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1、云衢小学英语写作教学设计书南朗镇云衢小学许家琦一、课例名称: In the zoo 二、执教教师:许家琦三、指导教师:黄佩丽四、课型:单元教学(第二课时)五、学段(年级):六年级上学期六、教材版本:广东省教育厅编写开心学英语七、教学流程图Unit 8 In the zoo 教学流程图教 学 活 动一、热身活动1.sing a song 2. Free talk 通过Free talk, 引出In the zoo. 任 务 主 线二、复习已学过的动物英语单词和形容词。介绍各种动物。四、写小作文介绍两种动物的情况。三、阅读范文谈一谈动物园中各种动物的情况。五、小结与作业巩固知识八、教学设计(三)教

2、学目标1、教学内容:Book Seven Unit 8 2、知识目标:学生能掌握句型:Which is faster,the car or the duck?The car is faster. 3、技能目标:通过阅读,能运用形容词的比较级来描述出动物之间的比较情况。4、情感目标: (1)培养学生用形容词的比较级来描述事物的能力,说明各种动物都有它们的特点,我们要好好地保护它们,让它们更好的生活。(2)通过表演活动和小组活动,学生学会协助与合作,从而提高学习效果,合作学习的意识得到进一步加强。5、教学重点: (1)通过对阅读内容的理解,初步掌握如何运用形容词的比较级来描述事物之间的差别。(2)

3、 能正确口头运用 Which is faster, the cat or the duck? The cat is faster 来进询问并作出正确的回答。6、教学难点:(1)掌握动物及形容词;(2)掌握形容词比较级的改写;(3)对介绍图中动物园情况的即兴表演。(四)设计思路根据新课程标准的要求,强调要激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。让学生主动有效地参与学习过程。为使学生成为课堂上的主人,因此本人在教学中运用情景教学法,创设情景帮助学生

4、通过情景理解教学内容,逐步培养学生用英语思维的习惯,同时运用游戏教学法及表演法,通过小组合作学习, 创造一种和谐融洽学习氛围。 本人主要是按照 “ 任务型教学 ”的结构来设计课堂活动的, 通过引导学生参与讨论的学习方式,即“ 探究学习、合作讨论、主体参与 ” ,体现了教育要以人为本,要尊重学生的认知规律和情感发展规律。通过Games,Music, Songs等在课堂上的运用,让学生在学中玩,玩中学,融情入境,做到寓教于乐。(五)教学策略(1)教学方法:本节课采用TPR、情景教学法、活动教学法和游戏教学法。在教学中运用情景教学法,创设情景帮助学生通过情景理解教学内容,逐步培养学生用英语思维的习惯

5、,同时运用游戏教学法及表演法,通过小组合作学习,创造一种和谐融洽学习氛围。另外,灵活贯穿无意识记忆知识迁移法,让学生能够在老师有意识的指导下无意识的轻松识记知识。这些教学方法更符合学生的心理特征和认识特点,能够更好地调动学生学习的积极性,激发他们的学习兴趣,培养他们语言知识运用能力,提高他们的综合语言素质,而且更能够提高课堂教学的有效性。(2)辅助手段:(1)制作多媒体课件来辅助教学,CAI 能够创造较为真实的模拟情景,尤其本课是以一个简单故事作为任务主线,更加能产生“ 身临其境 ” 的直观效果,学生更容易理解故事内容。另外, CAI 更能制作出色彩鲜艳的视角效果,能够更好地引吸学生的注意力。

6、相对传统教学手段来说,CAI 产生的效果更加明显。(3)准备材料:光盘、课堂练习、图片、铅笔等。九、教学过程 . Step1 Warm- up and lead-in 1. Sing a song. T: What s that? Ss: It s a snail T: And this? Ss: It s a snake T: Good, Do you remember this song Ss: Yes. T: Let s sing this song , OK? Ss: Yes. 设计意图 : 通过唱 Which is slower ,让学生复习前面学习过的句型,一方面提高学生学习兴趣和

7、集中力,另一方面为下面的内容作好辅垫2Free talk. T: Hello, Everyone! Ss: Hi, Teacher T: Do you know which place has many animals? Ss: Zoo. T: Do you ever go to the Zoo? Ss: No, I don t. T: That s OK! Today , we will go to the zoo. Are you ready? Ss: Yes. 设计意图 :通过真实的交际训练引出本节课要学习的内容,利用日常谈话为学生创设轻松的学习氛围,消除学生的紧张情绪,并由此自然地引出

8、本课所要学习的话题。Step 2 Presentation 1. Review the English phrases T: Now, we are going to take the bus to the zoo. Let s go. Ss: Yes. (1)Show some animals pictures , have ss guess Ant, butterfly, fox,fish, duck,bear, snail,bird, chicken (2) Have Ss read the English phrases after the teacher for some times

9、. 设计意图 :通过情景,带学生到动物园看动物,以游戏形式,让学生猜动物,复习已学习过的动物单词,既可以吸引学生的注意力,又有效地复习学生学过得的单词,让学生学习起来更生活化,更贴近生活更贴近自己,兴趣更浓厚。(3)Show two animals, have ss say a sentence. T: Now,Look at the picture, let s say a sentence, OK? Ss: OK T: For an example: Which is faster, the cat or the duck? The cat is faster. ( use the CAI

10、 , finish the step) Ss: Which is slower , the sail or the ant? The sail is slower. (4) Groups work There are so many animals, now, let s talk about them in my groups, and fill the chart. S1: Which is nicer, the green fish or the red fish? S2: The green fish is nicer (fill the chart) Animals Adj. Sen

11、tences cat , duck fast The cat is faster. (6) Ask and answer. T: Which is bigger, the bird or the chicken? Ss: The chicken is bigger. Ss: Which is heavier, the bear or the panda? T: The bear is heavier. 设计意图 :通过看图进行问答训练,强化学生对句型的复习,还加上对填表格,把所说的句子转变成文字,提高书写能力,在小组合作上,还可以互相协助共同提高。2. Learn Reading. T:We

12、had seen so many animals , how to tell our friends or parents , now, let s read a passage. (1) Show new reading. Reading: This is a zoo. There are so many animals in it. They are very happy. Look, the cat and the duck are running. The cat is faster. The bear and the panda are eating. The bear is hea

13、vier. What a happy picture! (2)Read after the teacher, and answer some questions. * What are the cat and duck doing? Ss; They are running. * Who are eating? Ss: The bear and panda are eating. Which is heavier , the bear or the panda? Ss: The bear is heavier (3) Groups work. Have ss finish the blank.

14、 In the zoo, the cat and the duck _. The cat is _. _ are eating. The bear is _. What a happy picture! Show one group s answer on the blackboard, have ss check together. 设计意图:通过阅读及回答问题,让学生在描述图中的动物时,可以从它们做什么描述,然后利用形容词的比较级来做对比,这样写起来,比较自然,学生掌握起来比较容易。3. Write a passage. Today, we knew how to say the anim

15、als , now, let s write “ in the zoo”(1) play the music, have ss write. Passage 1 : In the zoo, the animals are _. Look, the green fish and the red fish are _.( swim) The green fish is _( nice) on the leaf, the snail and the ant are _( run) ,the snail is _( slow) Passage2: In the zoo, the animals are

16、 happy. Look, _. (2)Groups work Have ss read their writings one by one in groups, choose the best one in each group. (3) Share : Teacher give some comments on those good written works. 设计意图: 通过学生有选择性仿写文章,形成阶梯及思维的拓展。让不同程度的学生都可以尝试描述动物的比较情况。在分享中,学生能养成口头表达的能力,促进写作的能力。Step3 Summary Show some pictures, have ss must protect our animals. Step4


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