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1、英文摘要的写作 概述 n文章摘要是对所写文章主要内容的精炼概括。美国人称摘 要为“Abstract”,而英国人则喜欢称其为“Summary”。n国际会议要求的论文摘要的字数不等,一般为200字-500 字。而国际刊物要求所刊登的论文摘要的字数通常是100 字-200字。摘要的位置一般放在一篇文章的最前面,内容 上涵盖全文,并直接点明全旨。语言上要求尽量简炼。摘 要通常多采用第三人称撰写。 n科学书籍、论文和学术报告一般都附有内容摘要,这样可 以节省读者的时间,使他们不必读完整个文章就能够了解 它的主要内容。书籍摘要,一般放在封二或封三;论文和 学术报告的摘要,一般放在正文前面。 摘要的分类和组

2、成n陈述性的(Descriptive):陈述性摘要只陈述书籍或文章的主题,不介绍内容。n资料性的(informational):资料性的摘要除了介绍主题外,还应介绍文章的要点和各个要点的主要内容。 点明主题,解析文章或书籍的目的或意图; 介绍主要内容,使读者迅速了解文章或书籍的概貌; 提出结论或建议,以供读者参考陈述型论文摘要示例ABSTRACT(1) This issue presents a complete survey on the immunog- lobulin,and cellular expression patterns on resident cells and graft

3、 infiltrating cells in human stomach, heart ,and lung transplants. (2) It describes the patterns of cellular expression and inducibility in different pathological conditions of the graft. (3) It also discusses the implications for the organ specific appearance of inflammatory reactions in human stom

4、ach, heart and lung transplants as for immunosuppressive and therapeutic interventions信息型论文摘要示例ABSTRACTThis article reviews the past achievements in agricultural mechanization and aims to predict the developments in the immediate future.It is acknowledged that to cope with greater crop output, it is

5、 necessary to make use of more powerful equipment that is capable of more extensive work within the limited time.The main problems are discussed under the following headings.1)General Trend of Mechanization2)Mechanization of Crop Farming3)Mechanization of Animal HusbandryThe article concludes that f

6、urther progress of agricultural mechanization depends on, to a great extent the development of mechanical industry, which should be spurred and encouraged.Air quality impacts of speed-restriction zones for road trafficBethan Owen*Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metr

7、opolitan University, Chester Street, Manchester M1 5GD, UKnAbstractnThis study investigates the air quality impacts of six 20 mph zones implemented in the North West of England. A monitoring study has been undertaken to measure the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and benzene in ambient air

8、both before and after the implementation of the zones. An emissions estimation and simple dispersion modelling study has also been undertaken using traffic survey data collected at the zones at corresponding periods. The ambient air quality measurements and the modelling predictions did not show any

9、 significant impacts after implementation of the 20 mph zones.常见的摘要句型 n1)This paper deals with.n2)This article focuses on the topics of (that,having,etc).n3)This essay presents knowledge that.n4)This thesis discusses.n5)This thesis analyzes.n6)This paper provides an overview of.n7) This paper elabor

10、ates on .n8)This article gives an overview of.n9)This article compares.and summarizes key findings.n10) This paper includes discussions concerning.n11) This paper presents up-to-date information on.n12) This article covers the role of chemicals in.n13) This paper addresses important topics including

11、.n14) This paper touches upon.n15) This paper strongly emphasizes.n16) This essay represents the proceedings of .n17) This article not only describes.but also suggests.n18) This paper considersn19) This paper provides a method of .n20) This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze.n21) Th

12、is paper offers the latest information regarding.n22) This paper is devoted to examining the role of.n23) This article explores.n24) This paper expresses views on.n25) This paper reflects the state of the art in.n26) This paper explains the procedures for.n27) This paper develops the theory of .n28)

13、 This article reviews the techniques used in.破题用语,一般有:nThe author of this article reviews (or: discusses, describes, summarizes,examines)somethingnThis article reviews (or:reports, tells of, is about, concerns) something.nThis article has been prepared (or: designed,written).nThe purpose of this art

14、icle is to determine something.nThe problem of something is discussed .结论和建议,一般有以下几种写法:nThe author suggests (recommends, concludes) that.nThis article shows that.nIt is suggested that.nThe authors suggestion (or: conclusion )is that nThe author finds it necessary to .语言特征标题u标题的结构 短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语(noun

15、 phrase)最常见例如:The Frequent Bryophytes in the Mountain Helanshan(贺兰 山习见苔藓植物);Thermodynamic Characteristics of Water Absorption of Heattreated Wood(热处理木材水分吸收的热力学特性)。题名一般不应是陈述句,因为题名主要起标示作用,而陈述句容易使 题名具有判断式的语义;况且陈述句不够精练和醒目,重点也不易突 出。少数情况(评述性、综述性和驳斥性)下可以用疑问句做题名,因 为疑问句可有探讨性语气,易引起读者兴趣。例如:Can Agricultural Mec

16、hanization be Realized Without Petroleum?(农业机械化能离开石油吗?)。 u题名的字数。题名不应过长。国外科技期刊一般对题名字数有所限制 。因此,题名应确切、简练、醒目,在能准确反映论文特定内容的前 提下,题名词数越少越好。 u中英文题名的一致性。同一篇论文,其英文题名与中文题名内容上应 一致,但不等于说词语要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的 词可以省略或变动。例如:工业湿蒸汽的直接热量计算,The Direct Measurement of Heat Transmitted Wet Steam。英文题名的直译中译文是“由湿蒸汽 所传热量的直接计量”,与中文题名相比较,二者用词虽有差别,但内容上是一致的。 u题名中的冠词。在早年,科技论文题名中的冠词用得较多,近些年有简 化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可不用。例如:The Effect of Groundwater Quality on the Wheat Yield an


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