2017版高考英语新课标版《核按钮考点突破》课件2017必修五unit 4

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1、必修五 Unit 4 Making the news 1. 课前自测2. 课堂学案词汇接龙 1. _(adj. 有天赋的)_(n. 礼物;天赋;赠品) 2. _(vt. gift 2. approve; approval 3. profession; professional4. demand; demanding 5. accurate; accurately; accuracy6. appointment; appoint; appointed 7. acquire; acquisition; acquisitive词汇接龙 8. _ (vt. 控告;谴责 ) _(n. 控告;指控) _

2、(adj. 被控告的) _(adj. 指责的;非难的)9. _(vt. accusation; accused; accusing9. concentrate; concentration; concentrated词块互译 1. 对那份工作很欣喜 be delighted _ the job 2. 因为报 道那个事件而控告他 _ him _ covering the event 3. 指望他来更新系统 depend _ him to update the system 4. 怀疑那个陈述 be sceptical _ the statement 5. _ demand to publish

3、his story 6. _ have a good nose for news 7. 否认拿了那笔钱 deny _ the money 8. 批准了那份润色过的报道 approve the _ report 9. _ inform them of the deadline 10. 渴望有一次采访 be eager _ an interview Key:1. at/with/by 2. accuse; of 3. on4. of 5. 要求出版他的故事6. 对新闻有很好的嗅觉 7. taking 8. polished9. 告知他们最后期限 10. to have句型补全 1. Now dis

4、cuss in pairs how you would feel if you _ a job on a famous newspaper? 现在分组讨论 一下,如果一家著名报社提供给你一份工作,你感 觉如何?(if条件句表示对将来的虚拟) 2. Only if you ask many different questions _ all the information you need to know. 只有提出许多不同的问题,你才能收集到你所需要的所有信息。 (only构成的倒装句) 3. Here _ my list of dos and donts. 这些是我列举的一些注意事项。(倒

5、装句) 4. Have you ever had a case _ your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? 你们有没有过这样 的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)的报道完 全失实?(case后的定语从句) 5. It was a dilemma because the footballer _ damages if we were wrong. 这 是一个两难问题 ,因为如果我们错了,那个足球运动员可能会要求赔偿金 。 (虚拟语气)Key:1. were offered 2. will you acquire 3. com

6、es 4. where someone accused5. could have demanded课文回顾Key: 1. strongly 2. delighted 3. on 4. to update 5. the 6. whether/if7. which 8. recorder 9. getting 10. have demanded My first assignment was to work as an assistant to an experienced journalist who was to _1_ (strong) influence my life. I was ve

7、ry _2_ (delight) to work there because I found my colleagues very eager to assist me so I could concentrate _3_ my work easily. To my joy, although I didnt need to take photographs myself, I could take amateur courses _4_ (update) my skills. Whats more, I had to learn to ask different questions abou

8、t all _5_ information I needed to know and I must have a good nose for the story. The most important was that I had to assess _6_ it was true.Apart from these, I should keep a lot of dos and donts in mind, among _7_ listening is the most important. While listening, Id better use a _8_ (record) in ca

9、se one day I need some evidence to support my story. Otherwise, I am very likely to be accused of _9_ (get) the wrong end of the stick. Whats worse, someone could _10_ (demand) damages if I didnt get the facts right.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。课课堂学案1. acquire vt. 获得;得到;习得1. They must struggl

10、e against their circumstances to acquire the basics of survival and human dignity. 他们必须在这样的环境下进行斗争来获得基本的生存权和人格 尊严。 2. The car was acquired from his parents years ago. 这辆车是多年前从他父母那儿 弄来的。acquire sth. (from sb.) (从某人那里)获得;买到;取得;学到 acquire a taste for sth. 开始喜欢某事 acquire the habit (of doing sth.) 养成(做某事

11、的)习惯 acquire a knowledge of 学会 acquire a degree/diploma 获得学位/文凭 an acquired taste 养成的兴趣/爱好【词块助记】【构词】acquisition n. 获得;习得acquisitive adj. 想获得的1. Emily is trying to put the knowledge _ (acquire) at school to use in her work.2. Gradually they acquired the knowledge of French during their stay in France

12、.Key:1. acquired 2. the改为a【词块助记】2. inform vt. 告知;通知 1. Keep your manager informed of your plans, actions and projects in time. 及 时告知上司你的计划、行动和项目。 2. (2014广东卷)One after another, the next six drivers arriving at the tollbooth were informed, “Some lady up ahead already paid your fare.” 陆 续地,随后抵达公路收费站的六

13、名司机都被告知:“前面的一位女士 已帮你们缴费了。” 3. Please inform us how to find his house. 请告诉我们他家在哪里。inform sb. of sth. 将告知某人 inform sb. wh-to do 告诉某人做 inform sb. that-clause 通知某人 keep sb. informed (of) 使某人知晓【构词】informed adj. 了解情况的;见识广的information n. 信息1. (2014山东卷改编)It senses how it is moved and can send the _ (inform)

14、 to an Android phone or iPhone via a Bluetooth wireless connection.2. China Daily is more than a newspaper. With the help of it, readers can be informed to recent news as well as important events.Key:1. information 2. to改为of【词块助记】3. accuse vt. 控告;指控1. As long as you do what you can, no one will accu

15、se you even if you fail it in the future. 只要你尽力而为,即使将来失败也没有人会指责你。 2. We accused him of taking bribes. 我们控告他受贿。3. Tim was accused as a murderer. 蒂姆被指控为杀人犯。 accuse sb. of 因为控告某人be accused of 因为被指控be accused as 被指控为【构词】accusation n. 指控bring/make accusation against sb. 控告某人1. John was very upset because he was accused by the police with breaking the law.2. T



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