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1、英译汉考题(英译汉考题(2010.012010.01) Human progress is greatly accelerated by the use of language in cultural transmission; the knowledge and experience acquired by a particular person can be passed on to another in language, so that no amount of demonstration can replace the role of language. In this connec

2、tion the importance of the invention of printing can never be exaggerated. At the present time the achievements of anyone in any part of the world can be made available and accessible to anyone else able to read and capable of understanding what is involved. From these uses of language, spoken and w

3、ritten, the most developed animal communication system, though given the courtesy title of language, is words away. Human progress is greatly accelerated by the use of language in cultural transmission; the knowledge and experience acquired by a particular person can be passed on to another in langu

4、age, so that no amount of demonstration can replace the role of language. 语言用于文化传播极大地加速了人类的 进步。任何一个人积累的知识和经验都 可通过语言传给另一人,结果是,再多 的演示(示范)也无法取代语言的作用 。 In this connection the importance of the invention of printing can never be exaggerated. At the present time the achievements of anyone in any part of t

5、he world can be made available and accessible to anyone else able to read and capable of understanding what is involved. 从此意义上说,发明印刷术的重要性不 论怎样夸大都不过分。目前,只要有文 化并理解涉及的内容,任何人都能得到 和利用世界任何地方的任何成就。 From these uses of language, spoken and written, the most developed animal communication system, though given the courtesy title of language, is words away. 最发达的动物交流系统尽管被授予语言 的雅号,但同使用口头或笔头语言相比 ,也有天壤之别。


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