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1、Major Cuisines in China主讲:徐琰Situation 2: After talking about the color and aroma of Chinese food, Zhu Li continues to mention its taste.TasteNow lets come to the taste. Excellent taste is regarded as the soul (灵魂) of Chinese cuisine. Some 3,000 years ago, Chinese people already knew how to “deliciou

2、sly” blend the five tastes (五味) sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and savory.CondimentsCondiments (调料) such as soy sauce ( 酱油), sugar, vinegar and salt are added in proper proportions (比例) and different times to enhance (增强) the flavour of the food.CuisinesGot it. Thank you very much. By the way,I once rea

3、d about eight major Chinese cuisines, but just lately Ive heard of four major regional cuisines in China.CuisinesThere are thousands of different local cooking styles in China due to different geography (地理), climate ( 气候) and resources (资源).CuisinesChinese cuisine is usually divided into eight regi

4、onal cuisines, among which Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong, and Huaiyang (淮扬) cuisines are the most four original ( 原味的, 独特的) and popular ones. CuisinesBesides, sometimes Beijing and Shanghai cuisines are also now counted (计算). In addition, there are some special cuisines like imperial cuisine (御膳), ve

5、getarian cuisine (素 膳), and medicinal cuisine (药膳). CuisinesChinese medicinal cuisine is unique and has a long history. Its a combination of therapeutic (益于健康 的) Chinese herbs and food. 药膳是药材与食材相配伍而做成的美食,有益健康。CuisinesIn China, it is widely believed that food tonic (食补) is much better than medicine i

6、n strengthening ones health. 在健身方面,食补远胜于药物。QuestionOh,really? What are the characteristics (特征) of the four major ones then?Chuan CuisineLets begin with Sichuan Cuisine, which is called Chuan Cai (川菜) in Chinese. Its well-known in China and overseas for its mixed spicy taste with the flavour of Chin

7、ese prickly ash (花椒).川菜以其各种麻辣味闻名于海外。Chuan CuisineSichuan chefs select their ingredients with great care, use a variety of seasonings (调 味品) and cook each dish differently.Chuan CuisineThus Sichuan dishes are known as “a hundred dishes with a hundred tastes,” earning the reputation of “food in China,

8、 taste in Sichuan” or “ Chinese food with Sichuan flavours (食在 中国,味在四川).”Chuan CuisineI once had a dish named Mapo Tofu (麻 婆豆腐). Is that a typical Sichuan dish?Chuan CuisineExactly. Thats a well- known Sichuan dish. Yue CuisineIm not sure. Whats it like?Have you ever tried a Guangdong dish?Yue Cuisi

9、neGuangdong Cuisine, also called Yue Cai (粤菜) in Chinese, takes a great variety of ingredients (用料广 博) from seafood to poultry (家禽), some other creatures even like insects (昆虫), rats, birds, snakes and dogs are also included.Yue CuisineWow, do you eat rats and insects? Thats disgusting! And even the

10、 dogs! Oh, my God! Thats incredible (难以 相信). They are our friends, you know!Yue CuisineIm terribly sorry, Sam. I dont like that either, but some people do eat them. Thats really cruel though. Yue CuisineNo wonder its said that Cantonese eat almost anything that walks, crawls, flies or swims. Their m

11、ain seasonings are sugar and spiced salt (椒盐). Yue CuisineNo wonder its said that Cantonese eat almost anything that walks, crawls, flies or swims. Their main seasonings are sugar and spiced salt (椒盐). Yue CuisineThey emphasize freshness and tenderness. One of their most famous dishes is Roasted Cri

12、spy Suckling Pig (烤乳猪). Sounds mouth-watering, doesnt it ? Lu CuisineYeah! How about Shangdong Cuisine?Shandong Cuisine , or Lu Cai (鲁菜) in Chinese, also uses a wide selection of ingredients. Lu CuisineShandong soups are very famous, and green onions (洋葱) are commonly used to add flavour to the food

13、. They are known for various seafood dishes. Lu Cuisine葱烧海参Braised Sea Cucumber with ScallionCrab Roes with Sharks Fin蟹黄鱼翅Dezhou Stewed Chicken 德州扒鸡Creamy Walnuts Soup核桃奶油汤Lu CuisineI once had some of their famous dishes like Braised Sea Cucumber with Scallion, Crab Roes with Sharks Fin, Dezhou Stew

14、ed Chicken, and Creamy Walnuts Soup. Very delicious and nutritious.TransitioningWow! I wish I had the chance to taste all these delicious dishes.Yes, you may. Ok, wed better stop here. Its time for us to go for a boat tour on West Lake.TransitioningFine.We can continue our talk later.Ok, sure. Thanks.SummaryMain features of Chinese cuisineMajor cuisines Thanks!


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