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1、Unit One Healthy LivingYan Zhang zy_Warm-up What are the factors that may affect peoples health?(list as many as possibleand use one or two sentences to explain each item )ExerciseTask 1 Why Get Fit? What are the factors that have prevented modern people from doing regular exercises? Which exercise

2、is mentioned as especially good for our bones? How can people benefit from being physically active/regular exercise? cardio-vascular a.心血管的 diabetes n.糖尿病Task 2 A Workout workout n. 健身,练习 squat n./v.下蹲 nanosecond n. 十亿分之一秒 push-up n. 俯卧撑 triceps n. 三头肌 karate n. 空手道 tone v. 使-强壮 Whats the relationsh

3、ip between the two men in the video clip? How long does the workout last? What benefits does Clint get from the workout?Group discussion What exercises do you do regularly? Do you enjoy them? If you dont exercise regularly, what has prevented you from doing it? SleepTask 3 Health Tips shut-eye n. 睡觉

4、 sap v. 削弱 ritual n. 仪式 induce v.诱使 If you cant sleep, you may need to give your brain a break. Here are some tips on psychological stresses and how they affect shut-eye. Psychological stresses are stress-inducing factors that can prevent you from getting to sleep or sleeping well. These include men

5、tal conflict, work deadlines, and money worries, among others. To stop psychological stresses from sapping your sleep, it can help to have a pre-bed ritual in place. This can involve taking a hot bath, enjoy light, non-work- related reading, or writing down daily stresses in a journal. Just ensure t

6、hat your bed time ritual does not take place in the bed, a spot that should be reserved for sleep and sex only. This is so you do not associate the bed with distracting emotions and activities that can make sleeping difficult. Task 4 7-hour Sleep According to the doctor, why is sleeping more than 9

7、hours bad for your health? Can we make a “sleep deposit” so that sometimes we can sleep less and the next day we sleep more to make up? Why? What is “junk sleep”? Why is “junk sleep” bad? Why is sleep so important? What purposes does it serve?Discussion How many hours of sleep do you need every day?

8、 Do you have difficulty in falling asleep sometimes? How do you get over it if that happens? Do you think the methods mentioned in the video clip “Health Tips” could be of some help?FoodTask 5 Food and Health The food is the most important part of a long, healthy life. In our modern civilization, we

9、 have tended to concentrate the calories by taking water our of food, adding the fat. Bite for bite, food is very, very concentrated in calories so that when you fill your stomach upon a typical diet, you bring in way too many calories. And ironically, we are under nutrition because we take away all

10、 the nutrients, so that we end up as being we weigh too much, and we dont have the nutrients we need to have a long and healthy life. We all need to break our obsession with fat and change our dietary habits if we want to live longer. Fatty diets helped our ancestors survive famines, and we are stil

11、l programmed to crave for fat. But todays modern diet is swimming in the stuff and doctors say its killing us.Task Red Fruit Benefits Why are red fruits highly recommended for a healthy diet?pigment n.天然色素 ruby n. 红宝石 a.深红色的 anti-oxidant n.抗氧化剂 anthocyanin n.花青素 Inflammation n.炎症 osteoarthritis n.骨关

12、节炎 cranberry n.蔓越莓 urinary tract n.尿道 cholesterol n.胆固醇 ellagic n.鞣花酸 Grapefruit n.葡萄柚 lycopene n.番茄红素 Prostate n.前列腺 Gazpacho n.西班牙凉菜汤 smoothy n.奶昔Homework Collect as many health tips as possible and share them with your classmates.Interesting concepts 花青素是一种水溶性色素,可以随着细胞液的酸碱改变颜 色。细胞液呈酸性则偏红,细胞液呈碱性则偏

13、蓝。花青素 是构成花瓣和果实颜色的主要色素之一。自然界有超过 300种不同的花青素。 鞣花酸是广泛存在于各种软果、坚果等植物组织中的一种 天然多酚组分。美国、欧洲、南韩大学及防癌协会有许多 研究报导指出:这些成份皆为超强抗氧化剂,可以清除体 内致癌毒素,提高免疫力。 番茄红素是成熟番茄的主要色素,是一种不含氧的类胡萝 卜素。在类胡萝卜素中,它具有最强的抗氧化活性。长期 以来,番茄红素一直作为一种普通的植物色素,并未引起太 多的关注。America: The Story of Us America: The Story of Us is a six-part, 12-hour documenta

14、ry television miniseries that premiered on April 25, 2010, on History. The program depicts over 400 years of American history (with emphasis on the creation, trials and effects of new technologies by Americans on Americas history and by implication, the world) spanning from the successful English settlement of Jamestown on May 14, 1607, through to the present day. The series recreates many historical events by using actors dressed in the style of the period and computer- generated special effects.http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America:_The_Story_of_Us


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