七年级英语The world of numbers课件1

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1、 ReadingReading ListeningListening LanguageLanguage SpeakingSpeaking WritingWritingA What do you know aboutWe all use numbers in our daily life. Numbers are an international language. What do you know about the language of numbers? Learn the following:A decimal number is written as a dot.eg. 0.65 (z

2、ero point six five/ sixty-five)8.08 (eight point o eight.)Read the following: 7.53, 3.42, 0.01, 86.201 a decimal number( 小数)Odd numbers cannot be divided by two to give a whole number without a fraction.2 odd numbers (奇数) 3 even numbers (奇数 ) Even numbers can be divided by two to give a whole number

3、.A fraction is the exact division of a number.eg. : one half 2/3: two thirds a quarter1/10 one tenth Read the following: 3/5, 6/11, 1/84 a fraction (分数) 5 plus , add (加) Two plus five is seven. Two and five is seven. Two added to five is seven. 3+ 12 =? What is 3 plus twelve? Read the following: 25

4、+ 24 = 49 30 + 12 = ?6 minus (减,减号,负号)subtract (减)12-3=9 Twelve minus three is nine. Three subtracted from twelve is nine.Read the following: 2-2=0 19- 12=7 97-65=?7 times, multiply 乘 Two times three is six. Two and three multiply makes six. Two multiplied by three makes 6.Read the following: 16 4 =

5、 64 5 3 = 158 divide 除30 6 = 5 Thirty divided by six is five.Read the following: 20 4 = 5 18 3 = 6 45%=90oa percentageequalsa number showing degreesMatch the words with the pictures, signs and numbers.1 a demical number 2 a pair of odd numbers 3 a fraction 4 zero 5 add; plus 6 subtract; minus7 multi

6、ply, times 8 divide 9 a number showing degrees 10 a percentage 11 a pair of numbers 12 equalsA What do you know aboutj fcba li dhk ge1 abacus: an old form of calculator 2 accurate: with no mistakes 3 ancient: very old 4 at least : not less than 5 bead: a small ball with a hole through the middle 6 c

7、alculate: use numbers to find answers 7 consist of: be made up of something 8 develop: grow bigger and/ or better 9 electronic: using electrons for power 10 electronic: using electrons for power 11 figure: a symbol rather than a word 12 flash: a very short time, an instant 13 however: yet 14 interna

8、tional: connected to more thanone country or nation 15 invent: make for the first time 16 nearly: almost 17 powerful: strong 18 system: group of things/ parts that work togetherFill in the blanks with correct words.1. If you _ 8 and 5 , you get 13. 2.I use the pocket _ to check my answers. 3.The UN

9、is an _ organization which helps to keep a peaceful world. 4.The underground is part of Shenzhens transport _. 5.The _ Chinese drew pictures to show different meanings.add calculatorinternationalsystem ancientFill in the blanks with correct words.6. Before calculators were invented, the Chinese peop

10、le used _ to count. 7. Weather reports are not always _. 8.Edison _the light bulb after he had failed many times. 9.If you _8 from 16, you get 8. 10. Our country is more _than before. 11.If you _ 28 by 7, the answer is 4. 12. The committee _of ten members.abacus accurate inventedsubtract powerful di

11、vide consistsC1 Find these words in the article on page 73. Read the words around them and choose the best meanings.1 ancient: many many years ago 2 consists of: includes 3 invented: made for the first time 4 accurate: without mistakes 5 percentages: amounts out of a hundredC2 Find the words in Colu

12、mn A in the diary on page 62 and match them with the meanings in Column B.A 1 international 2 system3 developed 4 calculate 5 bottom 6 powerful B a grew bigger or stronger b a group of things working together c count with numbers d strong e used by more than one country or nation f in the lowest pla

13、ceC3 What do the following descriptions refer to? Write down the correct names in the blanks.1 A calculating machine that uses wires and heads.An _ 2 A small machine that does calculations.A _ 3 A very powerful machine for doing calculations.A_abacuscalculatorcomputerCalculating Machinean abacusan a

14、bacusCalculating Machine one of the first calculating machines accurate and fast representbeadswires5 5, ,7 7 2 2 4 4 thousandsthousands hundredshundreds tenstens onesonesan abacusan abacusCalculating Machinean electronic calculatoran electronic calculatoraddsubtractmultiply divide percentagesquare

15、rootcalculatecalculateCalculating Machinean electronic calculatoran electronic calculatorA: What can an electronic calculator A: What can an electronic calculator do?do?B: It can _, _, B: It can _, _, _ and _._ and _.A: What else can it do?A: What else can it do?B: It can calculate _ and B: It can calculate _ and _._.addsubtract multiplydivi


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