导游英语情景口语Item 9-1

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1、Item 9 Tour of Temples 中国庙宇A cup of tea a day keeps the doctor away.一天一杯茶,医生远离他。Model 1: Visiting the Jade Buddha Temple 游览玉佛寺 Warm-up: Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions with your partner. 1. What are the main religions in China? 2. What are the Four Famous Buddhist Mountains in China?

2、And where are they located respectively? 3. Have you heard of the Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai? What is the temple most famous for?1. What are the main religions in China? They are Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Islam and Christianity. 2. What are the Four Famous Buddhist Mountains in China? And

3、where are they located respectively?The Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Province, the Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui Province, the Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang Province, and the Emei Mountain in Sichuan Province 3. Have you heard of the Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai? What is the temple most famous for?The temple

4、is famous for the two jade statues of Sakyamuni from Burma, one being the Sitting Buddha and the other being the Recumbent Buddha. Words and Phrasesreign n. 君主的统治;朝代destruction n. 毁灭,破坏enshrine v. 入庙供奉Burma n. 缅甸meditation n. 思考,冥想 enlightenment n. 顿悟 启发recumbent adj. 横卧的abbot n. 方丈gold foils 金箔 Bud

5、dhist Master Huigen 慧根法师 Sakyamuni 释迦摩尼 Maitreya 弥勒菩萨 the Heavenly King Hall 天王殿 the Grand Hall 大雄宝殿 the Jade Buddha Tower 玉佛楼 cultural relics 文物 Dazang sutras 大藏经 Useful Expressions 1. I have some interest in Buddhist temples.我对佛教寺庙感兴趣。 2. The two jade statues are of great artistic value and are re

6、garded as treasures of Buddhism in our country.两尊佛像具有极大的艺术价值,视为我国佛教珍品。 3. What kind of Buddha is enshrined and worshipped in this hall?这个大殿供奉哪种菩萨? 4. The Sitting Buddha is worshipped in the Jade Buddha Tower and the Recumbent Buddha is in the Recumbent Buddha Hall.做佛供奉在玉佛楼,而卧佛供奉在我佛殿。 5. The Sitting

7、Buddha of Sakyamuni is 192 centimeters high and 1000 kilograms in weight. 释迦摩尼的坐像高1.92米,重1吨。 Listen and Answer 1. When was the Jade Buddha Temple constructed?It was constructed to keep two jade Buddha statues in 1882 and was rebuilt in 1918. 2. For what was the Jade Buddha Temple set up?It was set u

8、p to keep two jade Buddha statues from Burma. 3. Who brought the two jade Buddha statues to Shanghai?Buddhist Master Huigen.4. How many major buildings are there in the Jade Buddha Temple? What are they?There are three mahout buildings in the temple. They are the Heavenly King Hall the Grand Hall an

9、d the Jade Buddha Tower. 5. Where are the two jade Buddhas worshipped?The Sitting Buddha is worshipped in the Jade Buddha Tower and the Recumbent Buddha is in the Recumbent Buddha Hall.Role-play Situation A: Miss Jiang is a tour guide who is taking a group of tourists around the Lingyin Temple in Hu

10、angzhou, a very famous Buddhist temple in China. Miss Jiang: Says the Lingyin Temple is one of the most famous temples south of the YangtzeRiver. Tells that it located at the foot of the Lingyin mountain, near the West Lake. Says the temple was founded in 328 AD during the Eastern Jin Dynasty by Hui

11、li, an Indian monk. Says that the Lingyin Temple is mainly made up of the Hall of the Heavenly Kings(天王殿), the Grand Hall of the Great Sage(大雄宝殿), the Hall of the Medicine Buddha(药师殿). The plaque(匾) that is put on the front of the hall was written by the Kangxi Emperor in the Qing Dynasty, the major

12、 statue in this hall is that of the Maitreya Buddha,or the Laughing Buddha. At the back is the Skanda Buddha, or Weituo in Chinese. On the left and right are the Four Heavenly Kings. The Grand Hall is three eaved and stands 33.6 metres tall. It houses a magnificent statue of Sakyamuni that stands 24

13、.8 meters high. It is the largest wooden Buddhist statue in China, which was carved out of 24 pieces of camphor wood(香 樟木). Behind the main hall is the Hall of the Medicine Buddha, housing a statue of the Medicine Buddha.Tourists: Ask for the location of the Lingyin Temple. Want to know the story ab

14、out the original construction of the temple. Ask for the temples major halls. Ask questions when visiting the Hall of the Heavenly Kings: who wrote the plaque that is put on the front of the hall? What is the major statue of the hall? Who is the Buddha at the back of the Maitreya Buddha? Who are the

15、 Buddha statues on the both sides? Ask questions when visiting the Grand Hall of the Great Sage: ask for the information about a statue of Shakyamuni. Ask for information about the Hall of the Medicine Buddha.Situation B: Miss Zhao, a tour guide, is taking the tourists around the Asoka Temple(阿育王寺)in Ningbo. Try to make a dialogue between the guide and the tourists according to the following clues. It is under the Luhua Peak in Taibai Mountains, 19 kilometers to the east of


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