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1、英文经典歌曲系列赏析之一The Carpenters(卡朋特)是20世纪70年代活跃在美国的 一个著名演唱小组, 由Karen Carpenter(卡伦卡朋特)和 她的哥哥Richard Carpenter(理查德卡朋特)二人组建。 他们的父亲Bertram Carpenter出生于中国,他们的妈妈 Agnes Reuwer Tatum生于美国的巴尔的摩。1970年他 们凭借一曲靠近你(Close To You)荣登排行榜首,使 得乐队一炮走红。在整个70年代他们不断有佳作问世,成 为无数美国青年的偶像。卡伦的嗓音优美,演唱亲切自然 ,略带伤感,她的歌声具有一种以柔克刚的穿透力,风格 虽然朴素

2、,但决无当今大小歌星哗众取宠的装束和画蛇添 足的舞步,完全靠嗓音征服听众。兄妹两人就是以这种柔 和的摇滚风格享誉着美国歌坛,在他们13年的歌唱生涯中 ,曾获得三次Grammy奖,13次金唱片奖,唱片总销量在 6000万以上。直到1983年2月,卡伦身患神经性厌食症, 最终在深爱她的亲人怀中安然离世。 When I was young, Id listen to _ _, waitin for my favorite _. When they played Id sing along, it made me _. Those were such happy times, and not so l

3、ong ago. How I wondered where theyd gone. But theyre back again, just like a long _ _. All the songs I loved so well. Every Sha-la-la-la, Every Wo-o-wo-o, still shines; Every shing-a-ling-a-ling, that theyre startin to sing so fine. When they get to the _, where hes breakin her _, it can really make

4、 me cry, _ _ _. Its yesterday once more. (Shoobie do lang lang) When I was young, Id listen to the radio, waitin for my favorite songs. When they played Id sing along, it made me smile. Those were such happy times, and not so long ago. How I wondered where theyd gone. But theyre back again, just lik

5、e a long lost friend. All the songs I loved so well. Every Sha-la-la-la, Every Wo-o-wo-o, still shines; Every shing-a-ling-a-ling, that theyre startin to sing so fine. When they get to the part, where hes breakin her heart, it can really make me cry, just like before. Its yesterday once more. (Shoob

6、ie do lang lang) Lookin back on how it was in years _ _, And the _ _ that I had, Makes today seem rather sad. So much has _. It was _ _ _ that I would sing to them. And Id memorize each word, Those old melodies Still sound so good to me, As they melt the years _. Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o S

7、till shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That theyre startin to sing So fine. All my _ _ come back _ to me. Some can _ make me cry. Just like before Its yesterday once more. Lookin back on how it was in years gone by, And the good times that I had, Makes today seem rather sad. So much has changed. It w

8、as songs of love that I would sing to them. And Id memorize each word. Those old melodies still sound so good to me, As they melt the years away. Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o Still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That theyre startin to sing So fine. All my best memories come back clearly to m

9、e. Some can even make me cry. Just like before Its yesterday once more. Notes: (1)melody n. 旋律,曲子,美的音乐,曲调 (2)melt away (使)融化,(使)消散 (3)(3)赏析赏析: (4)这是一首很老歌,但我依然很喜欢它,每每一曲听完 ,泪流满面 每当歌者唱到婉转缠绵之处,都令人 为之黯然神伤,不忍久久聆听,在黑夜里,仿佛有泪滑 落,感叹年华的不再。 简单直白的歌词,悠长高远的 旋律,总需要反复细细品味,都难尽其妙。 那些幽远 的旧日记忆,仿佛一张发黄的旧照片,令人怀念起曾经 有过的少年时光,在对往日的追思中,感到一丝久违的 温馨,但又令人黯然,想要追寻什么,却又无从忆起。 人生如歌,最优美的那段旋律总有结束的时候,一曲终 了,只有在余音袅绕之中,或许还残留着一丝若有若无 的回响


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