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1、反意疑问句Disjunctive Questions 一.反意疑问句的定义 反意疑问句(The Disjunctive Questions )是疑 问句的一种,它对陈述部分的事实提出相反的 疑问,形式上是个省略句,附在陈述部分之后 ,并用逗号与陈述部分隔开(主语一般用相应 的代词;有时这种问句并没有反意疑问句的意 味,而是提出一个事实上听话人承认的问题。 所以,人们统称为附加疑问句(Tag Questions )。 附加疑问句主要是由“陈述句 + 附加疑问”构成 ,附加疑问部分的动词一般要与陈述部分的动 词相对应,附加疑问部分的主语要与陈述部分 的主语相对应,如果陈述部分的主语是名词词 组,则

2、附加疑问部分用相应的代词表示。 二.附加疑问句的类型 附加疑问句的类型为:陈述句 + 反意附加疑问。该类型又可以分 为以下两种情况阐述: 当陈述句为肯定式时,附加疑问句用否定形式,即肯定的陈述 句+否定的附加疑问句。 例句: Its very hot today, isnt it ? Yes, it is . 今天天气很热,是不是? 是 的,很热。 That clock is slow ,isnt it? Yes, it is. 这钟是缓慢的,不是吗?是的 ,它是。 You want to get your TV set back , dont you ? Yes , I do. 你想您的电视

3、机回来,不是吗?是的,我是这样想的。 当陈述句用否定式时,附加疑问句用肯定形式,即否定的陈述 句+肯定的附加疑问句。 例句: It isnt very hot today, is it ? 今天不是很热,是吗? That clock isnt slow ,is it ? 这钟不是缓慢的, 是吗? 注意这一类型的附加疑问句的回答,不管问题的提法如何,若事 实是肯定的,就要用yes,事实是否定的,就要用no,这与汉语 不一样,应特别注意。 例句: She isnt a teacher , is she? 她不是教师,是吗? Yes , she is. 不,她是。 No, she isnt .是的

4、, 她不是。 三、附加疑问句的构成 1.当陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone ,someone, no one, nobody, somebody 等指人的合成词时,附加疑问部分的主语在正 式语体中通常用he,在非正式文体中则往往用they。 例句 Nobody likes to lose money , does he? 没有人愿意赔钱,那么他呢? Everyone enjoyed the party, didnt they /he ? 每个人都很喜欢这个舞会,他们不 是吗? 2.当陈述部分的主语是everything ,anything, something, noth

5、ing 等指物的合成词时,附加疑问部分的主语只能用 it。 例句 Nothing is difficult , is it ? 没什么难的事情,不是吗? Everything seems all right , doesnt it ? 所有的事情都好了,不是吗? 3.当陈述部分是there 引起的句时,附加疑问部分的主语也用 there。 例句 There is a boat on the river, isnt there? 河上有一只船, 不是吗? There stands a house and a lot of trees , doesnt there? 那有一座房子还有一些树, 不是

6、吗? 4.当陈述部分含有seldom , hardly, scarely, no, not,never, rarely,few, little, nothing, nobody , nowhere 等否定词或半否定词 ,附加疑问部分采用肯定形式。 例句 Nobody phoned while I was out ,did they ? 当我在外面的时候没有 人来电话,是吗? Few people know him ,do they ? 几乎没有人认识他,是吗? He has never been to Beijing ,has he? 他从来没有去过北京,是吗 ? 5.当陈述部分含有un- ,

7、in- ,im-, il-, ir-, dis-等否定前缀或less等否 定后缀构成的派生词时,附加疑问则用否定形式。 例句 Its unfair, isnt it ? 那不公平,不是吗? She dislikes it , doesnt she? 她不喜欢它,不是吗? 6.当陈述部分含有no one , nobody , none ,nothing ,neither等作动 词的宾语时,附加疑问部分采用肯定形式。 例句 He has nothing to say ,does(nt) he? 他没什么可说的,是吗? You got nothing from him, did(nt) you? 你

8、从他那什么都没得到, 是吗?Lets do some exercises2.These are not books, _ _ ?3.Nothing is serious, _ _ ?4.Everything seems all right, _ _?1.This is your brother, _ _?isnt itare theyis it doesnt it*Lets do some exercises6. No one came , _ _?7.Each of the boys has a football, _ _?8. None of the milk is left, _ _?5

9、. Everyone knows this , _ _ ?dont theydid theyhavent theyis it*Lets do some exercises1. You are an actor, _?2. She is going to visit me, _?3. It wasnt fine yesterday, _? Lets do some exercises 1. It often rains here, _?2. You have a headache, _?3. I called you yesterday, _?4. It doesnt rain here, _?

10、 5. You didnt call me yesterday, _?Lets do some exercises1. You will go to America, _? 2. We have ever been to Shanghai, _? 4. You should try your best, _?3. He hasnt done his homework, _? Lets do some exercises1. He never watches TV, _? 3.There is nothing in it, _? 2.They have very few friends here

11、, _? Lets do some exercises1. There is no air on the moon, _ _? 6. She is unhappy, _ _? 5. You dislike swimming, _ _? 4. It is impossible, _ _?3. Mary can speak little English, _ _? 2. He made few mistakes, _ _? 特殊句型 在祈使句的反义疑问句后统一用 will you? 当祈使 句以lets 开头时,疑问句用shall we。1. Speak louder, _? 3. Lets go

12、 home,_? 2. Dont be late, _? 注意:如果以let us 开头,疑问句部分仍然用 will you Let us sing a song for you, ? 陈述部分是I am 或 Im 时,疑问 部分用 arent I. I am having an English lesson, _. 宾语从句中,以主句为准, 但如果主语是第一人称I 或者We且谓语动词是think, believe, guess, suppose 时, 以从句为准. 2. Heneversaidhe was a good student,_? 4. I dont believe he stud

13、ies harder, ?3. I think you are right, _ ?1. You told them Tom wouldnt come,_? 陈述部分主语是 everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, anybody, no one, nobody等时,疑问部分的主语用 they或he;Everybody knows the answer, ?或 ? these,those时,疑问部分主语用 theyThis is your book, ? Everything here is good, ?this, that时,疑问部分的主语用 it;

14、everything, something, nothing, anything 时,疑问部分用 it These are your friends, ? Lets sum up the severaldifferent kinds of the Disjunctive Questions. 一、问句部分与陈述部分主语不一致的情况:陈陈述部分主语语 疑问问部分主语语 例句this或 thatitThis is your mother,isnt it ?these或thosetheyThese are books,are they?somethingeverything等itNothing is serious, is it ?they/heEveryone knows this,dont they?/



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