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1、四级翻译技巧一、题型简介在四级新题型考试中,翻译题所占分值 为5%,时间为5分钟,由5个句子组成, 要求考生将句子的一部分由中文翻译成 英文。它考查的内容主要包括两部分, 一是意群的表达,二是句法。二、应试技巧1)首先,确定考点关键(词组或语法结构) ,寻找可能的英文相应表达;2)然后,利用相应的语法结构或功能连 接方式(connectives)将词组连接起来;3)最后,结合待翻译的文字在句子中所 处的位置与功能,根据句法结构理顺语 言。三、翻译常见问题和应对政 策 1).理解表达不到位是翻译的最大问题 。 2).理解关键在于理解句子的语法结构 。 3)表达关键在于用符合英语语言的习 惯来做适

2、当调整。 4)加强句法和和词汇基础,持之以恒 。 四、 翻译标准方法步骤 1).标准:准确、通顺、完整。 2).方法:以直译为主适当意译。 3).步骤: 通读全句,准确理解。 分析成分,划分意群。 选择词义,贴切表达。 适当调整,书写译文。五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pA.定语从句与同位语从句的区别:p1).定语从句先行词可以是任何名词,而同位语从 句先行词相当有限,例如:conclusion, fact, news, idea, belief, message, hope, evidence, opinion, problem, thought, understanding p2).同位语

3、从句中 that 不在从句中充当任何成分 ,定语从句 that 充当一定句子成分。pB. 定语 1).分词短语作定语 2).不定式作定语 3).介词短 语作定语 4).形容词做定语 上述成分做定语时,一般来说,应把定语翻译在 中心词前面。 p The problem lies in how people look at those students _(专心追求知识的). pwho are kownledge-oriented/absorbed in acquiring kownledge/absorbed in pursuing knowledgep 超级单词sth.-oriented追求,

4、 orient n.东方adj.东方的,上升的vi.向东 vt. 使适应、确定方向。oriented导向的,其实这 里可以很多种译法。p13. Im not accustomed to such luxury, _ (它简直是浪费钱).pwhich is just a waste of money五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pC.倒装结构:pHere comes the bus.pHere you are.p完全倒装:谓语动词全部移到主语的前 面The child ran away. Away ran the child.作用:有动感p)一些标志副词Out/in/off/up/down/aw

5、ay/here/therep2)开头是状语五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译p部分倒装:把助动词或者是情态动词放在主 语的前面p(1).表示“也(不)pI like this book. So does he. (so/neither/nor 放在句首,后面用不完全到 装)p(2).as引导让步状语从句时,从句的表语可以放 在最前面:Great as Newton was, many of his ideas (have been challenged) today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.Much

6、as he likes her, he does get annoyed with her sometimes.五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译p(3).含有否定意义的词放在句首,要用部 分倒装: Never/little/few/hardly/scarcely /seldom/in no way/ no longer/ on no account/ under no circumstancep(4).关于only:加状语放在句首,后面 要用部分倒装:pOnly under special circumstances are freshmen permitted to take make_ up

7、 tests.p If you wont agree to our plan,_( 他们也不 会同意 ). pneither will they p Only after I slapped him on the back _( 他才发现我并高兴得叫起来 ).pdid he notice me and shouted with happiness 五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pD. 比较结构 1). Asas 2). not so as 3). rather A,than B 与其说B,不如说A 4). less A,more B 与其说A,不如说BpThere engines are_ (

8、 不如我们制造的那些发动机功率大) . pless powerful than the ones we have made pE. 并列结构 两个或两个以上的并列成分有明显的连词标记 或标点符号连接,如: and, or, but, both and, neithernor, not but, not onlybut also等。五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pF. 否定结构 p1).部分否定:若否定句中出 all,both ,every,each 等类似词语,则表部 分否定。 2).形状否定: 例如: His contribution can not be exaggerated. 他的贡献

9、极大。 You can never be careful enough. 你必须多加小心。 pMost people tend to believe that “ the newer, the better, “ _ ( 尽管并不总 是这样 ).pthough that is not always the case五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pF. 否定结构 p3).形式肯定,内容否定 He is anything but / except a scholar. 他绝不是一个学者。 Swimming here is far from / not at all dangerous. 在此游泳毫

10、无 危险。 He is the last person I want to meet. 他是我最不想见的人。五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译pG. 形式主语p翻译方法固定,可当作短语直接翻译在句 子最前面。 It is reported that 据报道It is estimated that 据估计 It is conjectured that 据推测 It must be admitted that 必须承认 It can not be denied that / There is no denying that 不可否认 It can be said without fear / exag

11、geration that 可以毫不夸张地说 p_ ( 据说 ) the painter used his aunt as the model in that painting.pIt is said that五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译H. 强调结构:还原强调部分,直接翻译。 It is _(重要的不是谁来统治我们 ), but how he rules us. not who rules us that is important五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译p情态动词的完成式。 The room is in a terrible mess; it _ (肯定没 打扫过) . p 4.ca

12、nt have been cleanedp 情态动词+have done“表示推测, must/can/may/might/could/should/pneed/ought to各用于不同句型中五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译J. 非谓语动词 I dont mind your_(你延期做出决定) the decision as long as it is not too late. delaying making mind作及物动词,后面通常接名词、代词、V-ing形式、复合结构、从 句等。 I have had great deal of of trouble_.(跟得上 班上的其他同学)ke

13、eping up with the rest of the class. trouble可以用在句型“have trouble doing sth. ” 做某事有困难“中, 这时,trouble可以用difficulty来代替。 When I _(发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop. caught /found him cheating me find/catch+宾语+宾补,如I found him standing by the river. Your losses in tra

14、de this year are nothing _ (与我相 比). compared with minepHis remarks left me _( 想知 道他的真实目的 ). p wondering about his real purpose p leave sb doing 让继续处于某种状态 ;leave sb to do sth 让某人干某事五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译K. 虚拟语气 If you had_ ( 听 从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦)followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now. 虚拟语气在if 引导的条

15、件句中的用法 I suggested he _ (使自己适应) his new conditions. should adapt himself to 要用虚拟语气的相关动词如:insist,demand, order,ask,advise等。 五、 某些特殊句型、结构的翻译L.状语从句 The little boy next door has been beating his drum for a whole morning, which got on my nerves so much _( 以至于我无法集中注意力学习 ). that I have no way to concentrate on my study The scientist tried to convince us that a tiger would not attack us _( 除非它走投无路 ).punless its corneredp 超级单词unless除非,如果不;corner名词作“角 落、绝路



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