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1、1ReviewReview ofof UnitUnit 1-21-2 词句精讲精练词句精讲精练词汇精讲词汇精讲1.1. taketake placeplace(1) take place 意为“举行,进行” 。例如:The football game will take place tomorrow. 足球比赛明天举行。(2) take place 还有“发生;产生”之意。例如:Great changes have taken place in China. 中国已经发生了巨大的变化。【拓展】辨析:take place 与 happen(1) take place 表示“发生、举行、举办” ,

2、一般指非偶然性事件的“发生” ,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。例如:When will the wedding take place? 婚礼什么时候举行?(2) happen 作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件。例如:What happened to you? 你发生了什么事?(一般不说:What did you happen?)【注意】happen 与 take place 通常都没有被动语态。2.2. populationpopulation population 意为“人口”时,是一个集体名词,被看作一个整体,在句中作主语时,后面的谓语动词用单数形式。例如:2Ch

3、ina has a quarter of the worlds population. 中国人口占世界人口的四分之一。【拓展】(1) 当表示一个城市、地区或国家有多少人口时,常用以下两种结构,即“the population of + 某地 + is + 数词”或“某地 + has a population of + 数词” 。例如:The population of London is over ten million. =London has a population of over ten million. 伦敦的人口超过一千万。(2) population 可与 large,small

4、 搭配,但不能与 many,few 搭配。例如:The city with its large population has become crowded.这个人口众多的城市变得拥挤不堪了。(3) 询问人口数量常用 what 或 how large。例如:Whats the population of the city? =How large is the population of the city? 这个城市有多少人口?(4) population 前有修饰词,如分数、百分数时,表示整体人口中的一部分,谓语动词有用复数形式。例如:One half of the population of

5、the city are farmers. 这个城市的一半人口是农民。3.3. offeroffer(1) offer 是动词,意为“主动提供” 。例如: They will offer drinks during the meeting. 会议期间他们将提供饮料。The young man offered an old man his own seat. = The young man offered his own seat to an old man. 那个年轻人把自己的座位让给了一位老人。(2) offer 的常见搭配:offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事offer sb.

6、 sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物 例如:He offered me a glass of wine. 他端给我一杯酒。4.4. satisfysatisfy3(1) 作动词,意为“使满意,使高兴;使满足” 。例如:That answer wont satisfy her. 那个回答不能令她满意。 Our company will do everything to satisfy our customers. 我们公司将尽一切努力令顾客满意。(2)作动词,意为“符合,达到(要求,标准等)” 。例如:You cant apply for the job until

7、 you have satisfied certain conditions. 符合某些条件前,你不能申请这个工作。 【拓展】(1)satisfied 作形容词,意为“满意的” 。常放在系动词后面作表语。例如:Her pride was so fully satisfied.她的虚荣心得到了如此充分的满足。She seemed pretty satisfied with the result.她对那结果似乎相当满意。I felt quite satisfied after my big meal。这顿大餐,我吃得很满意。(2)常用短语搭配:be satisfied with sth. 意为“对

8、很满意(主语为人) ” 。例如:The teacher is satisfied with her homework. 老师对她的作业很满意。 I told myself I would be satisfied with whatever I could get.我告诉自己,不管得到什么我都会心满意足的。One shouldnt be satisfied with only a little success.一个人不应该只因一点小成就而感到满足.5.5. successsuccess success 表示抽象意义的“成功” ,是不可数名词;表示具体意义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数名4词。例

9、如:Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。His new book was a great success.他新出版的书获得了巨大成功。【拓展】(1)succeed 表示“成功” ,是不及物动词;表示做某事成功了,succeed 后通常接(in)doing sth。例如:His plan succeeded.他的计划成功了。At last he succeeded in solving the problem. 他终于把那个问题解决了。She succeeded in (passing) the exam. 她考试及格了。(2)successful

10、 作形容词,意为“成功的” 。例如:The performance was successful. 演出很成功。It was a successful experiment. 那是一次成功的试验。6.6. encourageencourage encourage 用作及物动词,意为“鼓励;鼓舞;促进;助长”等,常用于以下结构:encourage sb. to do sth.意为“鼓励某人做某事” 。例如:The teacher often encourages us to study hard.老师经常鼓励我们要努力学习。My mother encouraged me to enter the

11、 contest. 妈妈鼓励我参加那场比赛。【拓展】(1) encourage sb. in sth. 意为“在方面鼓励/助长某人” 。例如:Dont encourage him in laziness. 别助长他的懒惰行为。(2) encouragement 是 encourage 的名词形式,意为“鼓舞/鼓励” 。例如:The teachers words were a great encouragement to him. 5老师的话对他是极大的鼓舞。7.7. pollutepollutepollute 为及物动词,意为“污染,弄脏” ;pollution 为 pollute 的名词形式

12、,意为“污染” ,是不可数名词。例如:We should not pollute our rivers with waste. 我们不应让废弃物污染我们的河川。Pollution is a big problem. 污染是个大问题。【拓展】含 pollution 的习惯用语:air pollution 空气污染 noise pollution 噪音污染8.8. createcreate create 作动词,意为“创造,创作,创建” 。例如:God creates human beings. 上帝创造了人类。An artist should create beautiful things. 一

13、个艺术家应该创造美丽的东西。It is people who create history. 是人民创造了历史。【拓展】creative 作形容词,意为“有创造性的,有创意的” 。例如: Yoga releases the creative potential in life. 瑜伽释放出生命中创造的潜力。Pay close attention to your own creative ideas. 时刻关注自己创造性的想法。9.9. discoverdiscoverdiscover 是动词,意为“发现” ,其后可接名词、代词、疑问词+不定式及 that 从句等。例如:We never dis

14、covered how to open the box. 我们从未弄清楚如何打开这个盒子。【拓展】(1) discover 意为“发现” ,指有意或无意地发现已经存在尚不为人知的事物。例如:China has discovered oil under the South China Sea. 中国在南海发现了石油。6(2) find 意为“找到、发现” ,指偶然发现或经过一番寻找,找到值得或所需的东西,强调找的结果。例如:I found the book I was looking for. 我找到了一直在找的书。(3) find out 意为“查明白、弄清楚” ,多用于经过调查、分析、研究等

15、手段查出的情况,查出的东西往往是抽象的,如时间、事实、真相等。例如:Please find out when the meeting starts. 请查一下会议什么时候开始。(4) invent 意为“发明”指经过研究、设计而创造出原本未有的东西。例如:Cai Lun invented the paper. 蔡伦发明了纸。10.10. riserise(1)rise 是不及物动词,意为“上升,上涨” 。例如:The sun has not yet risen. 太阳还没升起。 The population of the city has risen to five million. 城市人口

16、已增加到五百万。(2)rise 还表示“起立;起床” 。例如:He rose and left the room. 他站起身走出屋去。I have to rise early tomorrow morning. 我明天必须早起。【拓展】(1)raise 是及物动词,意为“举起,抬起” 。例如:He raised his glass and said, “Your health, Carl.”他举起了杯子说道:“祝你健康,卡尔” 。If you want to ask a question, first raise your hand.如果你要问问题,请先举手。(2)raise 还表示“招募,筹集” 。例如: They are going to raise funds for the school buildings. 他们将为盖校舍筹集资金。The foolish prince raised an army against his father.那个愚蠢的王子招募军队反对他的父亲。7(3)raise 还表示


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