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1、Summary 1 Where did Tazieff, the Polish scientist, go in 1948? Why did he go there? What did he call it? (towhich) Tazieff, the Polish scientist, went to Lake Kivu in the Congo in 1948. He went there to observe a new volcano. He called it Kituro. Tazieff, the Polish scientist, went to Lake Kivu in t

2、he Congo in 1948. He went there to observe a new volcano. He called it Kituro. (towhich) Tazieff, the Polish scientist, went to Lake Kivu in the Congo in 1948 to observe a new volcano which he called Kituro. 2 Did he take photographs or not? Did he have to leave almost at once or not? Did a river of

3、 liquid rock threaten to surround him or not? (After takingbecause) He took photographs. He had to leave almost at once. A river of liquid rock threatened to surround him. He took photographs. He had to leave almost at once. A river of liquid rock threatened to surround him. (After takingbecause) Af

4、ter taking photographs, he had to leave almost at once because a river of liquid rock threatened to surround him. 3 Did he escape just in time or not? When did he return? Had the volcano become quiet, or was it still active? (but when) He escaped just in time. He returned two days later. The volcano

5、 had become quiet. He escaped just in time but he returned two days later when the volcano had become quiet. 4 Where did he climb this time? Why did he do so? (in order to) This time he climbed into the mouth of Kituro. He did so in order to take photographs and measure temperatures. This time he climbed into the mouth of Kituro in order to take photographs and measure temperatures.



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