英语写作课件(1)Ways-of Developing paragraphs

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1、Ways of Developing ParagraphsA. Planning a paragraph Sample Topic sentence: Philately is an interesting hobby. (1) There are beautiful pictures on postagestamps;(2) There are portraits of historical figures on them;(3) It is always a delight to get a stamp I have never seen before;(4) I can learn so

2、mething by looking at the stamps I have collected. Pay attention to the sample paragraph on the textbook developed from the above points.B. Patterns of developing paragraphs 1. Development by timechronologicalarrangement 2. Development by process 3. Development by space 4. Development by examples or

3、 generalization 5. Development by comparison and contrast 6. Development by cause and effect 7. Development by classification 8. Development by definition 9. Development by a combination of methodsDevelopment by timechronological arrangement A. The use It is usually used in telling a story or recoun

4、ting an event. B. Transitional words and expressions When, while, before, after, as, in the , at the turn of the century, later, earlier, formerly. ( P118 book) C. Organization Earlier things are mentioned before later things. Sample 1 The first railroads were developed in Europe in the sixteenth ce

5、ntury. They looked nothing like those of today. The rails were of wood, and the cars, small wooden carts which hauled coal, were drawn by horses. By the early nineteenth century, railroad technology had advanced considerably. Steam locomotives had been developed, and cast iron was used for tracks. I

6、n 1825 a railroad line began carrying passengers as well as freight. That same year Americas first known steam locomotive was run on a circular track at Hoboken, New Jersey. Soon American locomotives and railroads were multiplying rapidly. Many short rail lines were laid during the 1830s. These shor

7、t lines were then linked with one another, and by the early 1840s networks of rails connected all the eastern cities. Sample 2 I walked through the school-gates with butterflies in my tummy. Would I like this school? Would my classmates like me? Would the teacher be strict? All these thoughts were b

8、uzzing in my head as I mounted the stairs to my new classroom. I stood by the teachers desk facing the class, and was introduced. I trembled as I felt their eyes all gazing critically at me. The teacher seemed kind and slipped her arm around my shoulder as I faced the stare of the class. Then classe

9、s began. I listened to the teachers words, concentrating on my work, and forgetting my apprehension and fears. During the recess the girls crowded round me to find out all about me. They all seemed good-natured and I soon found myself accepted as their friend. At the end of the day I walked home hap

10、pily as all my worries of the morning had dissolved to nothing. This new school would be a happy place for me.2. Development by process A. the use It is used to explain how something is done. To do so, we usually describe them step by step. In a process paragraph, we use imperatives sentences, the i

11、ndefinite pronoun “you” and the present tense. B. Transitions used in a process paragraph First step- First; Firstly; First of all; To begin with; Primarily; Initially; The first step Other steps-Second/ third; Secondly/ thirdly; Next; The next step; Then; Another step; The other step Last step- Las

12、t; The last; Lastly; In the end; Finally; The final; As the last step Chronological connectors-before, after, when, as soon as, once, as, prior to, etc. (book P 121) C. Organization The topic: conditional sentences are usually used. eg 1: If you went to be a successful salesman, you need only to fol

13、low several basic steps. eg 2: Once you encounter a person who has stopped breathing, you should begin immediately to do mouth-to- mouth breathing. Supporting details (1) to describe the steps in a chronological order (2) to present several major steps under which there aresome sub-steps. Concluding

14、 sentence: the result of the process or a comment of the result. Sample 1 Moving house is a major upheaval in peoples lives. Before the men come to actually move the furniture, many things must be done in preparation. All the toys, normally strewn around the house, must be gathered together and put

15、into large boxes for easy transportation. All books too must be put away in an orderly fashion so as not to be damaged in transit. Drawers and wardrobes should be emptied and their contents carefully packed. Pictures should be taken down from the walls and wrapped with proper cloth. And lastly, dont

16、 forget to take down all the curtains and blinds. Soon everything is prepared and the removal men arrive. All the boxes and furniture are loaded into the lorry. A quick check is necessary to make sure the flat is empty and the lorry is off on its way to the new flat.Flow Chart of Moving HousePacking as pr



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