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1、英语(新标准) 写作训练 -教师的写作素养及写作训练教学大纲对九年级写作的要求 能依据写作要求,收集、准备素材; 能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的 指导下进行修改; 能使用常见的连词表示顺序和逻辑关系 ; 能简单描述人物或事件; 能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落 或操作说明;新标准英语写作归纳 (七年级上)模块块写作 Module1Introducing yourself to your new friends 向新朋友做自我介绍绍 Module2Giving and asking for personal in- formation 给给出或询问询问 个人信息 Module3Writin

2、g a letter describing your school 写信描述你的学校 Module4Writing about your family 谈谈谈谈 你的家庭Module5Making a food and drink poster 制作食物和饮饮料的海报报新标准英语写作归纳 (七年级上)模块块写作 Module6Inviting friends to do sth 邀请请朋友去做某事 Module7Talking about my school day 谈谈谈谈 我校园一日 Module8Choosing a birthday present 选择选择 一份生日礼物 Module

3、9Making a poster of your favorite animal 为为你喜爱爱的礼物制作海报报 Module10Doing a questionaire about computer 关于电脑电脑 做一组问题组问题新标准英语写作归纳 (七年级下)模块块写作 Module1Writing a postcard 写一份贺贺卡Module2Writing a letter about the spring festival 关于春节节写一封信 Module3Saying what you are going to at the weekend?说说说说 你周末去干什么? Module

4、4Designing your dream school 设计设计 你梦想的学校 Module5Making a poster comparing two cities or rivers in China新标准英语写作归 (七年级下)模块块写作 Module6Making a sports poster 制作一份体育海报报 Module7Interpreting data 通译译数据Module8Writing your partners past life 写写你同伴的过过去的生活 Module9Telling a story 讲讲故事Module10Writing about peopl

5、e in the past新标准英语写作归 (七年级下)模块块写作Module11 Giving a talk about a hero 关于一位英雄的演讲讲 Module12 Writing an email to a friend 给给朋友写一份邮邮件新标准英语写作归纳 (八年级上)模块块写作 Module1Writing your English study plan 写一份你的英语语学习计习计 划 Module2Doing a questionaire about experiences 关于经历经历 做一组问题组问题 Module3Making a poster about spac

6、e travel 关于太空旅游制作一份海报报 Module4Writing a leaflet to raise money for the Hope School为为希望学校募捐写传传 单单 Module5Talk about the music you like best 谈谈谈谈 你最喜爱爱的音乐乐新标准英语写作归 (八年级上)模块块写作 Module6Writing a short story about your past 对过对过 去的经历经历 写一个小故事 Module7Writing a description of someone 描述某个人 Module8Giving di

7、rections around your town 在你的小镇镇周围围指路 Module9Writing about animals in danger 处处于困境中的动动物 Module10Writing and acting out a scene from a play从剧剧本中表演或写一个场场景新标准英语写作归纳 (八年级上)模块块写作 Module11Preparing some advice on the best time to visit China 准备备一份关 于参观观中国的最好时节时节 的建议议 Module12Writing advice for foreign gue

8、sts to a Chinese family 为为来中国家庭的外国客人写一些建议议新标准英语写作归纳 (八年级下)模块块写作 Module1Writing about my classmates hobby关于同学的爱爱好 Module2Writing someone or something which changed your life 改变变你的生活的某人某 事 Module3Writing about important events in past and background informationModule4Writing a short story about how a

9、mobile phone saved someones lifeModule5Writing a problem letter 写一封问题问题 信新标准英语写作归纳 (八年级下)模块块写作 Module6Writing a report about a film 关于一部电电影写份报报告 Module7Writing about the Wulingyuan Scenic What worse, not onlybut also, neithernor 等等 。 再有学生语文水平的滑坡,使得英语 老师不得不带领学生完成写作内容的 挖掘。写作注意的几个问题: 选词:普通的叙述文或短文,应 该选择

10、简洁、朴实、准确的大众 化词语,避免使用矫饰、复杂、 故弄玄虚的词,并尽可能挑选积 极的动词。写作注意的几个问题: 措辞:能写出树的具体名称an apple tree, 就不要使用tree; 能说 清具体数字时,就不要使用some; 知道是某种专门的活动,就不要使 用do去描述,词意越具体,越能 给读者鲜明的印象。 写作注意的几个问题: 你如何写开头1.开头常用词语:as far as we know 据我们所知as everybody knows 众所周知 at present 目前first of all 首先To tell the truth 老实说1.结尾常用词语:after all

11、毕竟 at last 最后 in a word 总而言之 finally, 最后 we hope that 我们希望In short 简言之 clearly 显然你如何写结尾如何添加过度句、连接词 补充说明 for example, besides, In addition(此外), Whats worse! Whats more! Worst of all. 转折 however, yet, but 原因 thanks to, because of 结果 as result of , so ,sothat范文2:I m pleased to write to ask for some hel

12、p. I want to tell you some problems we meet in English study. First, some of us arent interested in English. They think studying English is such a boring thing to do. And then Its so difficult for us to remember all the words in the texts. So lots of us 作文如何添加过度句、连接词作文如何添加过度句、连接词dont have enough con

13、fidence to keep up English study . And we are always afraid to join in the group discussion. Whats more, there are so many new words we hadnt meet before in the passage. I dont know what to do. Sometimes we cant understand the main idea, let alone作文如何添加过度句、连接词answer the questions about them. But the

14、 most difficult thing is to write. We often use wrong words and sentences. Can you help us ? How can we improve our English? Please give us some useful advice. Thank you very much. Write to me soon.Yours Fang Hua信息点与承接词的关系 信息点是珠子,承接词是线,用 线把珠子串连起来就是一条熠熠 生辉、优雅华贵的项链。单独看 某一方就成为一条破绳子,一堆 烂珠子。如何写好好人好事的结尾 b

15、e proud of speak highly of follow ones example come true你如何写结尾近年中考写作的特色:描述+看法/感想1.写这类作文要求同学们先审题,弄清图 示情境中的故事梗概。审题的内涵较广 ,不仅只对作文题的审视,也包括审视 写作提示词、主题句、图以及对作文字 数的要求。审题一旦出现偏误,就会“差 之毫厘,谬以千里”。大部分同学不会写 作,主要原因是不会审题, 通过审题, 抓取有效信息。考题在描述上是有限定 的, 发表看法及感想是自由发挥的。范文1: 在日常生活中你主动帮助你的父母做家务 活吗?请你根据提示用英语写一篇80字左 右的短文,描述你平时

16、所作家务以及你对 家务的看法。 提示:1.扔垃圾 2. 扫地 3. 帮助妈妈做饭4.洗衣服 5. 为花浇水 6. 饭后洗 碗 要求:语句通畅,语法正确。不得逐句翻译。学生的优秀范文 (15分) AS we all know, Its important to help parents do housework during our daily life. I often help them do housework. I throw the rubbish away and clean the floor in the morning. I help my mother cook the lunch . I always wash clothes for m



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