笔记符号 同声传译

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《笔记符号 同声传译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《笔记符号 同声传译(86页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 一、图形符号 二、人体行为符号 三、标点符号 四、数学符号 五、中文符号 六、谐音符号笔记符号七、化学符号 八、生物符号 九、地图标识 十、英文符号 十一、货币符号 十二、其他符号 十三、关联词/路标词state, kingdom, country, nation, national, federalcity, metropolis, cosmopolis, metropolitan, urban, municipal village, farm, outskirt, countryside, suburban, rural areas 右上角:人 右下角:地方、地名、机构一. 图形符号ci

2、tizen, urban residents / inhabitantsfarmer, peasant, rancher, agriculturist领导,监督; 顶点,顶级,最 lead, supervise, head, peak, top, supreme, utmost, maximum, climaxuniversal, worldwide, international, transnational, global, transcontinental, all over the world, across boundaries多国,其他国家 other countries国民经济 n

3、ational economydomestic, native, internal, interior, at home foreign, overseas, abroad, alien, exotic, out of the country, beyond seas, in the foreign landin and out of the country, at home and abroad进口 import出口 export进出口 import & export飞行员 pilot飞机场 airport中国人 Chinese people经济实体 economic entity,econ

4、omist金融家,金融机构 financial institutionboss, leader, chairman, ruler, chief, manager, president, majesty, governor, director, supervisor, monitor国家领导人,政府首脑 state leader 广场 square, plaze 宏观调控,macro-control首都 capital city1. 重要 2.important, significant, key, critical, 3.crucial, essential, vital, eventful,

5、 4.principal, core, of great importance/ 5.significance/ consequence3. 主要 main, chief, primary, major, dominant, overwhelming 4. 精彩 wonderful, terrific, splendid, fantastic, marvelous 2. 杰出 great, well-known, outstanding, remarkable, excellent, perfect, brilliant, distinguished, notable, eminent, pr

6、omising, prominent, prestigious, glorious, noteworthy, 5. 强调 emphasize, focus, underline, underscore stress, highlight, spotlight, accentuatefocus on, lay emphasis/stress on attach importance to, pay attention tothe most important1. 特点,特色,特征 mark, feature, character, symbol, sign, characteristic, sp

7、eciality peculiarity, attribute2. 代表 represent, symbolize, typify, stand for, on behalf of1. 整体,全部,总共 whole, all, total, entire, complete, overall general, universal, integral, gross, intact,on the whole, all in all2. 团结,统一,团聚 united, unification, gather, get together所有国家所有人,人民群众主权和领土完整 sovereignty

8、and territorial integrity会议 meeting, forum, session, seminar, conference, symposium, committee, association, parliament, council峰会 summit (meeting)1. 关联 link to, connect with, relate to, associate with2. 替代 replace, displace, supplant, substitute instead of, take the place of 1. 交流,交换 exchange, inte

9、ract, communicate2. 关系 interaction, relation, relationship partnership双边关系,bilateral relationship多边关系,multilateral relationship举杯,祝贺,协议,条约 toast, agreement, treaty, contract Convention, revolution双边协议,bilateral agreement多边协议,multilateral agreement发展,develop, development发达的,developed发展中的,developing1.

10、 开始 begin, start, initiate, open, originate, launch, pioneer commence, inaugurate2. 形成,产生,出现 establish, found, create, appear, emerge, occur, come out, break out, come into being / existence 3. 医疗卫生 Red Cross, hospital, medical care medical institution禁止,结束 end, conclude, complete, cease, stop, clos

11、e, terminate, expire, halt, over, pause, turn off, switch off, break up make an end of, bring to an end, bring to a conclusion道路,方法 method, way, road, means, measure approach, manner, access, route, course mode, by means of, by way of1. 歪曲 twist, distortion of fact2. 困难,挫折 difficulty, hardship, trou

12、ble, painful, tough, frustration, setback远 far away近 near, close台阶,进步 step by step, progress, advance make progress过去, 历史 in the past, history昨天 yesterday上个月 last month去年 last year前所未有的,unprecedented长久以来,很久以前,long before未来,将要, in the future改变,变化,改革,修改 change, transform果实,成果 fruit, result, accomplish

13、ment achievement1. (使)消失,废除,删除 delete, exclude, dismiss, erase disappear, vanish, extinct, remove abolish, get rid of, wipe out2. 破坏,推翻,剥夺,取缔 destroy, ruin, collapse, overthrow demolish, deprive, 4. 倒闭,下岗 bankrupt, lay off, resign, retire5. 死亡,已故的 kill, murder, die, pass away, the late 6. 解决,达到,实现 o

14、vercome, settle, solve, address, realize, achieve, accomplish, fulfill3. 抛弃,放弃 abandon, desert, discard二. 人体行为符号 smile, happy, glad, pleased, excited in a good moodunhappy, sad, unsatisfied, angry, in a bad moodQ1. 说 tell, state, announce, express, claim, address, declare, argue, vow, explain, Intro

15、duce, report2. 评论 comment, remark, evaluate appraise, review开罗宣言,Cairo Manifesto赞扬 speak highly of, praise批评 criticize众说纷纭,若干说法 various opinions改革开放 reform and opening up爱,关心 love, concern, care about吓唬,威胁 scare, threaten1. 听, listen to 2. 开放, be open to:1. 看 ,面对 observe, view, glance, stare, notice

16、 glimpse, scan, skim, witness, gaze2. 想 think, consider, regard, conceive ponder, suppose, imagine, meditate speculate, contemplate3. 揭示,显示,看出 show, suggest, indicate, reveal, discover, reflect 1. 来 come 2. 收到 ,受到 receive 3. 需要,缺少 need, require, want, be short of, 4. 邀请,应邀 invite, on invitation 愿意接受 accept with pleasure1. 卖 sell 2. 获利 make a profit1. 去,到 go 2. 引起,导致,为了 result in,



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