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1、化合物的英文命名Nomenclature of compounds1一 无机物的命名(Inorganic compounds)1 元素与单质的命名“元素”和“单质”的英文意思都是“element”, 有时为了区别,在强调“单质”时可用“free element”。因此,单质的英文名称与元素的英文 名称是一样的。下面给出的既是元素的名称,同 时又是单质的名称。2S-block ElementIA H HydrogenLi LithiumNa SodiumK Potassium Rb RubidiumCs CesiumFr FranciumIIABe Beryllium Mg Magnesium

2、Ca Calcium Sr Strontium Ba Barium Ra Radium3IIIA IV A V A B Boron C Carbon N NitrogenAl Aluminum Si Silicon P Phosphorus Ga Gallium Ge Germanium As Arsenic In Indium Sn Tin Sb AntimonyTl Thallium Pb Lead Bi Bismuth P-block ElementVIA VIIA 0He Helium O Oxygen F Fluorine Ne Neon S Sulfur Cl Chlorine A

3、r Argon Se Selenium Br Bromine Kr Krypton Te Tellurium I Iodine Xe Xenon Po Polonium At Astatine Rn Radon4Common Transition ElememtFe : iron Mn : manganese Cu: copper Zn: zinc Hg: mercury Ag: silver Au: gold52 化合物的命名化合物的命名顺序都是根据化学式从左往右读 ,这与中文读法顺序是相反的。表示原子个数时 使用前缀 (1)mono-,(2)di -,(3)tri- ,(4)tetra ,

4、(5)penta- (6)hexa-,(7)hepta-, (8)octa-,(9)nona -,(10)deca-,但是在不会引起歧义时,这些前缀都 尽可能被省去。6Naming metal ions (cations) formetal oxides, bases and salts1. Single valence ionsCations name = Elementfor example:Na+ Sodium Al3+ AluminumK+ Potassium Ca2+ Calcium72.Multivalence ionsCations name = Element(N)For ex

5、ample:Fe2+ Iron(II) or Ferrous Fe3+ Iron(III) or FerricCr2+ Chromium(II)Cr3+ Chromium(III)Mn4+ Manganese(IV)Mn2+ Manganese(II)8对于有变价的金属元素,除了可用前缀来表示以外,更 多采用 罗马数字来表示金属的氧化态,或用后缀-ous表示低价,-ic表 示高价。如 FeO: iron(II) oxide 或 ferrous oxide Fe2O3: iron (III) oxide或ferric oxideCu2O: copper(I) oxide 或cuprous oxi

6、de CuO: copper(II) oxide或cupric oxide9Naming nonmetal ions (anions)1. Monatomic anions Anions name = Elements root -ideFor example:Cl- Chloride O= Oxide Br- Bromide OH- HydroxideI- Iodide CN- CyanideS= Sulfide H- Hydride 102. Polyatomic oxyanions(1). Acid radicals for normal salt (正酸根 -ate )Anions n

7、ame = Central Elements root - atefor example:ClO3- Chlorate IO3- IodatePO43- Phosphate NO3- NitrateSO42- Sulfate CO32- Carbonate 11(2). Acid radicals for meta-salts (亚酸根 -ite )Anions name = Central elements root -itefor example:ClO2- Chlorite IO2- IoditePO33- Phosphite NO2- NitriteSO32- Sulfite 12(3

8、). Acid radicals for hypo-salts (次酸根 - ite ) Anions name = Hypo- Central elements root -ite for example:ClO- Hypochlorite IO- HypoioditePO23- Hypophosphite 13(4). Acid radicals for persalts (高酸根Per -ate )Anions name =Per-central Elements root -atefor example:ClO4- Perchlorate IO4- PeriodateMnO4- Per

9、manganate 14Naming compounds1. Metal oxideMetal oxide = Cation + oxidefor example:FeO Iron(II) oxide (Ferrous oxide)Fe2O3 Iron(III) oxide (Ferric oxide)Fe3O4 Ferroferric oxidePb3O4 Trilead tetroxideNa2O2 Sodium peroxide152. Nonmetal oxideNonmetal oxide = n-Nonmetal element + n-oxide for example:CO C

10、arbon monoxideCO2 Carbon dioxideSO3 Sulfur trioxideN2O3 Dinitrogen trioxideP2O5 Diphosphorus pentoxide N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide (tetra-,mono-后缀中的a,o在后一o之前省去) 有些物质常用俗称,如NO: nitric oxide N2O: nitrous oxide16非金属氢化物除了水和氨气使用俗称water,ammonia以外,其它的非金属氢化 物都用系统名称,命名规则根据化学式的写法不同而有所不同。(1)对于卤族和氧族氢化物,在化学式中写在前面,因

11、此将其看成 与另一元素的二元化合物。举例: HF hydrogen fluoride HCl hydrogen chlorideHBr hydrogen bromide HI hydrogen iodide H2S hydrogen sulfide H2Se hydrogen selenide H2Te hydrogen telluride(2)对于其它族的非金属氢化物,在化学式中写在后面,可加后缀- ane,氮族还可加-ine举例: PH3: phosphine或phosphane AsH3: arsine或arsane SbH3: stibine或stibane BiH3: bismuth

12、aneCH4: methane SiH4: silane B2H6: diborane17无氧酸命名规则:hydro-词根-ic acid举例: HCl: hydrochloric acidH2S : hydrosulfuric acid183. BasesBase = Metal cation + hydroxidefor example:Al(OH)3 Aluminum hydroxideNaOH Sodium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 Calcium hydroxideBa(OH)2 Barium hydroxideCo(OH)2 Cobalt(II) hydroxide194.盐(Salts)(1). 正盐(Normal salt) :根据化学式从左 往右分别读出阳离子和阴离子的名称。Normal salt = Cation + anion for example:HgSO4 Mercury(II) sulfateHg2SO4 Mercury(I) sulfateKNO3 Potassium nitrateNa2CO3 So



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