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1、宾语从句与状语从句状语从句复习状语从句不仅是初中英语学习的重点,而 且也是每年中考必考的内容之一。从历年 全国各地中考英语试题对状语从句的考查 内容来看,命题主要集中在引导状语从句 的连词、状语从句的时态等方面;从九大 状语从句来看,同学们应将复习重点放在 时间状语从句、条件状语从句、结果状语 从句和比较状语从句这四种上。一、对时间状语从句的考查 引导时间状语从句的连词有:while, when, as, as soon as, until, notuntil, before, after, since, etc要掌握每个连词的含义及其用法, 还有它们之间的一些区别。 when,while的区

2、别: 二者均可表示“当的时候”,如果主句表示的是短暂的动作,而从句表示的是一段时间,二者可通用。如: I met Kang Li whenwhile I was walking along the street当我沿街散步时碰见了康丽。 when可与终止性动词连用, while只能与延续性动词连用。如: It was snowing when we got to the airport当我们到达机场时,天正下着雪。(不能用 while) while强调主句表示的动作持续于while所指的整个时间内;when可指主、从句所述动作同时或先后发生。如: Please write while I re

3、ad我读的时候,请写下来。 When he reached home,he had a little rest回到家后,他休息了一会儿。 3)until=till在肯定句中表示“直到 为止”,主句要用延续性动词;在否 定句中,表示“直到才”,主句 常用终止性动词,这时till和until可 用before替换。如: I waited tilluntil he arrived我一直等到他到来。 We wont start untiltillbefore Bob comes鲍勃到来之前,我们不会动身。 4)since从句中常用过去时,主句用一般 现在时或现在完成时;as soon as如果主句是一

4、般将来时,情态动词加动 词原形或祈使句时,时间状语从句用 一般现在时。如: Where have you been since I saw you last? 上次我和你见面之后,你到哪里去了? Ill phone you as soon as I arrive in Tonghua我一到通化就给你打电话。2考例: 1)我一到美国就给你打电话。(北京市海淀区) Ill ring you up _ soon _ I get to America 2)昨天直到雨停了,孩子们才离开学校。(同上) The children _ leave school _ the rain stopped yeste

5、rday asasdidnttill3)It _ ten years since they _ to France(河北) Aas;covered Bwas;have moved Cis;have moved Dis;moved D4)He _ wait until the rain _ (南京市) Awont;will stop Bwont;stop Cwill;stops Dwill;will stop C5) When all the work _(finish), you may go back home. 6) My brother_ (begin) to learn English

6、 when he was eight. 7) Please _(not leave) here until you _(tell) to 8) As soon as he_ (get) there, he will write to us at once.9) He took out the camera as soon as he _(see) the monster. 10) I often _(go) to see her when she was ill. 11) Please dont talk so loud while others _(work). 12) Where _ yo

7、u _(study) before you went to college?二、对条件状语从句的考查 1要点:引导条件状语从句的连词有if(如果),unless在意义上相当于ifnot。条件状语从句也像时间状语从句一样,如果主句用将来时,从句要用现在时代替将来时。如: You will fail unless you study hard( You will fail if you dont study hard)除非你努力学习,否则你会失败。 2考例: 1)He will go to the Great Wall if it _ tomorrow(北京市宣武区) A. wont rain B

8、. doesnt rain C.dont rain D. isnt raining BC2) _ you eat old food,you may be ill(湖南) ABefore BWhy CIf DWhich 三、对比较状语从句的考查 1要点:引导比较状语从句的连词有as as,than。 1)表示甲与乙在某一方面相同时,用“as 原级as”句型;表示甲在某一方面 不如乙时,用“not as so 原级 as”句型。如: Dalian is as beautiful as Shenzhen大连和深圳一样的美。 I dont run asso fast as Kang Li我不如康丽跑得

9、快。 2)表示甲超过或不及乙时,用“比较级 从句”(从句中常省略意义与主句相同的部分)。如: He runs faster than you(do)他跑得比你快。 Today is less cold than yesterday今天没有昨天冷。 2考例: 1)Jack runs as _ as Tom(北京市宣武区) Afast Bfaster Cfastest Dmuch faster A2)30, 000 dollars is a large amount of money,but its _ than we need(上海市) Afor more Bvery much Cfar les

10、s Dvery little C四、对结果状语从句的考查 1要点:引导结果状语从句的连词有 sothat(如此以致于), suchthat(如此以致于)等。常用句型: so形容词副词that从句 such aan 形容词单数可数名词 that从句 such形容词复数可数名词 不可数名词that从句 so形容词aan单数可数名词 that从句 He spoke so fast that I couldnt follow him他讲得太快,我跟不上。 He told us such funny stories that we all laughed 他给我们讲了那么多有趣的故事,我们 全都哈哈大笑

11、。2考例: 1)这山太高,我们很难到达山顶。(四川) This mountain is _ _ that we can _ _ the top so highnot reach2)Miss Gao asked a question,but it was _ that nobody could answer it A. very difficult B. too difficult C. difficult enough D. so difficult D五、对其它状语从句的考查 还有五种状语从句:地点状语从句、 原因状语从句、目的状语从句、方式 状语从句、让步状语从句。 1要点: 1)掌握常用

12、的引导词: 引导地点状语从句的有:where(在哪里),wherever(无论 何地),etc如:Where there is a will,there is a way有志者,事竞成。Wherever you go,I go too 无论你去哪里, 我都去。 引导原因状语从句的有because,as, since,for 。because常回答why引导的 疑问句,该从句一般位于主句后;since 比as正式,两者不回答why引导的问句,而且其从句一般放在句首。如: Why cant I go?为什么我不能去? Because youre too young因为你年纪太小了。 As(Sinc

13、e)you are not feeling well, youd better stay at home 既然你不太舒服,还是留在家里的好。 引导原因状语从句的有because,as, since,for 。because常回答why引导的疑问句,该从句一般位于主句后; since比as正式,两者不回答why引导的问句,而且其从句一般放在句首。 如: Why cant I go?为什么我不能去? Because youre too young因为你年纪太小了。 As(Since)you are not feeling well, youd better stay at home 既然你不太舒服

14、,还是留在家里的好。 引导目的状语从句的有so that(以便)等。如 我给他包了一点食物,让他不致挨饿。I packed him a little food so that he wouldnt be hungry 引导让步状语从句的有thoughalthough (虽然),even though(尽管),no matter who(无论谁),no matter how (无论怎样),no matter what(无论什 么)等。如: 尽管这工作很辛苦,我还是很喜欢。 Though its hard work,I enjoy it 不管工作多么艰难,他都从不放弃 No matter how

15、hard the work was, he never gave it up2)because不能与并列连词so,though although不能与but同时在句中使用。如 She was late for school because she missed the bus =She missed the bus,so she was late for school Its not cheap,but its very good = Though its not cheap,its very good 2考例: 1)I cant understand this passage _ there are no new words in it(安徽) A. if B. bec


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