The pancreas胰腺

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《The pancreas胰腺》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The pancreas胰腺(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The pancreas 胰腺THE NORMAL PANCREAS 正常胰腺(A)Transverse section (TS) showing the normal pancreas横切面显示正常的胰腺(B) Longitudinal section (LS) oblique to the right of midline, demonstrating the head of pancreas, P, with the common bile duct (CBD) running through it. 向右偏斜的纵切面显示胰头部,可以看见胆总管绕行。(C) LS at the midli

2、ne, demonstrating the body of pancreas. 纵切面显示胰体部(D) LS angled through the left lobe of the liver towards the tail of pancreas (p). 偏向左肝的纵切面显示胰头部。(C)(D)(E) Water in the stomach, ST, provides a window through which to view the pancreas. 胃里充满水,为显示胰腺提供了透声窗。 (F) The main pancreatic duct (arrow) is normal

3、ly up to 2 mm in diameter (arrow = CBD). 主胰管的正常内径是小于2mm。(E)(F)(A)Pancreas in a young person, demonstrating normal hypoechogenicity.一个青年人的胰腺,显示正常胰腺为低回声。(B) The normal adult pancreas is slightly more echogenic than the liver. 一个正常成年人的胰腺,回声较肝脏稍高。 (C) The pancreas becomes hyperechoic in an older patient

4、. 在老年人的胰腺回声变的更高了。pancreatitis 胰腺炎(A)Acute pancreatitis in a patient with alcoholic liver disease. The pancreas is hypoechoic and bulky with a lobulated outline. 一个患有酒精性脂肪肝患者得了急性胰腺炎,胰腺体积增大,回声减低,轮廓呈 分叶状。 (B) Large pseudocyst near the tail of the pancreas in acute pancreatitis. 急性胰腺炎患者在胰尾部可见一个巨大假性囊肿。(C

5、) Necrotic tail of pancreas surrounded by exudate. 胰尾部由于胰液的分泌导致的坏死。 (D) Inflammatory exudate is seen around the right kidney in acute pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎患者在右肾周围见炎性渗出物。(E) Splenic and portal vein thrombosis is a complication of pancreatitis. 胰腺炎患者的并发症有脾静脉及门静脉的血栓。 (F) A dilated pancreatic duct (arrow)

6、filled with blood in haemorrhagic pancreatitis. 胰腺炎患者出血导致的胰管的扩张。(G) ERCP: a patient with chronic pancreatitis has a dilated proximal pancreatic duct. ERCP显示慢性胰腺炎患者的近端胰管的扩张。(A)Chronic pancreatitis in a patient with alcoholic cirrhosis; the pancreas is hyperechoic compared with the liver and has a het

7、erogeneous texture with a lobulated outline. 有酒精性脂肪肝患者得了慢性胰腺炎,与肝脏相比,呈高回声,但是内部回声不 均匀,轮廓呈分叶状。 (B) Calcification of the pancreas in hereditary pancreatitis. 遗传性胰腺炎患者胰腺可见多发的钙化。(C) A cycle of acute on chronic pancreatitis, with pseudocysts and considerable calcification. 慢性胰腺炎周围有急性炎症,伴发假性囊肿及相当多的钙化。(D) A

8、stone(arrow) is obstructing the main pancreatic duct. 主胰管内可见结石阻塞。Pancreatic carcinoma 胰腺肿瘤(A)The common bile duct, c, is obstructed by a large hypoechoic solid mass at its lower end (calipers),which is a carcinoma in the head of the pancreas. 胆总管下端被一个低回声的肿块阻塞,这是胰头部的肿瘤导致的。 (B) TS through the head of

9、the pancreas, which is swollen by a hypoechoic adenocarcinoma (arrow). 通过胰头部的横切面显示胰头部由于腺癌而肿大。(C) The tumour in (B) displays considerable vascularity on colour Doppler. CDFI示肿瘤为高血供的。 (D) Tumour in the head of the pancreas (arrows), confirmed by CT. 胰头部的肿瘤得到CT的证实。(E) Complex cystic mass in the head of

10、 the pancreas,confirmed as a cystadenocarcinoma. 胰头部复杂性囊性肿块,被证实为囊腺癌。(F) A complex mass (m) between the spleen (S) and the left kidney is a large carcinoma of the tail of the pancreas. 脾脏与左肾之间巨大的复杂肿块,是胰尾部的肿瘤。(G) Dilated pancreatic duct due to a carcinoma in the head (arrow). 胰头部的肿瘤导致胰管的扩张。 (H) Colour

11、 Doppler helps to differentiate the dilated pancreatic duct (measured), which does not contain flow, from the splenic vein posterior to the duct. 彩色多普勒有助于鉴别扩张的导管,因为它不含血流信号,脾静脉走行于其后方 。(I)Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) demonstrating a long stricture of the pancreatic duct (arrow

12、) involving the side branches, in a large pancreatic carcinoma. The CBD is compressed (arrowhead) by nodes, causing biliary dilatation. A palliative stent was inserted. ERCP证实由于胰腺肿瘤的侵犯导致的胰管的长段狭窄。胆总管被结节压迫,导 致导管的扩张,该患者行胆管内支架植术。Pancreatic metastases 胰腺转移瘤Metastatic deposit from primary breast carcinoma

13、 in the body of the pancreas (arrow). 原发癌为乳腺癌的胰体部转移瘤。Focal pancreatitis局限性胰腺炎(A) Focal acute pancreatitis in the head of the pancreas. The CBD is obstructed by a hypoechoic mass in the head, with blood clots and debris within the duct. The differential diagnosis was malignancy. 胰头部的局限性胰腺炎,胆总管被一低回声血凝

14、块的肿块阻塞,鉴别诊断是恶性肿瘤。 (B) The same patient 8 months later. The acute inflammation has resolved, the obstruction is relieved and the pancreas now appears hyperechoic with a mildly dilated duct, consistent with chronic pancreatitis. 同一个患者8个月后复查,急性炎症已经好转,阻塞的胆管也缓解了,胰腺目前表现为 高回声,有轻微胆管扩张,伴随着慢性的胰腺炎。Cysts 胰腺囊肿Ti

15、ny cyst in the body of the pancreas. This was confirmed on CT and remained stable over a period of 2 years. 胰体部的小囊肿,这被CT所证实,且在2年内大小保持稳定 。Pancreatic Ttransplant 胰腺移植The transplanted pancreas may be difficult to identify in the iliac fossa. The main artery is seen here running through the body of the pancreas. 髂窝部 的移植胰腺很难鉴别,彩色多普勒可见主要动脉穿行于胰体部。



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