。2 退耕还林工程Grain-for-Green Project Takes Off in West China China has launched the project of Grain-for-Green in its west, China Radio International reported. Accounting for more than one half of Chinas total area, the west is known for its backward economy and vulnerable ecological environment. Fo

10、r years, farmers in the region were short of grain and cut down huge tracts of forest, much of it on steep slopes, to turn it into farmland, and also ploughed up large areas of grassland. This has resulted in severe soil erosion and flooding. In the 1980s, the Chinese government started working on t

11、he problem of soil erosion, but achieved little due to its failure to deal with the link between grain production and deforestation. As China has unveiled its ambitious plan to develop its west, greater attention has been attached to environmental protection, since the west must be turned not only i

12、nto a modern, prosperous region, but also a land of green where humans and nature harmoniously co-exist. To this end, the government has initiated a programme to help restore ecological balance in the western region by turning low-yielding farmland back into forest and pasture. Zhang Yanhong, an off

13、icial with the State Forestry Bureau, says it is an appropriate time to launch the programme. Zhang Yanhong says in recent years, Chinas grain output has grown steadily and, after several consecutive bumper harvests, the country now has huge stockpiles of grain. Since 1996, annual grain production h

14、as exceeded 500 million tons. This has created good conditions for implementing a massive farmland-to-forests campaign. Farmers in the west will now receive subsidies in the form of grain and money for turning cultivated land back into forest and pasture. Where conditions are suitable, many of the t

15、rees to be planted will be fruit and other commercially valuable trees. While the government provides the seedlings, the farmers are allowed to retain all the profits from planting trees and grass on cultivated land. In return, they will be responsible for taking care of the restored forests and pas

16、tures. The policy is welcomed by most of the farmers. State Forestry Bureau official Zhang Yanhong says this project marks a fundamental change in the style of economic growth in China, and will have a profound influence on the sustainable development of the economy. Zhang Yanhong says that the grain-for-green project will not only reduce stockpiles of grain in the s



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