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1、1高二英语模拟试卷 班级班级 姓名姓名 成绩成绩 一一 单词单词(10 分分)1 服务费,学费 2 奖赏 3 指导 4 精力充沛的 5 随意的 ,非正式的 6 争吵,吵架 7 约会8 片刻,瞬息 9 基础,根据 10 智慧 11 周围的,附近的 12 打扰 13 羡慕,嫉妒 14 投入 15不断地 16 犹豫,踌躇 17 减少,降低 18 安慰,舒适 19 资格 20 惊慌,恐慌二二 短语(短语(10 分)分)1 向某人树立好的榜样 2 一直,始终 3 编造,化妆,弥补 4 假装,理解,辨认出 5 获得成功 6 从大学毕业 7 获得成功,取得好结果 8 对感到厌烦 9.最重要的事情是 10 急

2、需 11 毫无疑问 12 因为 13 并且 14 负责,掌管 15 和某人商量 16 反转,仔细考虑,17 跟上 18 制定,计算出,锻炼 19 突出,显眼 20 使某人理解三完型填空(三完型填空(30 分)分)Does your family often get together? Well, my family often does. As long as I can remember, my family has always 21 the holidays together. As a young 22 I made the trek up(长途跋涉)whats called the

3、Old Spiral Highway above Lewiston, Idaho. This was usually done in November when it was 23 with snow and rice. The drive was important, 24 we were on our way to Grandparents house for25 . There our aunt, two uncles and plenty of26 would join in us. As soon as I walked into their house, I could 27 Gr

4、andmas fresh pecan and pumpkin pies sitting on the counter to cool. The days leading up to the “big dinner were spent 28 with my relatives. I remember one time we chased a deer through the 29 . Other times, we played games with Grandma. Those holidays at their house are in my 30 forever and bring su

5、ch goodness and joy when I think back to those times.Grandma died in 1989, and Grandma in 2010. Later, I my parents were 31 , too. One thing we have learned from them is the importance of keeping 32 alive. To this day, my siblings and I have been pretty faithful about getting together for holidays.

6、This is a(n) 33 way for our family to spend some quality face time together. Everyone 34 a variety of food, so the host(主人)or hostess(女主人) usually just needs to cook the meat. There is 35 enough food left over for evening snacks as we can never finish it all at dinner.We take our family get-together

7、s very 36 . We knew it made our parents and grandparents 237 to see their children get along so well together. And we know they are 38 at us now because to this day, we still do that and get along well. We may have got separated by 39 , but our hearts will forever be 40 because we are family.21. A.

8、compared B. spread C. created D. celebrated 22. A. driver B. inventor C. child D. parent 23. A. decorated B. faced C. covered D. replaced24. A. but B. because C. and D. so 25. A. Easter B. ThanksgivingC. Halloween D. Christmas 26. A. friends B. teachers C. relatives D. neighbors 27. A. taste B. make

9、 C. appreciate D. smell 28. A. sitting B. playing C. arguing D. fighting 29. A. wood B. house C. lake D. rock 30. A. memory B. excitement C. plan D. childhood31. A. changed B. gone C. killed D. moved 32. A. schedules B. hobbies C. traditionsD. dreams 33. A. funny B. easy C. new D. great 34. A. finds

10、 B. stores C. eats D. brings 35. A. almost B. hardlyC. usuallyD. never 36. A. sadly B. seriously C. excitedly D. worriedly 37. A. proud B. concernedC. difficult D. kind 38. A. smiling B. shouting C. pointing D. looking 39. A. accident B. chance C. distance D. force 40. A. alive B. nice C. open D. cl

11、ose 四阅读下列短文,四阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和和 D)中,选出最佳选项。中,选出最佳选项。(每小题(每小题 2 分,共分,共 16 分)分) AI started to work in the operating room after nursing school was completed. I was so excited about my new job that I would alternate between being very tired and not being able to sleep properly. Like m

12、any jobs, the newness and excitement wore off and I found myself in drudgery (繁重乏味的工作繁重乏味的工作)One night I was feeling very tired, since I hadnt slept well the night before. I didnt like the 3doctor in charge, my feet hurt, it was very late, and I was “doing eyes”. Every nurse has a favorite (and leas

13、t favorite) task. My least favorite was eyes I thought it was always either boring or unpleasant.My patient was an old man who was there to have his cataract (白内障白内障) removed. As the operation neared a close, I started to take the operating cloth off, and put drops in the patients eyes. We made eye

14、contact and I stumbled (发愣发愣) slightly when he said, “I can see! You are beautiful.”I realized then what a big deal this all was to the patient and how truly thankful he was. I HELPED HIM SEE! I said something to him about how he must still be feeling the effects of the medicine. But he said again,

15、“No, you really are beautiful.”I realized at that moment that no matter how I was feeling, it was what I was doing that was important.41After graduation, as the first job the writer was _.A. a doctor B. a nurse C. an operator D. a teacher42According to the second paragraph, we can learn _.A. the new

16、 job is very pleasantB. the writer likes the new job very muchC. the writer is not excited about the job any moreD. the writer doesnt want to work with the doctor any more43. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Seeing whats important. B. Working in the operation room.C. My job was boring and unpleasant.D. My least favorite was eyes.44. When the patient said “I can see!


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