医学英语课件special terms for final

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《医学英语课件special terms for final》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《医学英语课件special terms for final(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Special terms 非细菌性感染非细菌性感染 non-bacterial infectionnon-bacterial infection 咽部吸入咽部吸入 pharyngeal aspirationpharyngeal aspiration 免疫力受损的宿主免疫力受损的宿主 an an immunocompromisedimmunocompromised hosthost 胸透所见胸透所见 chest radiographic chest radiographic appearancesappearances 体检体检 physical examinationphysical exa

2、mination 大叶性肺炎大叶性肺炎 lobar pneumonialobar pneumonia 终端支气管终端支气管 terminal bronchusterminal bronchus 肺小叶肺小叶 the lung lobulethe lung lobule 小叶性肺炎小叶性肺炎 lobular pneumonialobular pneumonia 融合性实变融合性实变 confluent consolidationconfluent consolidation 亚段性肺炎亚段性肺炎 subsubsegmental pneumoniasegmental pneumoniaSpecia

3、l terms5B5B 支气管肺段支气管肺段 bronchopulmonarybronchopulmonary segmentsegment 感染因子感染因子 infective agentinfective agent 肺炎链球菌肺炎链球菌 streptococcus streptococcus pneumoniaepneumoniae 病原体病原体 pathogenic organismpathogenic organism 抗微生物治疗抗微生物治疗 antimicrobial therapyantimicrobial therapy 重症监护病房重症监护病房 intensive care

4、 unitsintensive care units 下呼吸道感染下呼吸道感染 lower respiratory tract lower respiratory tract infectioninfection 菌群菌群 bacterial florabacterial flora 上呼吸道上呼吸道 upper airwayupper airway 需氧性革兰氏阴性杆菌需氧性革兰氏阴性杆菌 aerobic gram-negative aerobic gram-negative bacillusbacillus 金黄色葡萄球菌金黄色葡萄球菌 staphylococcus staphylococ

5、cus aureusaureusSpecial terms5B5BSpecial terms6A6A 排泄系统 肾动脉/肾静脉 肾皮质 肾髓质 肾盂 鲍曼氏囊/肾小球囊 近/远曲小管 亨勒袢降支/升支 excretory system renal artery/vein renal cortex renal medulla renal pelvis Bowmans capsule proximal/distal tubule descending/ascending arm of the loop of Henles 肾结石 kidney stone 急性肾绞痛 acute renal col

6、ic 腹部放射检查 abdominal radiology 下行性尿路造影术 excretory urography 结石晶体 stone-forming crystals 平片 a plain film 造影剂 a contrast medium 集尿系统 the collecting system 逆行性尿路造影术 retrograde urography 计算机X线断层摄影扫描 CT scanningCT scanning 磁共振线显像 magnetic resonance imagingSpecial TermsSpecial Terms6B6B 止痛 pain relief 急性阻塞

7、阶段 acute phases of obstruction 抗生素治疗 antibiotic therapy 尿路感染 urinary infection 过滤尿液 strain urine 在发作期间 during an attack 长期的预防措施 long-term preventive measures 排出/去除肾结石 pass/remove kidney stones 防止复发 prevent recurrence 结石形成 stone formationSpecial TermsSpecial Terms6B6B 尿检 urine tests 血液化学分析 blood chem

8、istries 结石分析 stone analysis 潜在的病情 underlining disease conditions 足够的饮水 adequate fluid intake 改变饮食 dietary changes 草酸钙结石 calcium oxalate stones 噻嗪类利尿剂 thiazide diuretics 尿钙的排泄 urinary calcium excretion 分段吸收 fractional absorption 肠内的钙吸收 intestinal calcium absorptionSpecial TermsSpecial Terms6B6B 尿液的pH

9、值 the pH of the urine 二价/三价磷酸盐 the divalent/trivalent forms of urine phosphate 尿酸结石 uric acid stones 钾碱盐 potassium alkali salts 输尿管镜摘除法 ureteroscopic removal 经皮摘除法 percutaneous removal 体外碎石术 extracorporeal lithotripsy 鸟粪石 struvite stones 在荧光镜引导 under fluoroscopic guidanceSpecial TermsSpecial Terms6B

10、6B 肾盂 renal pelvis 电动液压/超声波碎石器 electrohydraulic/ultrasonic lithotriptor 体外冲击波碎石 extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy 肾盏 renal calix 输尿管上部1/3 the upper third of the ureter 声冲击波 acoustic shock waves 输尿导管 a ureteral catheter 输尿管阻塞 ureteral obstructionSpecial TermsSpecial Terms6B6B 消化系统 Digestive syste

11、m 唾液腺 Salivary glands 消化酶 Digestive enzymes 盐酸 Hydrochloric acidsSpecial terms7A7A 肽键 Peptide bonds 消化性溃疡 Peptic ulcer 核酸 Nucleic acids 胆盐 Bile saltsSpecial terms7A7A 胆色素 Bile pigments 脂肪小球 Fat globules 质膜 Plasma membrane 氨基酸 Amino acidsSpecial terms7A7ASpecial terms 肠梗阻 Intestinal obstruction/Ileus

12、 机械性梗阻/麻痹性梗阻 Mechanical/Paralytic obstruction 死亡率 Mortality rate 外疝 External hernia 腹股沟疝 Inguinal hernia7B7B 股疝 Femoral hernia 脐疝 Umbilical hernia 术后粘连 Postoperative adhesions 牵引力 Traction force 单纯性梗阻/绞窄性梗阻 Simple/ Strangulated obstructionSpecial terms7B7B 无动力性肠梗阻 Adynamic ileus 腹腔手术 Abdominal surgery 肠缺血 Intestinal ischemia 骨盆骨折 Pelvic fractures 电解质失衡 Electrolyte imbalanceSpecial terms7B7B 腹部鼓胀 Abdominal distention 高音蠕动 High-pitched peristalsis 蠕动波 Peristaltic rushes 绞痛 Colicky pain 鼻胃管抽吸 Nasogastric suctionSpecial terms7B7B


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