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1、MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent 自从Q4 2003部署EVDO以来,数 据ARPU 增加 520%; DO Rev. A l自Q4 2006 推出以来 ,进一步将数据ARPU在2007年提 高了 30%+ ;有超过50% 的VCAST 数据用户会 时常下载一些应用2007年,CDMA 数据 ARPU为 $12.25, 约 为全部 CDMA ARPU 的20;2007年,数据业务收入$52亿美元;自推出 EV-DO以来, Sprint 的数据ARPU几 乎翻了一倍;Sprint EV-DO 用户数在

2、过去一年增长近 200%,达五百一十万;PC 卡的销量增加近十倍数据 ARPU年增加 5% 一千五百万人或者 53% 的CDMA 用 户为EV-DO用户77% 的 CDMA 用户选择数据包月套 餐数据 业务 比例数据 业务 比例MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent LC, 0.5% (0.24%) EVDO Monthly BBH FCA & DC% FCA, 2% (0.8%), DC, 1.6% (1.17%), F TPUT, 800K bps (1.1Mbps) EVDO BBH Fwd Sec

3、tor Rate per Market Call Load per Carrier Average Daily 1X Data Rate HRPD Sessions & Linear Growth Projections Top MCC-DO Forward Span Utilization% CDMA Monthly BBH Erlang Trend BBH Erlangs per MM BBH MSC Span Utilization VPU Resource Utilization%. BH Paging Channel Util% Current MM BBH Utilizations

4、MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. 2004. Document Classification: Motorola Confidential Proprietary33与运营商例会后的典型建议MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are regis

5、tered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. 2004. Document Classification: Motorola Confidential Proprietary34CDMA 终端市场介绍MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office.

6、All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. 2004. Document Classification: Motorola Confidential Proprietary351. CDMA市场及产品介绍2. CDMA业务3. CDMA手机定制要素MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product

7、or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. 2004. Document Classification: Motorola Confidential Proprietary36亚太 CDMA 231,300,000 EV-Do 38,700,000北美 CDMA 140,100,000 EV-Do 52,300,000南美,加勒比海 CDMA 62,800,000 EV-Do 4,300,000欧洲,中东,非洲 CDMA 17,100,000 EV-Do 1,630,000全球已经有超

8、过 4亿5千1百万 CDMA 用户 其中9千7百万 为EV-Do Rev.0 & Rev.A 3G用户MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. 2004. Document Classification: Motorola Confidential Proprietary37198

9、0 CDMA 1x515 EV-Do Rev. 056 EV-Do Rev. A截至2008年六月,市场上共有1980款1X,515 款 Rev.0及56款Rev. A的手机 在中国共有228款CDMA 1X手机MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. 2004. Document

10、 Classification: Motorola Confidential Proprietary38中国手机市场现状 (CDMA 市场快速发展)CDMA 占6-8% 左右的市场份额 因为电信重组的不确定性,2008年前五个月累计只有4.2M2007 TAM (comparing to 2006 same period) GSM market size 137 M (112 M) (+22.3%) CDMA market size 10 M (7.3 M) (+36.9%) Total market size 147 M (119M) (+23.5%)MARKET SIZEJun/07Jul

11、/07Aug/07Sep/07Oct/07Nov/07Dec/07Jan/08Feb/08Mar/08Apr/08May/08Accum This yearGSM sales volume10,40 511,12 612,21 311,99 914,38 111,03 012,07 212,76 912,62 812,54 211,8 4 1 13,12 0 62, 901 CDMA sales volume88 177 076 989 496 394 196 998 487 490 98 2 3 6 4 4 4, 233 Total sales volume11,28 711,89 612,

12、98 212,89 315,34 511,97 113,04 013,75 313,50 213,45 112,6 6 4 13,76 4 67, 134 MARKET SPLITJun/07Jul/07Aug/07Sep/07Oct/07Nov/07Dec/07Jan/08Feb/08Mar/08Apr/08May/08Accum This yearGSM92.2%93.5%94.1%93.1%93.7%92.1%92.6%92.8%93.5%93.2%93.5%95.3%93.7%CDMA7.8%6.5%5.9%6.9%6.3%7.9%7.4%7.2%6.5%6.8%6.5%4.7%6.3

13、%- CDMA 在2007年快速发展MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. 2004. Document Classification: Motorola Confidential Proprietary39CDMA 产品价格段分布 (过去十二个月)超低端发展迅速 国内厂家 机卡

14、一体终端 高端以双模双待为主 双模产品 共占13% 市场份额700元以下的 产品占70% 市场份额MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. 2004. Document Classification: Motorola Confidential Proprietary40手机功能J

15、an-08Feb-08Mar-08Apr-08May-08智能手机 (Windows, Linux)1.1%1.1%1.4%1.3%1.6%手写PDA手机12.2%10.5%10.4%12.0%13.5%带摄像头的手机22.4%22.3%20.6%23.1%25.8%百万像素以上手机19.6%18.0%17.1%19.2%21.1%彩屏手机 73.5%76.8%78.0%75.0%77.8%二十六万像素手机 18.7%17.5%17.0%19.7%21.4%六万五千像素手机54.6%58.7%60.3%54.4%55.0%黑白屏手机26.5%23.2%22.0%25.0%22.2%GSM&CD

16、MA1X双模手机13.4%12.2%11.8%13.7%14.8%支持彩e的手机27.7%26.6%24.0%25.3%30.1%支持Brew的手机73.5%72.5%73.2%75.3%79.1%支持Mp3的手机22.9%22.6%21.4%24.1%26.5%CDMA 手机功能分类及市场份额MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc



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