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1、Anti-multiculturalism and the Extreme Right in EuropeAnother side of the picture Xenophobia(仇外) intolerance Scapegoating of minorities ethnic cleansing racism Chauvinism ( 沙文主义 ) anti-Semitism(反犹主义 ) Extreme Rightism 1. Whats Extreme Rightism? These are some of the ER parties Front National (FN) Bri

2、tish National Party (BNP) Freedom Party Austria (FPO) Italian Social Movement (MSI)Whats Extreme Rightism? It is a political ideology Also named Right-wing Extremism, Extreme Right, Far Right Extremism Right: a rejection of the principle of fundamental human equality Extreme: a rejection of the fund

3、amental values, procedures and institutions of the democratic constitutional stateThe four themes of Extreme Rightism a. Anti-immigration stance vote-winner policy; ethnic prejudice: extreme right parties tend to depict the Third World immigrants as threats Crime is portrayed as a consequence of imm

4、igration and the presence of foreigners Anti-Islamisation Main policiesa freeze on immigration compulsory ID cards for immigrants no early access to citizenship or voting rights curtailing family reunification tough procedures for asylum (政治避难) seekers and refugees regulations on repatriation (引渡) e

5、tc. The four themes of Extreme Rightism b. Ultra-nationalism Establishing a homogenous nation which is directed against the concept of liberal and pluralistic democracy and its principles of individualism and universalism. Their slogans: France for the French! Germany for the Germans!Vienna for the

6、Viennese! Rights for Whites! They profess the concept of National Preference: Nation is seen as a unit of individuals who share the same culture and ethnic origins and a clearly defined territory Public funds and benefits should be reserved solely for insiders Emphasis on traditional values Some eve

7、n support secessionism. The four themes of Extreme Rightism c. Hostility to European integration d. Anti-establishment populism2.How Extreme Rightism impact on the multiculturalism in Europe? a. The rise and fall of the Extreme Right parties in Europe Pattern:MarginalizationBreakthroughInstitutional

8、izationExample: Front National in France Leader: Jean-Marie Le Pen (让玛丽勒庞) Example: FN in France 1. Marginalization perceived as too extreme and irrelevant to voters won only 0.74% in the French presidential election and his party achieved only 0.33% in the 1974 unsuccessfulExample: FN in France 2.

9、Breakthrough In the 1980-1990, the mainstream right was defeated in the election Le Pen was able to exploit its failure; focus on issues like immigration, insecurity, unemployment (much less radical) The party won 9.7% in the French National Assembly in 1986Example: FN in France 3. Institutionalizat

10、ion prominence in the issues of immigration and ethnic issuesCollaboration with the mainstream right; gain legitimacy In 2002, Le Pen managed to beat the Socialist Partys candidate on the first ballot and came to duel with President Chirac (although well beaten)The pattern for success Utilize the an

11、ti-immigration policies to attract voters; gain legitimacy from de-radicalization and coordination with the mainstream right Some even form coalition government (Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark)2.How Extreme Rightism impact on the multiculturalism in Europe? b. impact on policies Mainstream rig

12、ht tried to avoid being outflanked by the extreme right They began to adopt their policies and courting their electorate Le Pens success in exploiting the anti-immigration theme was facilitated by the mainstream right wingUntil 2005, mainstream parties legitimized and trivialized the anti-multicultu

13、ralism Austria: in 2005, the collation government reformed the law on citizenship, tightening up the granting of citizenship to immigrants Denmark: in 2001-2005, then immigration and asylum policies was tightened with fewer residence permits becoming availableFrance: Nicolas Sarkozy (right wing)In A

14、ugust, 2010, dozens of Roma (Gypsies) were being repatriated by France for security concern from April 11st ,2011, the veil ban in France began to enforce2.How Extreme Rightism impact on the multiculturalism in Europe? Conclusion Anti-immigration: vote winner Mainstream Right and Extreme Right coali

15、tion Policies legitimization Further questions Will such phenomenon has a lasting effect on the policy-making in Europe? Will the prosperity of ER become a flash in a span? Does the rise of ER really mainly benefit from the anti-immigration and ultra-nationalism policies? Or there may be some other reasons?ReferencesPaul Hainsworth, the Extreme Right in Western Europe, (London: Routledge, 2008)Oliver Marchart, the Fourth Way of the Ultra-Right: Austria, Europe, and the End of Neo-Corporatism, Capital & Class Spring 2001 vol. 25 no. 1,p 7- 14Christopher Hill, bringing War Home: Foreign Policy-


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