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1、SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time缩短制造周期 SHORT LEAD TIME 不断改进不断改进 ContinuousContinuous ImprovementImprovement制造质量制造质量 Built-In- QualityBuilt-In- Quality员工参与员工参与 经营经营 People InvolvementPeople InvolvementSGM-GMSSGM-GMS标准化标准化 Standardization Standardization SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time缩短制造周期定义: Short Lead

2、Time Definition:Definition: Reduce the time from the placement of an order by the final customer to the delivery of the product and receipt of payment. There are three types of lead time that contribute to the short lead time concept. They are: (1) Total Lead Time (receive order to receive payment)

3、(2) Product Development Lead Time (from Document of Strategic Intent DSI to Start of Production - SOP) (3) Process Lead Time (from raw material to final assembly) (4) From factory to customer.定义:缩短从最终客户下订单到交货收款的时间。在缩短制造周期的概念中有四种类型:(1) 完整的制造周期(从收到定单到收到 货款) (2) 产品开发周期(从概念设计到生产开始) (3) 工艺制 造周期(从原材料到最后装配

4、)(4) 从生产基地到客户。SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time缩短制造周期目的: Short Lead Time Purpose :Purpose: To achieve customer enthusiasm by delivering the customer his/her product more quickly, while maintaining good quality. Ultimately, our Company benefits through cost reduction and increased customer loyalty.目的:在保证

5、高质量的同时,通过更快地传递产品来获得客户 热诚。最终,公司将受益于降低的成本和提升的客户忠诚。SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time9.供应链的管理 Supply Chain Management (4)7.拉动式系统 Pull Systems (6)5.有计划的发运 /收货 Schedule Shipping/Receiving (8)3.固定周期订货系统 Fixed Period Ordering System (5)1.简易的工艺流程 Simple Process Flow (7)缩短制造周期的9个要素 Nine Element of Short Lead Time

6、2.少批量包装 Small Lot Packaging (15)4.受控的外部运输 Controlled External Transportation (14)6.临时物料储存 Temporary Material Storage CMA (9)8.均衡定购车辆的生 产计划 Level Vehicle Orders Schedules(3)SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead TimeNO.ELEMENTS要素# Of Calibration Statements1Simple Process Flow简简易的工艺艺流程6(2)2Small Lot Packaging少批量包装

7、7(1)3Fixed Period Ordering固定周期订货订货 系统统54Controlled External Transportation受控的外部运输输 85Schedule Ship/Receive有计计划的发发运 /收货货5(1)6Temporary Material Storage临时临时 物料储储存 8(4)7Pull Systems拉动动式系统统 5(1)8Level Order Scheduling均衡定购车辆购车辆 的生产计产计 划 3(1)9Supply Chain Management供应链应链 的管理 410Calibration Statement Total

8、s要素汇总汇总512008 GMS SLT要素SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time1-1、简易的工艺流程 Simple Process Flow (6)定义:以获得一个简易的物料与信息流为目的的流程 Definition: A process which incorporates a constant drive to attain a simple sequential process flow of material and information.目的:设计和实施这样一种工艺,这种工艺在优 化成本,降低工序内库存和易发现问题的同时坚 持“先进先出”这一原则并且具有可

9、跟踪性,可视 性,能缩短制造周期. Purpose: To design and implement processes that maintain FIFO, allow trace ability, are visual, reduce lead time, easily detects problems while optimizing cost, and reduces inventory and work in process.SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time2、在制品及缓冲区受控, 并被优化及目视化。( 例如零件、装配、零部件等)Work-in-proce

10、ss and buffers are controlled, optimized and visualized (e.g. parts, assemblies, components, etc.)1、先进先出这一原则体现在所有物料存储操作中 First In First Out is practiced in ALL Material Storage operations.1-2、简易的工艺流程 Simple Process Flow (6)3、目前的布局和流程利于直接,连续及简洁的生产/物料流转。. Layouts and processes facilitate a direct, con

11、tinuous and simple product/material flow4、为操作工设置安全、高效的零件摆放环境 。Team member envelopes are set to allow safe and efficient parts presentation要求 Requirements:SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time1-3、简易的工艺流程 Simple Process Flow (6)u先进先出须在所有的物料存储操作中实施。u在制品缓冲区物料必须保持先进先出。u在制品和缓冲区必须正确目视并与最大/最小控制流程 相一致。u所有按批生产的零件(如工位

12、上预装分总成),其每 次批量应近可能减少。u在制品必须经常检查以确保其数量上的最小化与最优 化。SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time1-4、简易的工艺流程 Simple Process Flow (6)5、制造/仓储目视辅助设施(清单,屏幕,拉动 卡等)要以简洁的格式存放于车间现场 Manufacturing/warehousing visual aids (i.e. manifest, build schedules/runsheets, inside rack labels, etc.) are present on the shop floor in a simpl

13、e format. 6、移动设备和生产/仓储设备支持简洁流程 Mobile equipment and production/warehousing equipment facilitate simple flowProduction visual aids (manifest, SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time2-1、少量包装 Small Lot Packaging (7)定义: 确定,分配或设计合适的标准数量和料箱 Definition: Determining, assigning or designing the appropriate standard qu

14、antity and container.目的: 以易于操作的包装方式为操作工提供零部件,这种包装 使部件在运送,储存和发货过程中不易受损,且易操作. Purpose: To provide parts to the operator in a user-friendly package that facilitates damage-free and economical handling during shipment, storage and delivery.SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time2-2、少量包装 Small Lot Packaging (7)c.在

15、搬运时,零件质量得到维护 ,且衬隔操作最小化 Part quality is maintained while dunnage and dunnage handling are minimizedb.料箱尺寸必须模块化和可堆放,以便支持运输效 率,空间利用率和装载稳定性Container sizes should be modular and stackable to support transportation efficiencies, cube utilization and load stability.1.料箱设计: Container Design: a.在料箱/料架订购之前,所有

16、料箱设计提案由物料 、生产、质量、安全和附加小组根据需求进行回顾 和批准 All container design proposals are reviewed and approved by material, production, quality, safety/ergo and additional groups as required before containers/racks are ordered. 要求 Requirements:SGM-GMS缩短制造周期 Short Lead Time2-3 、少量包装 Small Lot Packaging (7)2.料箱内装有的物品须在经核准的标签上明 确显示(零件号,名称,数量等) Container contents are identified on an approved label (part number, quantity, etc.)3、料箱选择过



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