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1、Unit3. Web Site Presence of the Electronic Commerce 电子商务的网上展示学习指导: 本章将介绍: 网上展示 网站的可用性 顾客的信任和忠诚3.1 Web Presence 3.1网上展示 Traditional businesses have always created a presence in the physical world by building stores, factories, warehouses, and office buildings. An organizations presence is the public

2、image it conveys to its stakeholders. The stakeholders of a firm include its customers, suppliers, employees, stockholders, neighbors, and the general public. Most companies tend not to worry much about the image they project until they grow to a significant sizeuntil then, they are too focused on j

3、ust surviving to spare the effort. On the Web, presence can be much more important. Many customers and other stakeholders of a Web business know the company only through its Web presence. Creating an effective Web presence can be critical even for the smallest and newest firms operating on the web.

4、传统企业通常需要建造店铺、工厂、仓库或 办公大楼等来展示自己。一家企业的展示是 它传递给利益相关体的公众形象。企业的利 益相关体一般包括顾客、供应商、员工、股 东、周边社区及普通公众。一家公司只有发 展到一定规模时才会考虑形象问题,在此之 前,它的重点是生存。网上展示也非常重要 ,网上的企业同顾客及其他利益相关体的唯 一接触点就是网上展示。在网上进行有效的 展示,对网上的新企业和小企业至关重要。 When a business creates a physical space in which to conduct its activities, its managers focus on v

5、ery specific objectives. Few of these objectives are image driven. 3.1.1 Identifying Web Presence Goals 3.1.1确定网上展示的目标The new company must find a location that will be convenient for its customers, with sufficient floor space and features to allow the selling activity to occur. A new business must b

6、alance its needs for inventory storage space and employee work space with the costs of obtaining that space. The presence of a physical business location results from satisfying these many other objectives and is rarely a main goal of designing the space. 当企业在现实环境中进行经营活动时,管理 人员关注非常具体的目标,这些目标通常同 企业形象

7、关联不大,例如,找到一个对顾客 方便的位置,有足够场地进行促销活动,找 到空间大又便宜的仓库和员工办公场所等。 寻找经营场所主要是为满足上述目标,而空 间设计很少会作为主要目标。 On the Web, business and other organizations have the luxury of building their Web sites intentionally to create distinctive presences. A firms physical location must satisfy so many other business needs that i

8、t often fails to convey a good presence. A good Web site design can provide many image- creation and image-enhancing features very effectivelyit can serve as a sales brochure, a product showroom, a financial report, an employment ad, and a customer contact point. Each entity that establishes a Web p

9、resence should decide which features the Web site can provide and which of those features are the most important to include. 企业在网上则有充分余地来进行空间设计,使自 己与众不同。一家企业的经营场所必须满足其他 的业务需要,所以通常很难实现与众不同的展示 。而网站能有效地完成很多提高形象的任务,如 网站可作为销售手册、产品展示厅、财务报告、 招聘广告或 顾客接触 点。构造网上展示 的企业必 须确定网站需要实 现的目标 ,确定其中最重要 的任务。Different fir

10、ms, even those in the same industry, might establish different Web presence goals. For example, Coca Cola and Pepsi are two companies that have established powerful brand images in the same business, but they have developed significantly different Web presences. These two companies frequently change

11、 their Web pages. But the Coca Cola page usually includes a trusted corporate image such as the Coke bottle. Alternatively, the Pepsi page is usually filled with hyperlinks to a variety of activities and product-related promotions. 同一行业的不同企业也可能有不同的网上展 示目标。例如,可口可乐和百事可乐多有很 好的的品牌形象,也在同一行业,但它们的 网上展示差异很大

12、。这两个公司频频地更改 网站,但可口可乐的页面上总有一个企业形 象的标志(如可乐瓶),而百事可乐的的页 面上布满了各种活动和产品促销的链接。 These Web presences convey the images each company wishes to project. Each presence is consistent with other elements of the marketing efforts of these companies Coca-Colas traditional position as a trusted classic, and Pepsis po

13、sition as the upstart product favored by a younger generation. 这些网上展示要实现 每家公司的形象,每 个展示都同公司的营 销活动密切相关:可 口可乐的定位就是让 人信服的古典产品, 而百事可乐的定位则 是年轻人喜欢的现代 产品。3.1.2 Achieving Web Presence Goals 3.1.2实现网上展示的目标 An effective site is one that creates an attractive presence that meets the objectives of the business o

14、r organization. These objectives include: 有效的网站是指创建一个能满足企业的目标 并且很有吸引力的网站。这些目标包括: Attracting visitors to the Web site; 吸引访问者; Making the site interesting enough that visitors stay and explore; 构造有趣的网站,使访问者留连忘 返; Convincing visitors to follow the sites links to obtain information; 说服访问者按网站的链接来寻找信 息; C

15、reating an impression consistent with the organizations desired image; 创建一个与企业期望一致的印象; Building a trusting relationship with visitors; 与访问者建立信任关系; Reinforcing positive images that the visitors might already have about the organization; 增强访问者对组织的正面印象; Encouraging visitors to return to the site. 鼓励访问者

16、回访网站。 Research indicates that few businesses accomplish all of their goal for their Web sites in their current Web presences. Even sites that succeed in achieving most of these goals often fail to provide sufficient interactive contact opportunities for site visitors. Most firms Web sites give the general impressio


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