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1、1UnitUnit 1 1 WedWed betterbetter getget youyou toto hospitalhospital课题:课题:MoMo duledule 5 5 LookLook afterafter yourselfyourself Unit1Unit1 WedWed betterbetter getget youyou toto hospital.hospital. (第一课(第一课 时)时) 学习重点To get the main information by finishing the report.学习 难点Structures of different te

2、nses.学习过程(学案)备注自主学习:词汇(文中找出并标出)自主学习:词汇(文中找出并标出)单词单词, ,短语,抄写并读会。短语,抄写并读会。瞎的,失明的 2. 协议 3. 赶上某人 4. 取消,终止 5. 发生事故 6. 切了某人的手指7. 从.上掉下 8. 约定要做.9 摔了 sbs 腿10 最好 11 等待 12 几分钟后13 撞倒;追捕 14 打电话求救 15 不严重翻译句子。1. 她走得太慢,跟不上我们。She walked too slowly to _ _ _ us. 2. 不一会儿,它就倒在地上,一动也不动了。After a moment, it _ _ and lay st

3、ill.3. 明天我 到你家去叫你。Ill _ _ you at your house tomorrow.4. 没什么大问题,不过你最好还是呆在床上。Its _ _, but _ _ stay in bed.5. 我爬上了小山,又从另一面跑下来。I _ _ _ the hill and _ _ the other side.三【合作探究】:Warming-upLets look at the picture and answer.What can you see in the picture?What do you think has happened to you?Listening:Par

4、t1 (Activity2)1 listen and chooseHas T onys da d ever had an accident?A Yes, he has B No, he hasnt2How long did it take for the wound to get better after Tonys dad cut his finger?A a week B a monthWhat parts of his body hurt after Tonys dad fell off his bike?A his knee B his knee and shoulder What i

5、s Tony reading about for his school trip? A a story kook B personal safety and accidentsII.Listening: (Activity3)1Listen and choose1)Who is missing?A T ony B Daming C A and BWhy did Mr Jackson decide to go and look for Tony and Daming?A They had an agreement to stay together B Its going to rainC A a

6、nd B2.Listen carefully and answer the questions1.What happened to Daming?2.When did the accident happen?3.Is it serious?【点拨引导】 (归纳小结)复习总结六大时态 【检测反馈】根据汉语意思完成句子。 他喜欢坐在电影院的后面。He likes sitting _ _ _ _ the cinema. 2.当你有困难时,你可以打电话求助。When you are in trouble, you may _ _ _. 3 .他们几分钟之后就会赶上来。 They _ _ up _ a few minutes. 4.我们最好送 他去医院。We _ _ _ him to hospital.课后反思:_安全提示:安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。


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