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1、第二讲 文学翻译的风格和 风格标记一、文学翻译的风格 风格的性质和表现形式 风格是作家、艺术家在创作中所表现出 来的艺术特色和创作个性。作家、艺术家 由于生活经历、立场观点、艺术素养、个 性特征的不同,在处理题材、驾驭体裁、 描绘形象、表现手法和运用语言等方面都 各有特色,这就形成作品的风格。风格体 现在文艺作品内容和形式的各要素中。( 辞海,1979年)风格构成的三层次 基础层次的风格:能分辨出语域、句法、 词语、章法及修辞标记;能分辨出正式的 等级;能分辨出各类功能语体 中间层次的风格:能分辨出表现法 最高层次的风格:能充分体现作品的意境 、神韵等模糊性审美范畴;能充分体现作 家风格、流派

2、风格(刘宓庆,1990,转引 自译学大辞典41页) 文学翻译风格论 1、原作风格是可辨的(如前所述) 2、翻译的的最高境界是使译作忠实地体 现原作的思想内容和风格特征。文学翻译风格论 3、风格是可译的 翻译风格论所关注的中心是原语风格意义的所 在以及译文风格对原语风格的适应性( adaptability) ;同时,还包括如何使译文在与 原语的对应中力求在风格上做到恰如其分( appropriateness)。这些都建立在风格意义的 可知性(recognizability)基础之上的,这就保 证了风格的可译性(translatability) (刘宓庆,1990,转引自译学大辞典24页 )文学翻

3、译风格论 4、同时,译作中也存在译者的风格,尽 管有人认为不应该有译者的风格,但译者 的风格是客观存在的。从语言学角度看, 原语与目的语之间的差异为译者风格的存 在提供了客观条件。首先是词汇的差异, 翻译中要涉及约80%的词义的非对应转换 ,既如此,译者就有很大的创造空间,会 有自己的语言措辞特点。文学翻译风格论 其次,原语与目的语之间句法层面的差异 ,则给了译者很大的构句修辞等方面创造 空间。从社会语言学角度讲,翻译还是一 种文化现象,文化差异为译者风格存在提 供了现实条件。从译者个人经历看,不同 的译者即使翻译同一部作品不可能不带上 个人的语言风格。 5、译者风格和作者风格的矛盾统一 承认

4、译者风格存在的合理性,但是不能喧 宾夺主,以译者风格掩盖作者风格。如张 谷若先生用山东方言译苔丝不可取。 有人认为两种风格可以统一于神似。要做 到神似,就要适度,要了解作者,尊重作 者。(张玉双:“论文学翻译中译者风格 与作者风格的矛盾统一”中国翻译 2006年第3期,28-30页) 6、作者和译者风格统一的几种境界 第一种境界 作者风格+零(不可能) 第二种境界 作者风格+译者风格(上乘译作: 译者的风格若隐若现) 第三种境界 作者风格+译者风格(中上乘译作 ) 第四种境界 零+译者风格(下中译作) 第五种境界 零+零(下等译作)(张今:文 学翻译原理。开封:河南大学出版社, ,88页)7、

5、例证:作家的风格是不同的 1)Every change of season,every change of weather, indeed, every hour of the day, produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains, and they are regarded by all the good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers.(Rip van Winkle)7、例证:作家的风格是不同的 2)The boy went out. Th

6、ey had eaten with no light on the table and the old man took off his trousers and went to bed in the dark. He rolled his trousers up to make a pillow, putting the newspapers inside them.(The Old Man and the Sea)8、例证:风格是可辨的、可译的 法语原文:A la Recherche du Temps Perdu(追忆逝水年华) Jtais dans une de ces priodes

7、de la jeunesse, dpourvues dun amour particulier, vacantes, o partoutcomme un amoureux, la femme dont il est pris on dsire, on cherche, on voit la Beaut. 8、例证:风格是可辨的、可译的 Quun seul trait relle peu quon distingue dune femme vue de loin, ou de dosnous permette de projeter la Beaut devant nour, nous nous

8、 figurons lavoir reconnue,notre coeur bat, nous pressons le pas, et nous resterons toujours demi persuads que ctait elle, pourvu que la femme ait disparu: ce nest que si nous pouvons la rattraper que nous comprenons notre erreur. Semantic translation: I was in one of those periods of youth, that are

9、 lacking in a particular love, that are vacant, where everywhereas a lover the woman he is in love with-one desires, one seeks, one sees Beauty: Let just one real featurethe little that one can distingish of a woman seen from afar, or from behindallow us to project Eeauty befor us, and we imagine th

10、at we have recognised her, our heart beats, we hurry on, and we shall remain always half-convinced that she was the one, provided the woman has disappeared; only if we can overtake her do we understand our mistake. Commentary This translation is appropriate if the original is a serious literary text

11、, therefore an expressive text The translation attempts to preserve the originals degree of deviation from natural language: long sentences, compressed parenthesis, two sets of three simple main clauses, romantic words, strong rhythmic emphases. Where the original follows the SL norm, the translatio

12、n follows the TL norms: thus “that are” is put in twice between nouns and adjective/present participle;(Newmark, 2001:248)Communicative translation For me it was one of those times in youth when we are without a special love, and which are empty. Here we desire, look for and see beauty everywhere, j

13、ust like lovers in search of the women they are in love with. We have only to let a single real feature, say the little we can make out of a woman seen from a distance or from behind, show us a picture of beauty for us to think we have recognised her. With hearts beating, we hurry on. We shall alway

14、s remain half-convinced weve seen Biauty herself, as long as she has disappeared; we can only understand our mistake when we catch up with her.Commentary This communicative translation is mainly “academic”; it might help someone who is trying to read the French original and cannot understand it. It

15、converts to natural usage, under-translates, and concentrates on the “message”. dpourvues de: This often translates as without, but the semantic translation brings out more of its meaning. Here there is gross oversimplification. This translation overlooks the three parallel successive acts or movements, desiring, searching, seeing; beauty is personalised(个人化) rather than personified(拟人化); the register becomes informal; the second sequence of four verbs is also fudged. Various little words have been put in to make the translation more commonplace. In an “idiomatic” translation, va


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