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1、 The Lord of the Rings1). When did the story happen? 2). Why is the Ring important to the story? 3). How did the story end?1) When does the story happen?The story takes place in a world called Middle Earth.2) Why is the ring important to the story?3) How did the story end?Because any creature who po

2、ssesses the ring has great power. The ring was destroyed. The Fellowship of the RingThe Two TowersThe Return of the KingJ R R TolkeinThe Lord of the RingsThe Two TowersThe Return of the Kingin Middle earthhuman, elves, hobbits, dwarves, Sauron, a wicked wizardGollumelfdwarfCareful-reading1. In what

3、ways is Middle Earth different from our world?Different creatures live there, and wizards who can do magic.2. Explain how the ring is important to the story.The ring can control all other things and give the owner power over the whole of Middle Earth. 1. What do you think of the book? Why do you thi

4、nk so? 2. Do you know a Chinese story about a ring with magical power? If you do, what is the story about? Explain in two or three sentences. Post-reading activity1. All three parts of the story have been made into very successful films. 这个故事已经被拍成了三部非常成功的电影。 film作名词, 影片, 电影(可数)胶片(可数, 不可数)。例如:1) 我们看了

5、一场好电影。2) 在电影正式上演前, 先放了几个短片。 3) 她一直想从事电影工作。 4) 我刚刚在相机里安上胶卷。 我们看了一场好电影。2) 在电影正式上演前, 先放了几个短片。We saw a good film. A number of shorts were shown before the feature film. 3) 她一直想从事电影工作。 4) 我刚刚在相机里安上胶卷。She always wanted to work in films. Im just putting a roll of film in my camera. 2. Human are only one of

6、 the creatures who exist at this time. 人类仅仅是生活在那个时代的一种生物。此句中,who引导的定于从句用来修饰creature。 又如: There are also elves, tall beautiful creatures who have magical powersand never die. (who引导的限定性定语从句)In The Lord of the Ring, a wicked wizard called Sauron, who has great magical powers, has created nine rings. (

7、who引导的非限定性定语从句)等。 3. There are also elves, tall beautiful creatures who have magical powers and never die. power:力量,能力(不可数);势力,有影响的人或物(可数)例如: 1)知识就是力量。2)大卫在公司是很有影响力的人物。Knowledge is power.David is a power in this firm.4. Any creature who possessed one of these rings has great power.possess: vt. 拥有,控制

8、,支配例如: 1) 她借他一本自己的书。She lent him a book she possessed.2)恐惧控制着他,吓地他都不敢动弹了。Fear possessed him and prevented him from moving.be possessed of 有,拥有,享有possess sb of 使拥有【占有】 他这个人很有自信。He was possessed of great self- confidence.2)他有很多金子。He possessed himself of the gold. 5. Sauron, realizing that the Ring has been found, sends his creatures to get it back. 意识到戒指已经被发现了, 索龙派手下去把它找回来。此句中realizing that the Ring has been found 在句子中表示原因,相当于:because he realized that the Ring has been found.


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