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1、书面表达专题三 写作要求与步骤 一、总体要求:1、结构清晰,段落分明。2、要点齐全,表达有序。3、句意连贯,符合逻辑。4、句子规范,相互关联。5、善用句型,长短结合。6、巧用词汇,避免平淡。7、书写规范,字数达标。8、卷面整洁,内秀外美。二、写作步骤:请以“Fewer people are going out for a tour”为题 ,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,内容提示如 下: 、很多人国庆放假七天,是旅游的好时候,但 外出旅游的人在减少; 、原因:()拥挤:交通、景点()费用昂贵:食宿 、你的意见或建议:1、仔细审题,认真构思。 全文分三段: 第一段: 句1: 很多人在国庆期间可享

2、受七天假期。 句2: 这本应该是外出旅游的好时候,但是现 在外出的人数正在日益减少。 第二段: 句3: 我认为造成这种现象主要有两方面原因。 句4: 一是很多人同时外出旅游,造成路上交通 拥挤。 句5: 这也使得一些著名景点挤满了人。 句6: 从而使人们不能很好地享受旅游。 句7: 二是旅游费用昂贵。 句8: 在这期间,无论是吃饭,还是住宿的费 用都比平时要高得多。 第三段: 句9: 我认为,外出旅游是很有必要的,因为 它能够让我们的身心得到很好的休息。 句10: 但是,我们也有必要对地方和时间的选 择作仔细的考虑。 2、提炼句型,精选词汇。 第一段:句1:很多人在国庆期间可享受七天假 期。(

3、1) Many people can have a seven-day holiday during National Day. (2) As we know, many people can enjoy a seven- day holiday during National Day. 句2:这本应该是外出旅游的好时候,但是现在 外出的人数正在日益减少。(1) Its a good time for them to go out for a tour, but nowadays fewer people are going out. (2) Its a good time for a tou

4、r, but nowadays fewer people are going out. (3) As we know, many people can enjoy a seven- day holiday during National Day, which provides them a good chance to go on a tour. But nowadays, fewer people choose to go out.第二段:句3;我认为造成这种现象主要有两方 面原因。 (1) I think there are two reasons.(2) I think two main

5、 reasons lead to this.句4:一是很多人同时外出旅游,造成路上交通 拥挤。(1) Firstly, so many people go out for a tour at the same time and the traffic is very busy on the roads.(2) Firstly, with so many people going out at the same time, the traffic is surely very busy.句5:这也使得一些著名景点挤满了人。(1) This also makes some famous place

6、s of interest full of people.(2) Without doubt, some famous scenic spots will be crowded with tourists.句6:从而使人们不能很好地享受旅游。(1) So people cannot enjoy their tour.(2) Therefore, many of them cannot enjoy their tour.句7:二是旅游费用昂贵。(1) Secondly, the traveling price is very high.(2) Besides, the traveling exp

7、enses are big.句8:在这期间,无论是吃饭,还是住宿的费用 都比平时要高得多。(1) During National Day, people have to spend much more on food and hotel rooms than usual.(2) In these days, restaurants and hotels charge much more than usual.第三段:句9:我认为,外出旅游是很有必要的 ,因为它能够让我们的身心得到很好的休息。(1) In my opinion, its necessary to go out for a tou

8、r because it can make our body and mind have a good rest.(2) Personally speaking, its necessary to go out for a tour as it can help relax our body as well as our mind.句10:但是,我们也有必要对地方和时间的选择 作仔细的考虑。(1) But, it is also necessary for us to think of carefully the place and time.(2) However, while planni

9、ng, its also important to take the destination and time into consideration.3、通读全文,杜绝错误。 As we know many people can enjoy a seven- days holiday during the National Day, which provide them a good chance to go on a tour. But nowadays, few people choose to go out.I think there are mainly two reasons lea

10、d to this. Firstly, with so many people going out at same time, the traffic is surely very busy. With doubt, some famous scenic spots will be crowded of tourists. Therefore, many of them cannot enjoy their tour. Besides, the traveling expenses are high. In these days, restaurants and hotel will charge much more than usually.Personally speaking its necessary to go out for tour as it can help relax our body and our mind. However, before planning, its also important to take the destination and time in consideration.


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