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1、Yamen in Neixiang County (内乡衙门)Ladies and gentlemen ,we have now arrived st our destination after an hour? s drive,The construction of the Yamen here started in 1303 in Yuan Dynasty,and the present buildings here were built in Qing Dynasty. It was the most well preserved government office of county

2、level in feudal China,Since our opening up to the outside world in 1984,it has attracted a number of our government official history,science,artistic value and its own charm .We have the famous saying:Beijing is the dragonhead while the dragon? s tail is in Neixiang.It is also one of the important c

3、ultural relics of state level. The front part building of the Yamen was called a screen wall,which was built with blue brick relief sculpture.In the middle of the screen,there is a strange beast that could swallow gold and silver treasures in the legend.Here in the picture we can see that around it

4、there are treasures everywhere.But he is not satisfied,He is opening his mouth widely intending to swallow the sun in the sky,but as a result,he falls off the steep cliff,having his body smashed to pieces,The founder of Ming Dynasty.The purpose of the drawing id to warn the government officials not

5、to take bribes and break the law. Just opposite it is the memorial gateway,which is called “ Xuan Hua fang ” ,On the first day and the fifteenth day of each lunar month,the governor of the country would announce the imperial decrees and give instructions to people here. Here is the main entrance,whi

6、ch consisted of three rooms.From the main entrance to the first hall,there is a long passage about 100meters.Halfway there is another gate in the middle,called “ YiMen ” ,the second main official entrance.It used to be open only on the day when new governor took his place or when higher official cam

7、e to visit.On both sides of the second gate,there are two small door,the one on the east was called “ life door” ,and the one on the west called “ death door” ,or “ ghost door” ,which was used to death and were going to be killed. Passing through Yimen,you can see a grand building here in front of y

8、ou.That is the great wall.Along the two sides of passage,are the offices of the six administrative bodies of the old government.On the east side are the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs,the Ministry of National Defence,the Ministry of Revenue and Ministry of Rites.On the west side are the Mini

9、stry of Industry.The great hall was the place where the governor of the country announced the government orders,and also some important ceremonies were held here and some important and serious criminal cases were tried here. There was a couplet in front of the hall.Right in the middle of the hall,th

10、ere is a special facility “ Nuange” ,used for trying the case.In the middle of it,a trial desk was placed,and on the desk,the four treasures of the study(writing,brush,ink stick,ink slab and paper)and the red and green bamboo pieces used for trial could be found.On the front side of screen,there is

11、a “ picture of seawater,tide and the sun” ,meaning the an official should be as clear as the sun and the moon and as clean as seawater.In order word,an official should be honest and upright.When the prosecutor and the defendant were taken to the hall for trial,they must kneel down on the stones.The

12、square stone on the east was for the prosecutor ,and the rectangle stone on the west for the accused.Since most cases involved more defendants,the stone for them was longer then. The house behind the great hall was called doorman house.The man who guarded the house was called “ doorman” ,who was the

13、 county governor? s relative or people who were close to him.Actually they acted as the governor? s ears and eyes.It was the only way for the officials to have dialogues with common people.As time went on,some of the doormen became deceitful,and they began to take bribes and “ door men” changed into

14、 “ door way” .So now in China people often say “ go through door men” or “ go through door way” which means you have to find ,big person?(VIP) to help you when you want to have some difficult tings done. Now we have come to the second hall.It was the place where the County Magistrate(知县)dealt with s

15、mall cases,Please look at these famous couplets,which mens that before law everyone was equal.So the judges should pass the fairest judgment on people.Along the wall stood the instruments of torture,Now look at this hanging flat board.The three big Chinese characters means that you rule your country

16、 by playing a Chinese musical instrument “ Qin” instead of going here and there to settle everything by yourself.Later people use this metaphor to praise those leaders who know their subordinates well enough to assign them jobs commensurate with their abilities.In order to show their intekkigence and wisdom,the officials at that time named the second as “ Qinzhi Hall ” . This is called “ Fuzi Yard” ,and ancient form of address to a Confucian scholar or to a master by his disciples.Fuzi was usual


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