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1、- 1 - boils(疖),burns(灼伤),chafing(擦伤),cuts(切割伤),cracked skin(皮肤龟裂),nappy rash(尿布疹)和insect bites(虫类叮咬)“World Athletics Championships”就是“世界田径锦标赛”的意思。其中,athletics 是复数型名词,指体育运动,在英式英语中,特指田径运动。不加s 的 athletic ,是形容词,义为“运动的”、 “体育的”或“健壮的” ,如 an athletic coach 运动员教练。而“运动员”的英语说法是athlete。世界田径锦标赛由国际田径联合会(IAAF , In

2、ternational Association of Athletics Federations)组织,自1991 年起每2 年举办一次。本次世界田径锦标赛于8 月 10 日至 18 日在俄罗斯首都莫斯科举办,而下一届比赛将于2015 年在北京举办。For more than a decade, shark fin soup has been served in any meal intending to highlight the hosts wealth, resulting in the consumption of hundreds of millions of shark fins.

3、 Up to 73 million sharks are killed each year for their fins. One third of the worlds nearly 500 shark species are facing extinction. However, the shark fin market has been hit by a drastic market downturn recently. Precise figures are difficult to come by, but industry estimates the market has shru

4、nk by between 50 and 70 percent. “shark fin”是鲨鱼翅的意思,即为人们常说的“鱼翅”,其中 fin 意为“鳍,鱼翅” ,人类割掉鱼鳍之后将鲨鱼扔回海里,鲨鱼会因为溺水或者流血过多而死。另外,文中face extinction 意为“濒临灭绝” ,其中extinction 意为“消亡,绝种” ,如mass extinction(大量消亡) ,in danger of extinction (面临灭绝的危险) 。A televised contest that has become hugely popular in China has led to na

5、tionwide hand-wringing over the populations increasing inability to write Chinese characters. The rapid rise of computers and smartphones has left most young people barely able to write by hand, with many unable to recall the estimated 10,000 characters used in daily life without an electronic promp

6、t. The state broadcaster CCTV launched the Chinese Character Dictation Competition this month to improve the populations handwriting amid fears that the countrys complex writing system, a highly prized treasure of its ancient culture, is entering an inexorable decline. 文中的 Chinese characters就是“汉字”的意

7、思。wording 或 diction,意思是“措辞” ,font 是指“字型、字体” ,而 calligraphy 意思是“书法” 。称赞某人写得一手好字,可以说他writes a good hand 或 has good handwriting ;handwriting 义为“书法、书写” ,是不可数名词。Chinas State Council has approved the establishment of a pilot free trade zone in Shanghai, according to a Ministry of Commerce statement last T

8、hursday. Experiences gained from the pilot zone are expected to be copied in other parts of the country, according to the statement. Covering 28.78 square kilometers, the new zone will be built on the basis of existing bonded zones Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Logistics Park, Ya

9、ngshan Free Trade Port Area and Pudong Airport Comprehensive Free Trade Zone. - 2 - “pilot free trade zone ”在文中解释为自贸试验区(自由贸易试验区) 。 “pilot ”在此是形容词,解释为试验性的,例如:pilot edition 试用版、 pilot project 试点项目。另外,文中的“establishment”可解释为设立, 它还可以解释为机构、当局。 比如:public establishments 公共机构、 welfare establishment 福利机构等。Gho

10、sting refers to leaving a social gathering without saying your farewells. It usually happens when you are too drunk to say a proper goodbye or you dont want to interrupt the host and make other guests take it as a cue to leave and thus kill the party. One moment youre at the party or the wedding lun

11、ch. The next moment youre gone. “Whered he go?“ your friends might wonder. But and this is key they probably wont even notice that youve left. But is it rude to leave without saying goodbye? A perky thank-you text the next day is fine. What do you think? 文中的 ghosting 就是“不辞而别”的意思。ghost 本是名词,此处用作动词,指像

12、鬼一样溜走,引申作“不辞而别”之意。此外,ghost 作为动词本身还有“替人代笔”之意,并有 ghost-writer “代笔者”一词较为常用。文中最后一段出现的leave without saying goodbye 也是“不辞而别”的意思,其他同义 表达还有: take French leave;say Irish goodbye; Dutch leave;peel out 等。kill the party 是很形象的表达,指“把聚会给毁了”。与之类似, kill-joy与 wet blanket指“扫兴或者煞风景的人”。Much like Western cultures Hallowe

13、en, some Eastern cultures celebrate a Fall festival where they believe the gates of hell are thrown open, releasing hungry ghosts to wander the earth in search of food and taking revenge upon those who wronged them in life. This month-long festival is known as the Hungry Ghost Festival . People woul

14、d also burn things such as paper houses, cars, servants and televisions to please the ghosts. Families also pay tribute to other unknown wandering ghosts so that these homeless souls do not intrude on their lives and bring misfortune and bad luck. 文中的“ Hungry Ghost Festival”就是“中元节”的意思。中元节,类似于西方的万圣节(

15、 All Saints Day )和万圣夜( Halloween) 。西方的传统节日在国内越来越盛行,但国人也不要忘记自己的传统节日哦。七夕节的说法是“Tanabata Festival”或“ Chinese Valentines Day” ;中秋节的说法是“the Mid-Autumn Festival ” ;元宵节的说法是“Lantern Festival ” 。Today, it is usual to claim that manners are getting worse: theres too much lunging for the bread, both literally a

16、nd metaphorically. One of the just examples is sodcasting. To sodcast is to play loud music through a phones speaker in a public location such as on a crowded bus or subway. The music could be loud enough to annoy other people, through which sodcasters beg for public attention. 文中的sodcast 就是“公放音乐”的意思。“公放音乐的人” (即“音乐公放怪” )就是sodcaster。这个词是podcast(播客)一词的衍生,词源来自broadcast(广播)这个词。sod- 3 - 一词本义为“草皮” ,在英国俚语中,常可解释为“讨厌的人”或“麻烦事”。cast 用作动词,意思



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