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1、Abstract Definition of an abstract Components of an abstract Stylistic Considerations Useful sentence patterns Keywords in an abstract An abstract is a concise summary of a larger document thesis, essay, book, research report, journal publication, etc. that highlights major points covered in the wor

2、k, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, identifies the methodology used, and the findings, conclusions, or intended results. 1. It should state the main objective and rationale of your project.The first few sentences of your abstract should state the problem you set out to solve

3、 or the issue you set out to explore and explain your rationale or motivation for pursuing the project. The problem or issue might be a research question, a gap in critical attention to a text, a societal concern, etc. the purpose of your study is to solve this problem and /or add to your discipline

4、s understanding of the issue. 2. It should outline the methods you need to accomplish your objectives. This section should explain how you went about solving the problem or exploring the issue you identified as your main objectives. For a social science research project, this section should include

5、a concise description of the process by which you conducted your research. For a humanities project, it should make note of any theoretical framework or methodological assumptions. 3. It should list your projects results. This section of the abstract should list the results or outcomes of the work y

6、ou have done so far. If your project is not yet complete, you may still want to include preliminary results or your hypotheses about what those results will be. 4. It should draw conclusions about the implications of your project.The abstract should close with a statement of the projects implication

7、s and contributions to its field. It should convince readers that the project is interesting, valuable, and worth investigating further. Tense: 英语摘要的时态多采用一般现在时或一 般过去时。介绍论文的研究背景、研究目的 和意义时,在阐述研究内容、研究结果的价 值和意义、结论以及提出讨论或建议时,应 该用现在时。在阐述研究方法或研究过程时 ,如:表述实验过程,以及在这些过程中所 观察到的现象或得到的数据应用过去时。 Voice and person: 在

8、摘要写作中,人们趋于用被动语态, 因为它能避免提及有关研究者,减少主观因 素,使行文显得客观。被动语态句子在结构 上有较大调节性,有利于采用恰当的修辞手 法,扩大句子信息量。绝大多数英文摘要都使用第三人称 (但不 使用 he 和 she),间或出现 the author (s), the writer (s) 和第一人称 “we”,即使原文献作者 只有一人,也宜用 “we” 而不宜用 “I”。 英文摘要是属于规范而严肃的书面文体, 它要避免使用任何带有感情色彩的修饰词汇 ,同时应避免使用模棱两可的情态动词,诸 如 might, could 等词语。 摘要自身要完整,可以不依附于文献而独 立存在

9、。它应尽可能多地包含文献的信息, 最好能保持文献的基调和风格。从修辞上讲 ,应是开门见山,准确简练。从结构上讲, 尽量不要使用复杂的长句,应广泛使用非谓 语动词和被动语态。描述目的:The chief major main primary principalpaper thesis article study survey project research investigation present workinvestigate discuss evaluate examine determine measure explain obtain outline reveal the cause

10、 ofaimgoalobjectiveobjectproposalpurposeof thistheis to 描述观察角度: 1. from the angle of2. in the light of the context that3. to view something at a different angle / from various angles4. from the point of view of 5. from the perspective of 描绘方法:1. Detailed information has been acquired by the authors

11、using2. This is a theory based on the idea that3. Several sets of experiments have been performed to test the validity of 4. The method used in our study is known as 5. The technique the author adopted is referred to as 6. The approach taken in the investigation is called7. The experiments consisted

12、 of four steps, which are described in 描述结果:1. The results show / indicate that2. The results are as follows:3. The analysis of the samples indicates that4. We found that 5. Data / observations suggested that 6. It is shown that7. The outcome has proved that8. Based on / upon the outcome / findings

13、/ results of the research, the author suggests that 9. The data obtained seem to be very similar to those reported earlier by 描述结论:1. This is particularly true of2. It is widely / universally / generally accepted that3. It can be concluded / acknowledged that4. The examination / investigation proves

14、 that 5. In summing up it may be stated that 6. All the preliminary results throw light on the nature of7. These findings of the research have naturally led the author to the conclusion that 关键词是为了文献标引工作从报告、论文中 选取出来用以表示全文主题内容信息款目的 单词或术语。它是反映文章最主要内容的术 语,是检索论文内容、获取相关信息的便捷 方式,一般附在摘要之后,对文献检索有重 要作用。 正确标引

15、关键词首先要注意从文献的题名、 摘要、层次标语、结语中选用最能揭示和描 述文献主题概念的词或词组,通常从论文的 标题和摘要中选择确定,其次对选出的词或 词组进行规范化处理,使之符合检索要求。 “关键词”通常用 “Keywords” 和 “Key Words” ,也有用 “Keyword Index”, “Subject words”, “Indexing Terms”, “Key Words & Phrases” 等。 “关键词”常用黑体予以强调,一般后面不 接标点符号,加两空格;有些刊物在关键词 后加冒号。 关键词之间可用逗号或分号隔开,也可采用 加大间隔的方法处理。最末一个关键词一般 不加任何标点符号。 关键词一般用名词或名词词组形式,不用动 词形式。如“分析”用 “analysis”而不用 “analyze”。


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