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1、十种常见的善意谎言 及背后真相 Everyone tells a white lie on occasion, its just a question of why. Some white lies save relationships, some ease a hectic situation, and others buy us time. We all do it, so there is no reason to deny it. As long as we arent hurting others or breaking the law, these innocent lies ca

2、n make life more pleasant. Most of these white lies only stretch aninterpretation of what the truth actually is anyways. Heres a list of the 10most common white lies and why we tell them我们每个人都会说些善意的谎言,这毫无疑 问,问题在于为什么我们要这么做。有些善 意的谎言可以挽救我们的关系,有些可以缓 解忙碌的处境,还有些可以为我们赢得时间 。我们每个人都在说善意的谎言,我们没有 理由去否定这个事实。只要不会

3、伤害到其他 人,不会触犯法律,这些善意的谎言是会让 我们的生活更美好的。大多数善意的谎言都 是我们对于真相的另一种延伸的阐释。1.It wasnt me! Because some things just arent worth taking credit for。谎言1:不是我!说谎原因:有些事情不值得我们去邀 功。2.Yeah, Ill start working on that ASAP! Because telling you I have 10 things to do first would just irritate you。谎言2:好的,我会尽快开工的!说谎原因:如果我 告诉你

4、在做你要求的这件事之前,我还有10件事要做的话 ,你肯定会抓狂的。3.Oh, yeah. That makes sense. Because option B involves admitting that I am clueless。谎言3:是的,这挺有道理的。说谎原因: 方案二会让我显得毫无头绪。4.Thank you so much! I just love it! Because telling someone that their gift sucked would make me look like an insensitive jerk。谎言4:太感谢了!我很喜欢!说谎原因: 告

5、诉别人他们送的礼物一团糟会让我看起来像是 冷血的混蛋。5.ah, you look great in that dress. Because its better than being slapped。谎言5:你穿这条裙子真好看。说谎原因:总比说真 话被别人扇耳光要好吧。6.Im 29. Because 29 is like 20 years younger than 30.谎言6:我29岁。说谎原因:29岁听起来比30岁要年 轻多了。7.Yes, John was with me last night. Because thats what friends do we agree and a

6、sk questions later。谎言7:没错,约翰昨晚是和我在一起。说谎原因 :这就是朋友该做的事。等下我们两个还要通通气 ,以免穿帮。8.My resume is 5 pages long for a good reason. Because Im darn good at bullshittin!谎言8:我写了5页的简历,那是因为我足够好。 说谎原因:我就是个不折不扣的话唠!9.Yeah, I was a badass on my high school football team! Because I want to be seen by others in an even stronger light than I see myself。谎言9:对,我在高中足球队里就是个捣蛋鬼!说谎原 因:我想让自己在别人的眼里更加闪亮。10.I thought I already sent that email out. Im sure I did. Because telling you that it was a low priority and I forgot would probably hurt our relationship。谎言10:我以为我早就把邮件发出去了。我真的发过了 。说谎原因:如果告诉你我觉得这事不重要,我把这事忘 了,就会伤害到我俩的关系了。


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