高二英语上学期unit 3 project 牛津英语

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1、Having a debate Are they beautiful?What do the pictures lead you to think of?.As a result of mankind and technology, natural resources have been seriously affected and natural disasters attack us fluently main idea of each paragraphParagraph 1 Natural resources have been seriously affected by carele

2、ssness.Paragraph 2 Different attitudes towards the problem Paragraph 3 Humans are moving towards animportant point in the relationship with nature.Paragraph 4 Humans can only really win by protecting natureDiscuss the following questions and find more suggestions:(1) What have people done to nature?

3、 They have done a lot to destroy and damage nature.(2) If we continue in this way, what might happen? The planet we live on will be eventually destroyed.(3) Which is more important, economic development or protecting nature? Why do you think so?(4) What is the attitude of poorer nations towards the

4、problem? What about the attitude of developed nations?Poorer nations pay more attention to economic development but less to the environment while developed nations do things in a different way.(5) Do you think the problem of humans winning and nature losing can be settled?If so, can you suggest some

5、 solutions?PlanningPreparingProducingPresentingHaving a debateLanguage points1.favour (SUPPORT) UK, US favor : n. U the support or approval of something or someone: 大部分人都投票支持这个候选人. Most people voted in favour of the candidate.He sent her presents in an attempt to win her favour. 他送礼物给她试图赢得她的偏爱.favou

6、rable UK, US favorable : adj. 有利的 The opposite is unfavourable.2. argue : v. I to speak angrily to someone, telling them that you disagreewith them: v. I or T to give the reasonsfor your opinion, idea, belief, etc:+ that The children are always arguing.Kids, will you stop arguing with each other?The

7、y were arguing over/about which film to go and see.孩子们一直在争辩.孩子们,你们能不能彼此停止争论?他们对于去看哪一部影片在争论.The minister argued for/in favour of /against making cuts in military spending.部长争论以赞成/反对削减军队开支.The minister argued that cuts in military spending were needed.You can argue the case either way.两种方式你随便用哪一种为这个案子

8、辩护.argument : n. C or U a disagreement,or the process of disagreeing:The children had an argument about/over what game to play.A decision was finally made after some heated argument.孩子们对于玩什么游戏进行了争论.在激烈的辩论后最终做出了一个决定.3. spell : v. I or T to form a word or words with the letters in the correct order:v.

9、 spell disaster/trouble, etc. to cause something bad tohappen in the future:“How do you spell receive?“ “ R E C E I V E“.你怎样拼写”receive”.This cold weather could spell trouble for gardeners. 这种寒冷的天气可能会给园艺工人带来灾难.4. turn out : (1) to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially

10、an unexpected one:As events turned out, we were right to have decided to leave early.(2) to be known or discovered finally and surprisingly:The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.+ to infinitive事情真相结果要比我们预料的奇怪.正如事情结果所证明的,我们决定早点 出发是对的.+ that It turns out that she had known him when they were children.结果在他们是孩子的时候她就认识了他.(2004广西)We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite _ as planned.A.make out B. turn out C. go on D. come up方太油烟机哪个型号好 http:/ fts307uip



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