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1、高中英语任意选修课写作技能发展教学案例任务:为英语校报的健康栏目写一篇题为 “Eating more snacks is harmful to health”的文章,告诫同学们少吃零食,养成良好的生活习惯 。一、指导思想普通高中英语课 程标准指出写作的基本技能是:整理思路;组织 素材;规划文章结构;列出提纲;起草文稿;组织语 言;遣词造句;修改文章;正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。本课时 即在此思想指导下帮助学生形成基本的写作技能并使写作指向学生真实的生活。二、学情分析授课对 象是自愿参加写作兴趣小组,选修英语写作的 30 名高一学生。他们中大多数对英语感兴趣且基础较 好,对英语表达能力的提高充

2、满期待。三、学习目标1.语言知识:(1)学会运用相关词汇对 某一现象作出评价并构建知识网络;(2) 初步掌握此类文章的基本结构。2. 语言技能:(1)能形成基于范文写作的基本技能;(2)了解写作一般规律,理清写作思路,形成基本技能。3. 语言运用学会运用所学语词对 日常生活中的事物进行评价,写生活所见,写心中所想,写自己的话,使英语写作指向真实的生活。4.情感态度:(1)学会善于观察生活,善于思考生活;(2)进一步培养小组内互相合作互相帮助的热情。5. 学习策略(1)进一步强化小组合作写作策略;(2)能进一步形成基于范文写作的有效写作策略。四、学习过 程第一步课前准备1、2、把兴趣小组划分为

3、6 小组,对全校学生吃零食现象进行为期两天的观察,简单记录 。上网查阅 有关零食方面的资料,内容不限,可凭兴趣。第二步呈现范文Smoking is harmfulIt has been estimated that smokers havemade up half of thepopulation in China. And the smokersare becoming younger and younger, even including somemiddle schoolstudents.Nowadays moreand morepeople have realized smoking

4、can do harm to peoples health. However,some people still enjoy smoking. Why? Because someof them think it is akind of fashion, somethink itis of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.In fact, smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a wast

5、e of money.Besides, careless smokers may causedangerous fires.Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.Therefore, I hopeall the smokers can giveup smoking for themselves and also for the people aroundthem.第三步小组讨论 范文的结构1.介绍现 状2.3.解释原因,阐述危害阐明观点Para

6、.1Para.2PhenomenaReason、HarmPara.3Appeal第四步基于范文,快速写出相关表达(学生自行写出后小组汇总 ,然后全班交流,最后老师通过 PPT 展示,更鼓励学生的精彩表达)Para. 1Phenomena1.% of students2.cover3.havethe habit of /form thehabit of4.be/becomeaddicted to5.most ofPara. 2ReasonHarm1.apleasure/be interested in2.refresh oneself3.do harm to/be harmful to4.cau

7、sediseases5. as a result of6.die from illnesses related to7. a wasteof moneyPara. 3Appeal1.realize the harm of/ raise ones awareness of2.Call on sb. to do./appeal to sb. to do3.kick/get rid of the bad habit4.stop/giveup第五步组词 成句(学生自行写出后小组汇总 ,然后全班交流,最后老师通过 PPT 展示,更鼓励学生的精彩表达)Para. 11.( ) % of students

8、havethe habit of eating snacks.2. In my school, students who eating snacks cover about ( ) percent.3. Thosewho becomeaddicted to aremainly .Para. 21. Somestudents think its apleasure.2. Somestudents believe it can refresh themselves.3. Eating snacks does harm to our health.4. It s wasteof money to e

9、ating snacks.Para. 31. More and students arebeginning to realize the harmof eating snacks.2. I hope to raise students awareness of theharm of eating snacks .3. Theschoolshould call on students to kick thebad habit of eating snacks.4. I think the schoolshould make it a rule to 第六步连句成文(小组内评出优秀成果进行展示)五

10、、评价总结已经学得未学得评价总结 内容词汇 、表达句式文章结构写作思路学习策略拓展资源表示原因1)Thereare threereasons for this.2)Thereasons for this are as follows.3)Thereason for this is obvious.4)Thereason for this is not far to seek.5)Thereason for this is that.6)We have good reason to believe that.表示“此外、另外”besides / whats more/ in addition / furthermore/ moreover /especially/ In particular,表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient, possible)for sb. to do sth.2)We think it necessary to do sth.; http:/ 草根励志 励志图片 励志语录 rlx344uip


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