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1、Unit 9 Health CareA Helping HandStep One Necessary Expressions 1.被诊断出 2.每月300元的收入 3.从银行贷款 4.3个月以后5.医疗保健项目 6.得以及时治疗 7.为某人办保险 8.低收入家庭 9.为提供入院或诊疗的方便10.探索发展新模式 11.满足最基本的需求 12.给施加压力be diagnosed with an income of 300 yuan per month take a bank loan three months later (in three months, after three months)

2、a health care project receive treatment in time get insurance for sb. low-income familiesprovide easy access to hospitals and clinics for sb. explore and develop a new model cover the most fundamental needs put pressure on sb.13.陷入贫困 14.照顾 15.一系列计划 16.对认真 17.应对挑战be forced into poverty care for a ser

3、ies of programmes be serious aboutStep Two Proper Verb Forms 1.Wang is a _(lay off) worker ._(make)matters worse, he had a son in college.laid-offTo make2.A health care project provides treatment athalf the cost or less,_ (depend) on theneeds of the patients.depending3.The project is one of the many

4、 government pro-grammes_(aim) at improving the situationfor the poorest people in China.aimedmeet the challenge4.The project_(design) to encourage healthcare reform and_(reduce) poverty.is designed reduce5.The number of _(infect) people in Chinacould reach 10 million by 2020.infected6.The Chinese go

5、vernment has vowed_(provide) free AIDS tests for the general public as well as free treatment for those who cannot afford it.to provideStep Three Sentence Patterns 1.He was able to receive treatment in time to preventprevent the disease ruining his health. 2. If I had had insurance, this sickness wo

6、uldnt havecaused such a big problem.stopHad I had insurance, 3.They cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchasemedicines from a chemist when they get sick,_(他们也不能) make sure that their children keep ahealthy diet.nor can they 4. As our society develops, we must also rememberthe responsibilities. W

7、ith the development of society; With our society developing Step Four Choices 1.When problems (arise, rise), we must work togetherto try to solve them. 2.If low-income families cannot afford to purchasemedical insurance, (which, aswhich, as) was the case withWangLin, other measures to reduce poverty

8、 will notsucceed. 3.The funds are limited and it is not possible forthe government to meet all the needs, but a seriesof programmes and the development of local andnationwide health care networks are signs (that,which) the government is serious about health care.Practice:1._ is reported in the newsp

9、aper , talks betweenthe two countries are making progress.A.It B.As C.That D.What 2.My hometown is no longer the same _ it usedto be.A.what B.that C.which D.asAD3.The meeting , _ was held in the park , wasa success . 4.The meeting was a success ,_ was expected.whichas 5.She has married again , _ was

10、 expected. 6.She has married again ,_ was unexpected.a sas which; http:/ CPP流延膜厂家 wld51xoy 从院子里走来,走进一看,才看清来人正是被分配到七王爷府里的春兰。“春兰,你怎么来了?”“先别管我了,王爷是不是还把自己关在屋子 里不出来?”“是啊,王爷都把自己关在屋子里三天三夜了,连着几日不上朝,连太后的晨昏定省都给免了,刚刚皇上身边的夏公公还来传旨说 皇上要召见王爷,晚了要是皇上大怒,我们王爷不就完了?”“既然你知道事情这么严重,那还站着干嘛?”“春兰姐,我不站着还能干嘛?王 爷又不让我进去。”“他不让你进你就

11、真不进去啊?万一他有个什么三长两短,没等你主子怪罪,皇上先怪罪下来了。给我把门踹开。”“踹, 踹开!这样不好吧?”“不好,有什么不好的?出了事我替你担着,踹吧!”“好,那我踹了啊。”只听啪的一声,门被踹开,房间里熏天的 酒气传了出来。司马昭懿趴倒在桌子上,应该是喝多了。“王爷,这”无痕看着这样的情况一时不知道该说些什么,春兰看见顿时气不打一 处来。抄起堂上的茶壶,对着司马昭懿的脸就狠狠的浇下去,司马昭懿顿时清醒,破口就喊:“哪个混蛋敢对本王如此无礼,给我拉下去” 看见是春兰突然又改口:“春兰姐,你怎么在这?”“酒醒了?要是没醒我继续给你浇水,让你一次喝个够。”“春兰姐,够了。”“我知道你 内心

12、的哭,可我们谁又不是?平妃娘娘在天之灵看见你这个样子她也不会开心的,我们要为她报仇,你就要好好振作起来才对,你明白吗,王爷 ?”“报仇?哼,我拿什么报仇,我连仇人都不知道在哪?”“不,我告诉你。是皇上害死的平妃娘娘,因为他要给他最爱的雪皇贵妃报仇,而 雪皇贵妃就是雪城纪莫生的嫡亲女儿。难道你忘了你母亲是怎么死的吗?”“不,我没忘,我没忘。”“既然这样,你就给我振作起来,不然你 只会让亲者痛仇者快,你明白吗?”司马昭懿突然沉默了,但是原本灰暗的眼神又开始燃起了希望的光,渐渐的灼目。“无痕,随我进宫。”“ 王爷,您不换下衣服?”“不必了,耽误了这许久,想必父皇早就等不及了,既然如此,何必呢?”“是,属下这就去牵马。” 司马昭懿赶到御 书房已经是一个时辰后了。皇帝的表情严肃,御笔朱批着奏章,眉头紧皱不舒。司马自从通传进来就一直站着,虽头发凌乱,但玄色衣服更加衬 托的他挺拔硬朗,像是一副铮铮铁骨,父子俩就这么僵持着。终于,皇帝放下了最后一本奏折。“你知道朕为什么叫你来吗?”“儿臣不知? ”“你还知道你是儿臣啊?朕以为皇儿不知何为君何为臣了。”“儿臣不该,那父皇又怎么知道,何为父何为子?”“混账,这是你该跟朕说话 的态度?”“在你杀了我母亲和姨母之后,我再无父。”“孽障,孽障啊来人,给朕把七皇子拖去殿外跪着,无朕的命令不许起来,任


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