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1、Chapter 18FOUNDATIONS OF CONTROL Prentice Hall, 200218-1 1Learning Objectives You should learn to: Define control Describe the three approaches to control Explain why control is important Describe the control process Distinguish among the three types of control Describe the qualities of an effective

2、 control system Prentice Hall, 200218-2 2Learning Objectives (cont.) You should learn to: Discuss the contingency factors that influence the design of an organizations control system Identify how controls need to be adjusted for cultural differences Explain how three contemporary issues - workplace

3、privacy, employee theft, and workplace violence - affect control Prentice Hall, 200218-3 3What Is Control? Control the process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and of correcting significant deviations(显著偏差) control systems are judged in terms of how well

4、 they facilitate goal achievement market control - emphasizes the use of external market mechanisms to establish standards of performance useful where products and services are distinct useful where marketplace competition is considerable divisions turned into profit centers and judged by the percen

5、tage of total corporate profits each contributes Prentice Hall, 200218-4 4What Is Control? (cont.) Control bureaucratic control - emphasizes organizational authority relies on administrative rules, procedures, and policies depends on standardization of activities, well-defined job descriptions, and

6、other administrative mechanisms clan control - behavior regulated by shared values, traditions, and other aspects of organizational culture dependent on individual and group to identify expected behaviors and performance measures found where teams are common and technology changes often Prentice Hal

7、l, 200218-5 5Why Is Control Important? Control is the Final Link in the Management Process provides the critical link back to planning only way managers know whether organizational goals are being met Permits Delegation of Authority fear that employees will do something wrong for which the manager w

8、ill be held responsible provides information and feedback on employee performance Prentice Hall, 200218-6 6 Prentice Hall, 2002计划与控制的联系计划与控制是一个问题的两个方面。基本观点: 一切有效的控制方法就是计划方法或计划本身。 控制的目的就是因为要实现目标和计划。 控制职能使管理工作成为一个闭路系统,成为一 个连续的过程。7Structure Human ResourceManagementOrganizingThe Planning-Controlling Lin

9、kStandards Measurements Comparisons ActionsControllingGoals Objectives Strategies PlansPlanningMotivation Leadership Communication Individual andGroup BehaviorLeading Prentice Hall, 200218-8 8The Control Process Prentice Hall, 200218-9 9The Control Process Background controlling is a three-step proc

10、ess assumes that performance standards already exist specific goals are created in the planning process Measuring How We Measure personal observation - permits intensive coverage Management By Walking Around (MBWA) drawbacks - subject to personal biases consumes a great deal of time suffers from obt

11、rusiveness Prentice Hall, 200218-1010The Control Process (cont.) Measuring (cont.) How We Measure (cont.) statistical reports - numerical data are easy to visualize and effective for showing relationships drawbacks - not all operations can be measured important subjective factors may be ignored oral

12、 reports - includes meetings, telephone calls may be best way to control work in a virtual environment technology permits creation of written record from oral report drawbacks - filtering of information Prentice Hall, 200218-1111The Control Process (cont.) How We Measure (cont.) written reports - of

13、ten more comprehensive and concise than oral reports usually easy to file and retrieve comprehensive control efforts should use all four approaches Prentice Hall, 200218-1212What We Measure what we measure more critical than how we measure control criteria applicable to any management situation: emp

14、loyee satisfaction, absenteeism, and turnover keeping costs within budgets control system needs to recognize the diversity of activities some activities difficult to measure in quantifiable terms most activities can be grouped into some objective segments that can be measured when objective measures

15、 are not available, should rely on subjective measuresThe Control Process (cont.) Prentice Hall, 200218-1313The Control Process (cont.) Comparing determines the degree of variation between actual performance and standard acceptable range of variation - deviations that exceed this range become signif

16、icant Prentice Hall, 200218-1414Defining The Acceptable Range Of VariationAcceptable Upper LimitStandardAcceptable Lower LimitMeasurement of PerformanceAcceptable Range of Variationtt+1t+2t+3t+4t+5 Time Period (t) Prentice Hall, 200218-1515Sales Performance Figures For July, Eastern States DistributorsBrand Heineken Molson Irish Amber Victoria Bitter Labatts Corona Amstel Lig



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