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1、环保主题英语作文高中环保主题英语作文高中环保主题英语作文高中 In the forest, groups of trees, flowers in full bloom. W as usual, settled on a tree east peck peck, peck peck, in an effort to save the tree.Suddenly, it saw an intruder - a lumberjack, and was holding a pair of wood chopper in cut down a tree, and idly smoking a ciga

2、rette. “Snapping“ 1, cigarette butts havent put out was he ruthlessly fell to the ground. Didnt he dont know, put out the cigarette may cause a fire? Look at he was staring, eyes shining appearance, saw a lot of money coming toward him must! Woodpecker angry thought, immediately raised a nameless fi

3、re! Woodpeckers flew to quickly the woodcutters back, with a sharp mouth pecked his head. Peck, thought: it seems like locust tree grandpa is not wrong, the human mind there really is “greed“ worm! Otherwise, why cut down a tree? Why and destruction of resources, do damage to the environment? Simply

4、, do good deeds, to this piece of wood therapy! The lumberjack the woodpecker attacks, at that time have no reaction to come over, paused was holding his head thrown off wood chopper ran quickly!Through the cartoon, revealed the endless greed and lust. Through this cartoon satire of the human, telli

5、ng people to cherish resources, protecting the environment! Yes! Hugo once said, let the wind no longer abroad and in the earth a green ground! Human destroy the natural environment, have also been punished, sandstorm, mud-rock flow, drought, floods and other countless natural disaster. Caused count

6、less people sacrifice, is a human deserving.With joy dance steps, stop sand, make the birds dance, make the green!森林里,树木成群,百花盛开。啄木鸟像往常一样,停在一棵树上东啄啄,西啄啄,在给大树治病。突然,它看见一位不速之客一位伐木工人,正拿着一把柴刀在砍树,一边还悠闲地抽着烟。 “啪嗒”一声,烟头还没熄灭就被他无情地摔到了地上。难道他不知道,没熄灭的烟头会引起火灾吗?看着他目不转睛,两眼放光的样子,一定看见了许多钞票朝他飞来了吧!啄木鸟气愤的暗想道,顿时升起了一股无名之火!啄木


8、步,让风沙停止,让小鸟起舞,让绿色腾飞吧!环保主题英语作文高中 The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to

9、stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and betterHarmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains o

10、n Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind. Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it. Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obli

11、gations to protect the environment.高考环保题材英语作文 Modernization is necessary, since we cant go without it. Owing to the modernization, our life is improving day by day.现代化是必须的,因为我们不能没有它。幸亏有了现代化,我们的生活可以日益改善。In ancient days, people usually worked on the day and went to bed early at night. But as Tomas Edi

12、son invented the lights, we can do anything both on the day and at night. Moreover, the transportation becomes much more convenient than before. Nowadays, we can go anywhere we like. And human beings can even travel in the universe.在古代,人们通常在白天干嘛,晚上早早的就上床睡觉了。但因为托马斯爱迪生发明了电灯,我们可以在白天或者晚上做任何事情。而且,交通变得比以前

13、方便多了。现在,我们可以去任何我们喜欢的地方。人们甚至可以在宇宙中旅行。However, every stick has two ends. Modernization also comes pollution. Now human beings always throw waste into our nature. Thats why our earth becomes a dirty place.然而,每个棒都有两端。现代化也带来了污染。现在,人类总是把废弃物仍给大自然。这就是为什么我们的地球变成一个肮脏的地方的原因。If we continue to pollute our enviro

14、nment, our earth will be destroyed, so we have to do something to protect our environment. In the first place, we must form a good habit. Dont throw waste everywhere. Second, we had better go to work by bus or by bike, so as to reduce the tail gas. Third, the waste gas and water must be done before

15、they are sent out. Whats more, we should plant more trees and grasses to purify the air. At last, the government should make laws to prevent pollution.如果我们继续污染我们的环境,我们的地球将要被毁灭了,所以我们应该做些什么来保护我们的环境。首先,我们必须形成一个良好的习惯。不要随处乱丢垃圾。第二,我们最好乘坐公共汽车或骑自行车去上班,以减少尾气排放。第三,废气和废水必须必须要先处理过再排放出去。更重要的是,我们应该种更多的树和草来净化空气。最后,政府应该制定法律来防止污染。



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