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1、Word Selection河北联合大学轻工学院I. I. 题型分析题型分析II. II. 解题技巧解题技巧i iIII.III.实战实战 演练演练题型分析:v篇章词汇理解是大学英语四级考试中出现的 一种新题型这种题是在一篇长度为 个单词的文章中留出个单词的空格,要 求考生从个备选单词中选出个填入 空格处,使文章语句通畅,表达正确v测试重点:考生对连贯性一致性及逻辑关系等语篇语段 的整体特征以及单词在实际语境中的理解 既考查宏观结构,又考查微观理解选项频率统计15个单词v3个名词正确答案+1个名词干扰答案。v3个动词正确答案+1个动词干扰答案。v3个形容词正确答案+2个形容词干扰答案。v1个副

2、词正确答案+1个副词干扰答案。解题步骤:1. 读懂首段,弄清文章主题。2. 阅读选项,词性分类。3. 根据所需词性缩小范围,每词只能用一次 。 4. 核查答案,用排除法确定较难题目选项。答题技巧一:词性分类A) result B) involves C) significant D) range E) relieved F) issues G) seriously H) magnificent I) determining J) limited K) gravely L) complained M) respect N) prompting O) specialize历年真题选词填空中出现频率

3、最高的后缀 v名词后缀:tion / sion / ness / ment / er / or / ist / ism / alv形容词后缀:able / al / ant / ent / tive / sive / ous / less / ed / ingv动词后缀:ate / lize / ing / edv副词后缀:ly / ward / wisepersonal, international,immortal,emotionalapproval, refusal, denialcommunismsignificant vacantmagnificent liberate1. 名词:

4、A) result M) respect F) issues 2. 动词原形: O) specialize M) respect D) range3. 动词进行时:I) determining N) prompting4. 动词过去式:J) limited L) complained E) relieved可能的动词单三:B) involves F) issues 形容词:C) significant H) magnificent J) limited有限的副词:G) seriously严肃的 K) gravely答题技巧二:确定空白处词性1. n. / pron. _ n. / pron.2

5、. n. / pron. _3. n. / pron. _ adv./prep.Vt.Vi.Vi.(一)动词只考察4种词性:名词、动词、形容词和副词。 4. n. / pron. _ adj.link v./be5. to _ v.还需根据上下文确定正确形式Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life. In particular, when older patients _47_ of pain, they were told it was a natural part of aging and they

6、would have to learn to live with plained1. has / have / had_ 2. be _ 3. _ n. / n _(二)done donedonedonefinished projectproject finished过去分词vHe is reading a book.v flying bird / bird flyingv I am interested in listening to the music.(三)be + -ing-ing + n.或 n.+ -ingprep. + ing现在分词The rainfall is increas

7、ed across South America, _ floods to Peru.bringing(四)1. a / an / the _. 2. _ v. 3. prep. _.n. n. n. 根据空白处前的冠词判断所填名词的单复数; 根据空白处后的谓语动词的形式判断所填名词 的单复数.名词but we also help provide comprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social _52_ related to chronic pain. issues(五)v_ n. vadv. _ v

8、 link v.be _adj. adj. adj.形容词Nino brought the most _weather in modern history.destructive(六)1. _ v. 或 v. _2. _ adj.adv.adv.adv.副词In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students _ outperform their peers in monolingual programs.consistently答题技巧三:利用逻辑关系词v并列关系:and, or, as well as2. 对比关系:but, however, on the co

9、ntrary, rather than3. 比较关系:asas, similar4. 因果关系:because, for, since, therefore, thus, as a result of.5. 举例关系:for example, for instance, such as.6. 递进关系:and, whats more, moreover, in addition.答题技巧四:确定考点需要积极意义还是消极意义,继而缩 小选择范围,节省大量时间Sample:The classroom offers opportunities for children to replace angr

10、y, violent behaviors with , peaceful ones.答题技巧五:利用不定冠词(a/an)判断考点是否为元音开 头,缩小选择范围 Sample:Husband and children now do some of these jobs, a _ that has changed the target market for many products.答题技巧六:充分利用词库中的近义词或反义词 Sample: A) gravely B) respect C) limited D) specialize E) seriously F) promoting G) in

11、volves H) relieved I) significant J) magnificent K) range L) issues M) result N) determining O) complicatedseriouslyToday, we take pain_答题技巧七:重总结,巧记忆abandon oneself to(沉溺于), adhere to(坚持), stick to(坚持,信守), cling to(坚持,忠于), admit to(承 认), confess to(承认), contribute to(做贡献), feel up to(感觉能胜任), get dow

12、n to(开始着手做), give ones mind to(专心), give way to(让步), yield to(屈 服), lead to(导致), look forward to(渴望), object to (反对), take to(开始从事,喜欢), turn to(求助), succumb to(屈服), see to(照顾,料理), get used to, be accustomed to, be addicted to, be committed to, be dedicated to, be devoted to, be opposed to, be reduced to, be subject to(受支配的,常遭受), submit to(顺从 ,屈服)admit toget down to cling tobe accustomed to be opposed to承认开始着手做坚持,忠于习惯做某事反对实战演练2007年6月15选10


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