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1、 房地产E网Management CommunicationZhang Li Department of Business A 房地产E网nIntroductionnCommunication StrategynEffective ListeningnMaking Presentations nNegotiatingnInterviewingnRunning MeetingsnWritingReferencesnMary Munter, Guide to Managerial Communication, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, Tsing Hua Univer

2、sity Press,1999nMichael E. Hattersley, Linda McJannet, Management Communication Principles and Practice, China Machine Press, McGraw-Hill, 1998nRon Ludlow, Fergus Panton, Effective Communication, Prentice Hall, 1997nKitty O. Locker, Business and Administrative Communication, 5th edition, China Machi

3、ne Press, McGraw-Hill, 2000n魏江,管理沟通理念与技能,科学出版社, 2001n苏勇,罗殿军,管理沟通,复旦大学出版社, 1999n罗锐韧 ,曾繁正,管理沟通,红旗出版社, 房地产E网GradingnClass Participation 20%nOral Presentation 10%nCases Analysis and Presentation 30%nIndividual Assignment 40% 房地产E网Part 1 Introduction第一节 管理沟通的内涵和要素第二节 沟通的类型第三节 管理模式与沟通Discussion(1):Backgr

4、ound你是一位宇航员,与另外几位宇航员驾 驶一太空船飞向月球,原计划去与已经 降落月球、作为基地的太空母船会合。 然而,因机械故障,你们的太空船只能 迫降在距离太空母船200英里之外的月 球表面。降落时许多设备受到损坏,而 为了生存你们必须充分利用未受损坏的 装备自行到达太空母船。下面列出了15 样未受损坏的物资和装备,请依据其重 要性分别标出1-15,以供你们出发时酌 其重要性决定取舍(比如,你们的体力 只能带13件,就只好放弃另外两件)。 Discussion(1):B 房地产E网Discussion(1):Group CommunicationnAfter finishing self

5、-judgement, your group uses informative or persuasive communication so as to get access to the common decision. The turn of 15 things should try to get everyones agreement.nAttentions: -No matter informative, or persuasive communication, logic is the fundamental; -Dont change your idea only to avoid

6、 the conflict; -Dont make decision only to abide by “the minority and the majority” ruleDiscussion(1): 房地产E网Discussion(2): Self-assessment What key techniques, you think, decide the success of your career? What are your communication barriers in your job? What are the most effective approaches to im

7、prove your communication skills? What do you wish to learn much more in this course? 房地产E网Significance of MCnCo-ordination requires communication. what is an organization? Firstly, it consists of a number of people. Secondly, it involves interdependence. nCommunicative capability heavily influences

8、 your career development to some extent. 房地产E网Harold Koontz (哈罗德孔茨):“管理就是设计和保 持一种良好环境,使人在群体里高效率地完成既定 目标。”Henri Foyol (亨利法约尔): planning计划, organizing 组织, coordinating协调, commanding领导, controlling 控制Henry Mintzberg (亨利明兹伯格): “Verbal and written contacts are the managers work.” “Managers must be able

9、to communicate easily and efficiently.” 房地产E网约翰奈斯比特:“未来竞争将是管理的竞争, 竞争的焦点在于每个社会组织内部成员之间 及其与外部组织的有效沟通之上。” 松下幸之助:“伟大的事业需要一颗真诚的心与 人沟通。” 乔丹与皮蓬:“我们两个人在场上的沟通相当重 要,我们相互从对方眼神、手势、表情中获 取对方的意图,于是我们传、切、突破、得 分;但是,如果我们失去彼此间的沟通,那 么公牛的末日来临了。” 房地产E网n美国著名学府普林斯顿大学对一万份人事 档案进行分析,结果发现:“智慧”、“专 业技术”和“经验”只占成功因素的25, 其余75决定于良好的

10、人际沟通。n哈佛大学就业指导小组1995年调查结果 显示,在500名被解职的男女中,因人际 沟通不良而导致工作不称职者占82。n“三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮” 房地产E网沟通是个人事业成功的重要因素n只有与人良好的沟通,才能为他人 所理解;n只有与人良好的沟通,才能得到必 要的信息;n只有与人良好的沟通,才能获得他 人的鼎力相助,正所谓“能此者大 道坦然,不能此者孤帆片舟”。 房地产E网Why communicate?n It leads to greater effectiveness.n It keeps people in the picture.n It gets people i

11、nvolved with the organization and increases motivation to perform well; increases commitment to the organization.n It makes for better relationships and understanding between: boss and subordinate; colleagues; people within the organization and outside it.n It helps people to understand the need for

12、 change: how they should manage it; how to reduce resistance to change. 房地产E网第一节 管理沟通的内涵和要素一、管理沟通的概念 Concept of MCn机机沟通n人机沟通n人人沟通管理沟通是指沟通者为了获取沟通对象的 反应和反馈而向对方传递信息的全部过程nCommunication depends on the nature of the message to be passed, and on the relationship between the sender and the receiver. nYou a

13、re successful only if your message leads to the response of your audience. e.g.“Arthur, I wonder if youd like to look at your account, its a bit overdue.”“Mr. Jones, your account is very overdue and we are placing the matter in the hands of our solicitors at the end of this week if it is not brought

14、 within our normal terms of sale by then” 房地产E网Natures of MC n Media: language or letters;n Content: Information, Thoughts, Emotion, Aspects, Attitude etc;n Philosophy greatly influences the understanding of motive, behavior and goal;n Special barriers: Information disorder, Philosophy elements (pr

15、eference, background, experiences and value). 房地产E网管理沟通的内涵:1. 沟通首先是意义上的传递。 2. 要使沟通成功,意义不仅需要被传递 ,还需要被理解。 3. 在沟通过程中,所有传递于沟通者之 间的,只是一些符号,而不是信息本身 。 4. 良好的沟通常被错误地理解为沟通双 方达成协议,而不是准确理解信息的意 义。 5. 沟通的信息是包罗万象的。 房地产E网Case 1:EC公司工资改革方案的出台Discussion: 1人事部主任为了保证工资改革的顺利实施,要解决好沟 通问题 ,从该案例看,他应如何考虑沟通的对象,以及 针对 不同对象的沟通信息策略和内容等问题 ? 2人事部主任为实 施工资改革方案,具体的沟通目的是什 么?案例中所述的五点建议,能否保证沟通的顺利实现 ? 3在工资改革方案酝酿过



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