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1、书面表达地理方位介绍写作指导: 对于地理方位的介绍的文章,首要的是抓住方位,确 定要介绍物体或位置的参照物。而在具体写路途的转换 时,句句应衔接,不要有遗漏。同时选择合适的介词和 上下文的连接词,使文章连贯清楚。描写方位方面的句 型以及词汇有: 、main road 主干道 one-way road 单行道 highway main 公路 street 大街 sidewalk 人行道 crossing 人行横道 overhead walkway 天桥 traffic lights信号灯 traffic block (jam) 交通阻塞 2.在拐角处 on/ at the corner of 紧

2、接着next to / beside 在前面in front of 朝走go to 在中心in the centre of 在十字路口at the crossing 在小河那边beyond the river 在街对面cross the street / on the other (opposite) side of the street 顺(沿)走walk (go) down 在尽头at the end of 径直走go straight on 向左拐向turn left into 走左边第三个道口take the 3rd turning on the left 通过广场go across

3、the square 通往lead to 坐落于lie in/ be located in/ be situated in 3. 加拿大在美国北部 Canada lies to the north of American. 台湾在中国的东南部 Taiwan lies in the southeast of China. 写作训练:假定你是李教授的女儿小丽,李教授生病住在 人民医院,他的一位朋友John星期日上午: 要去看望他。请根据下面的示意图,给他写封 短信,告诉他到大众广场后如何去医院。North第二转弯处人民医院警察局大众广场东街公园写作训练一:假定你是李 教授的女儿小丽 ,李教授生病住

4、 在人民医院,他 的一位朋友John 星期日上午 10:00 要去看望 他。请根据下面 的示意图,给他 写封短信,告诉 他到大众广场后 如何去医院。参考范文:Dear John,Im so grateful youre coming to see my father at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. Here is how you can find Peoples Hospital. After you come to the Da Zhong Square, walk northwards till you get to the gate of East Park. Turn

5、 right and walk along the street. It will take you about 5 minutes walk to arrive at the police station. Then walk northwards again and turn right at the second crossing, you will find peoples Hospital in front of you. Ill meet you at the gate of the hospital. Im sure youll have no trouble coming he

6、re. Xiao Li写作训练二:假如你在路上遇见一位外宾,他问你去购 物中心怎么走。购物中心离问路处只需半个 小时,但为了使这位外宾顺利找到购物中心 ,你给他画了下面的一幅草图。现在,请你 根据草图,把给外宾指路的话写下来。内容 不超过100词。(图中 代 表外宾 现在所 在的位 置)参考范文: The shopping centre is not far from here. Its only half an hours walk. Now take the first turning on the left. Then go along Yanan Road. Please turn r

7、ight at the traffic lights. Thats to say, take the second turning on the right. Then youll find a bridge on your left. Cross the bridge and turn left. Then youll find a very large building on your left. Its the shopping center. I am sure you cannt miss it. 介绍一个城市或国家 英语书面表达题在高考中命题形式多样,文体类 型丰富,题材内容非常贴

8、近考生的生活。谈论国 家或城市是我们日常生活中经常遇到的话题,因 此,应该引起一定的重视。 写作时要注意以下几点:1.整理思路。对地理位置、人口、文化、风俗习 惯、历史、工农业生产、旅游景点、地方特色等 做一下统筹安排,找准切入点,使文章重点突出 ,详略得当,结构紧凑,意思明了。2.考虑可能涉及的词汇。如:country, population, culture, custom, agriculture, industry, a place of interest, mountain, pollution 等。3.熟练运用常见句型。如: e.g. 1). As we all know/ Its

9、 well known to all that.2). It lies in / on / toIt is located in3). It covers square kilometers. 4). It has a history / population of 5). It is famous for 6). Sothat/ tooto 4.注意运用and, or, but, however, as well as, whats more, to make matters worse等连词使上 下文连贯;适当运用复合句,倒装,强调句等语 法手段或比喻等修辞手段增加文章的文采。 5.确定文

10、章的格调及时态。 下面的例文通过酒泉沙漠变绿洲的对比,使 我们认识到祖国的伟大、我们的前辈艰苦创业、 吃苦耐劳的精神,以此增强我们的民族自豪感及 拼搏进取精神。 On hearing the manned spacecraft “Shenzhou VI” was launched successfully, we cant help feeling extremely proud. Also we are eager to know what Jiuquan looks like. Jiuquan lies 300 kilometers west of Jiayuguan, a final s

11、top of the Great Wall, which is usually thought to be a place where sand stretches beyond the horizon. It was true that there was nothing here but Gobi desert 30 years ago. But things have been changing and the place has become a pleasant habitat since the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center was set up.

12、 It is hard to imagine a riverside town with flourishing vegetation appearing in this poor desert. Even the desert around it has been turned into an eco- friendly town with flowers, grass and other plants thriving in late autumn. To everyones joy, since 2000, no sandstorm has invaded the area. We st

13、udents should seize every minute to study hard in order to build up a most beautiful homeland for the future. 评析:该文章条理清晰,语言连贯,句与句之间也使 用了有效的连接成分。作者很注意句式的变化,熟练运 用了on hearing, lies, It was true that, It is hard to , to everyones joy, in order to 等词 组、句型及时态的合理变化,显示了较强的基本功。如何写好新闻报道类书面表达 请你根据提示用英语写一篇报道,介绍第十五届全 国书市开幕当天的情况。日期2005年5月18日地点天津人数6万余人(来自全国各地、各行各业业)主要活动动开幕式、科普讲讲座、作者与读读者见见面受欢欢迎图书图书社会科学、儿童读读物、外语语等意义义提供好书书、方便购书购书 、满满足人们们增长长知识识的 愿望。 注意:1、词数:80-120;2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯3、参考词汇:全国书市national Book Fair 开幕式 opening ceremony写作提示:本题要求写第十五届全国书市开幕当天的情况,并谈谈举办书市的意义。应该注意各 要点写全面,时间应基于过去时态来写。


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