国际视野之澳大利亚——noel lyons (澳大利亚墨尔本博士山学院)

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国际视野之澳大利亚——noel lyons (澳大利亚墨尔本博士山学院)_第1页
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《国际视野之澳大利亚——noel lyons (澳大利亚墨尔本博士山学院)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际视野之澳大利亚——noel lyons (澳大利亚墨尔本博士山学院)(90页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Developing teaching capability in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) System in Australia 在澳大利亚职业教育与培训体系下 教师能力的培养Noel Lyons 先生副院长(主管国际事务)澳大利亚墨尔本博士山学院Box Hill Institute of TAFE, AustraliaBox Hill Institute A Successful Case Study 博士山学院的成功案例分析周佳 女士 副总裁 国际文化资源(澳大利亚)交流中心 ICRO International Group

2、The Australian Context: The Australian VET System 澳大利亚 职业教育与培训体系Overview of Australian VET system 澳大利亚职业教育与培训体系概述Key characteristics of the Australian VET system: 澳洲职业教育与培训体系的主要特征: Industry driven in partnership with government 行业驱动,政府参与 Competency based system, focusing on “what is expected of an e

3、mployee in the workplace rather than on the learning process” 以岗位胜任能力为基础的系统,注重“企业对员工在实际工作中 的期望,而不仅仅是学习过程” Broad diversity in courses and students 课程与学生的广泛和多样性Overview of Australian VET system 澳大利亚职业教育与培训体系概述 Public policy in VET: 职业教育与培训体系的公共政策: Driven by economic policy 以经济政策为驱动力 Industry skill dem

4、and and global skills 行业技能需求和全球技能VET system is used by government to promote skills formation needed by the economy: 政府运用职业教育与培训系统来促进经济发展所需的各项技能: Focus on skills shortage industries 关注紧缺行业的技能 Focus on innovation and new industries 关注创新和新兴行业 Focus on higher level qualifications 关注高等学历资格 Driver for im

5、migration 促进移民VET Sector de-regulation 职业教育与培训部门的去管制化Old model: 原有模式:Government owned and run VET monopoly TAFE system 政府独立拥有并运作职业教育与培训TAFE体系 Centrally employed staff 集中雇佣的教职员工 TAFE Institutes effectively branch offices 为TAFE学院设立有效的分支机构 Inflexible and bureaucratic 一成不变且官僚化VET Sector de-regulation 职业

6、教育与培训部门的去管制化New model: 新模式:Government purchases training from TAFEs and private training providers 政府从TAFE学院和私立培训机构采购培训课程 Government regulates market and curriculum system 政府调节、规范市场和课程体系 TAFE Institutes operate independently and commercially, with far greater capability and expertise TAFE 学院拥有更多的能力与

7、专业知识进行独立且商业化的运作 Growth in international and enterprise activities 国际化发展与企业活动的增加Governance of the VET system 职业教育与培训系统的管理Largely Commonwealth Government funded 联邦政府投入大量的资金 State governments manage and regulate VET systems, and provide some additional funding, as agreed with the Commonwealth 州政府管理并规范职

8、业教育与培训系统,依照与联邦政府的协定提供 部分额外资金 Governance arrangements vary between the states 各州之间的政府管理与安排各不相同 National qualifications system 国家资格框架 National quality assurance system 国家质量保障系统Delivery modes 授课模式Learning environments in the Australian Vocational Education and Training System 在澳大利亚职业教育和培训体系下的教学环境Applie

9、d Learning Philosophy 应用学习哲学Learning environments 各种学习环境Learning environments Training workplaces 学习环境 - 培训工作现场Training Workplaces are industry based learning environments where training takes place within either a real or simulated work environment培训工作现场是根据行业真实或模拟工作环境而 建立的学习环境Examples followingBake

10、rs Delight 喜悦面包房 Baking 烘焙 Retail 零售Fountains Restaurant Open to public since 1982 于1982年起向公众开放的喷泉餐馆 Food and beverage service 食品和饮料服务 Bar and waiting 酒吧和侍应 Cookery 厨艺 Management 管理 Students test samples for industry 学生为工业界测试样品 Research 研究Bioskills Biotechnology 生物技术Box Hill is also a state Speciali

11、st Centre for Excellence in Biotechnology Training 博士山学院也是维多利亚州生物技术教学专业中心 Day spa procedures 日常水疗流程 Health and well being 健康与养生 Hair and beauty procedures 美发与美容疗程Salon on Elgar and Aveda Day Spa Open to public 向公众开放的美发美容中心 Flowers on Elgar Open to public 向公众开放的花卉中心 Floristry 花艺Pets on Elgar 宠物服务 Vet

12、erinary nursing 兽医护理 Veterinary service 兽医服务 Lighting and sound hire 声光服务LASH Lighting and Sound Hire 声光服务Whitehorse Fitness Club Open to public since 1990 建于1990年向公众开放的白马市健身俱乐部 Sport and recreation services 运动及康复服务 Fitness instructors 健身指导 Personal trainers 私人教练BHI/LSV Life Saving Victoria Sandridg

13、e Beach Function centre 与州立救生协会合建的沙岭海滩多功能中心Learning environments Innovative classrooms 学习环境创新型教室 Virtual classrooms 虚拟教室 Virtual libraries 虚拟图书馆Learning environments Innovative classrooms 学习环境创新型教室 Blended learning 混合型学习 Book- ended learning 书本式学习 Face to face and 面授, 以及 eLearning 在线学习Learning envir

14、onments Group based 学习环境-以班级/小组为单位Learning environments Group based 学习环境-以班级/小组为单位Working within the simulated hospital ward 在模拟病房工作 Build a cubby house 建造一栋舒适的房子 Mentor based learning 导师为主的学习 Individual learning pathways 个性化学习的途径 One on one job instruction time 一对一的工作指导Learning environments Individ

15、ual learning 学习环境-个人自主学习Learning environments Project based learning 学习环境项目化教学 Building house for homeless youth 为流浪青年服务组织建造房屋 Projects in industry 相关产业的项目实施Learning environments Project based learning 学习环境项目化教学 Build a car for the variety bash car rally 为Variety Bash 汽车拉力赛制造一辆汽车Learning environments Blended learning 学习环境-混合型学习 Sustainable office block 可持续型的办公街区 Virtual hospital 虚拟医院 The Virtual house 虚拟房屋Learning environments E-Learning 学习环境在线学习 Nursing simulation lab 护理模拟实验室 Aveda Beauty and Personal Services 美容及私人服务机构Learning environments Learning through simulation 学习环境模拟学习O



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