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1、 Text ADeath of a Real Superman听力练习6Question 1 about its specialties: na. Do you have any specialties?nb. What kind of specialties do you serve?nc. Are there any particular specialties that you serve?Question 2 about the parking lot:na. Do you have a parking lot?nb. Is it convenient to park my car?

2、Question 3 about the location:听力练习6na. Where is your restaurant?nb. What is your address?听力部分:练习8nConversation 1: nThe French and the Chinese are considered to have the best cuisines another French word in the world. Since most early Americans were of European origin, we adopted French terminology f

3、or our menus.nConversation 2:n Listen, Ive got an idea. Instead of making a lot of separate dishes, how about a Mongolian hot pot dinner?听力部分:练习8nConversation 3: nIt was delicious. That steamed fish was my favorite! And your service is excellent. Can I put it on my credit card? 练习9:Suggested Present

4、ation:From the chart, we can see that people jump from job to job at different rates. The rate has much to do with years of work experience. The more work experience people have, the more likely they will move from job to job. n Those with over 10 years of work experience have the highest rate of jo

5、b jumping. It is almost 10 times higher than that of newcomers who have worked less than a year. Well-seasoned workers are the ones most likely to change their minds. 练习9n In todays changing world, people dont usually stay at one job in their whole life. They tend to move from one position to the ne

6、xt because they have a strong desire to grow and develop. Needing to challenge themselves, people find it difficult to stay satisfied with what they already have. They like to move out of or beyond their current financial, academic and/or social situation. This makes them feel their life is worthwhi

7、le. 练习9n Everything is always changing. Nothing ever stands still in the world. Human beings are part of this movement. Not only do they have to adapt to the changing times, but also they have to feel theyre not left behind. It is understandable that people tend to jump from job to job. Growth, chan

8、ge and transformation are part of human nature.New words of Text An1.cardiac: a. of or relating to the heart or heart disease:心脏的,心脏病的n1)心脏病cardiac disease 2)心搏停止cardiac arrest/failuren2. flash : n. sudden bright burst of light or flame 闪光;闪烁n1) 一道闪电照亮了夜空。nA flash of lightening lit up the night sky.

9、 n2)一线希望a flash of hopenAdj: flashy : (flashier, flashiest) a. 闪光的 ,闪烁的;俗艳的,显眼的nE.g我只要一辆性能可靠的轿车,不要华而不 实的那种。nI just want a good reliable car, nothing flashy.n3.two-dimensional:a. having or appearing to have length and breadth but no depth.n 二维的,平面的;没有深度的n1)这是一个平面卡通片。nThis is a two-dimensional cartoon

10、. n2)这是一部描写没有深度的小说。nThis is a two-dimensional novel.n4.adversity:n. unfavorable conditions; trouble:逆境,不幸,厄运n1)好朋友不会在你处于逆境时离你而去。A good friend will not desert you in times of adversity.n2)他面临逆境没有放弃。He didnt give up in the face of adversity.n5.define:vt: show or explain what (sth) is or means, or what

11、 its limits are:给下定义, 解释,界定nE.g1)当国与国之间的国界未明确划定时, 通常会有麻烦。When boundaries between countries are not clearly defined, there is usually trouble. n2)词典能给词下定义。A dictionary can define words.n6.paralysis:n.loss of ability or strength to move some or all parts of the body:麻痹, 瘫痪nE.g1) 双腿瘫痪nParalysis of both

12、 legsn2)战争期间这个国家的经济陷入瘫痪。nDuring the war, the country ran into economic paralysis. n7.beacon:any light for warning or guiding; person or thing that warns, offers encouragement or guidance, etc:1)灯塔,灯标,2)指路人3)(导航)无线 电信标台nE.g这一新的教育计划为这些孩子们提供了 一座希望之灯。The new education program offers a beacon of hope to

13、these children. 航标灯A navigation beaconn8.dreary: adj: that makes one sad or depressed; dismal; gloomy: 令人沮丧的 ,阴沉的,阴郁的nE.g1)音乐能使忧郁的心振作起来。Music can cheer a dreary mind up. 2)今天天气很阴沉。It is dreary today.nPhrases and expressionsn1.cant /couldnt help but do sth;be unable to stop doing sth:不得不做某事,不 由得做某事,禁

14、不住做某事nE.g1)她忍不住笑了起来。She couldnt help but smile.n2)我不得不赞赏他的勇气。I cant help but admire his courage.注意:but 后需接原形动词。 n2.break down: give way to emotion or tears:感情失去控制,痛哭起来nE.g在为儿子的死提供证据时,他两次 失声痛哭。He broke down twice when giving evidence on his sons death. Break down 意思汇总:1)(机器或车 辆)出故障,坏掉;2)失败;3)被 搞垮,垮掉4

15、)情不自禁地哭起来5) 划分成部分(以便分析)n3.slip into: fall into: to pass into a particular state or situation, especially a difficult or unpleasant one陷入,进入 (不愉快或困难的处境)nE.g 1)He began to slip into debt.n2)The patient had slipped into a coma.n3)We seem to have slipped behind schedule.n我们好像已经赶不上日程安排了。练习9:翻译n1. He was

16、no doubt a great hero so people couldnt help but cry over his death.n2. The actor used his celebrity status to fund research that might someday yield a cure for AIDS.n3. The disabled man once considered suicide to relieve his family of the heavy burden.n练习九 4. Children dress up as Superman to capture adults attention.n5. It wasnt until I matured that I real


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