2009 应用文补充2

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《2009 应用文补充2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2009 应用文补充2(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. 祝贺信2. 投诉信回复3. 辞职信4. 证明信5. 传真6. 电子邮件7. 备忘录假设设你的朋友David升职职任Howard Joys, Inc.公司中国的地区经经理,写一封约约50字的祝 贺贺信给给他。写信内容包括对对他诚挚诚挚 的祝贺贺及希望他未来工作的成功。June 7th , 2010Dear David,I have just heard of your promotion to the Regional Manager for China of the Howard Joys, Inc./ I have just heard that you have been promo

2、ted to the Regional Manager for China of the Howard Joys, Inc. Please accept my warmest congratulations.I wish you every success in managing the affairs of the branch. Since rely yours, Frank ClarkWrite a letter of congratulation using the information provided.Suggested Answer: PW_12_1Write a reply

3、to a letter using the information provided.假设设你是旅游公司的销销售部经经理,你收到一位顾顾客的来信,信中说说他来信索取“中国10日 游”的小册子(brochure)和价格表,但迟迟迟迟 没有得到回音。请请写一封回信。 Suggested Answer: June 7th , 2010Dear Mr. Johnson,We must apologize for not sending you our brochure, “10-Day Tour to China,” and the price list. Unfortunately, we quic

4、kly ran out of(缺货) the brochure because we had so many replies to our advertisement. (Or: A check of our records has revealed that owing to a clerical error(笔误), the brochure, together with the price list, was sent to a wrong address(寄错了).)We are now able to send you the information you have request

5、ed, and hope that it will be of interest. (Or: We deeply regret our error and any inconvenience caused. We are now sending you again the information you have requested, and hope that it will be of interest.)Yours faithfully, Wang Dahai Wang Dahai Sales ManagerDear Mr. Huang,Please accept my resignat

6、ion as associate chemist at the Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September 30.As you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, Ive accepted a position with Fury Refining, Inc., that should put me back in touch with my “first love.” Although Im eager to accep

7、t the challenges in this new position, I regret leaving the institute. You and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years. I wont forget the friendship and professional growth Ive experienced as an employee here. Best wishes to all of you!Sincerely, Wang DaleiWri

8、te a Letter of Resignation using the information provided.假设设你的名字叫王大雷,因你对对石油和天然气工业业的兴兴趣,你在Fury Refining, Inc觅觅得一职职,故 你想辞去你所工作的研究所(institute)的助理药剂师药剂师 (associate)一职职,辞职职日期是9月30日 。信中内容要包含对对原工作单单位的三年来的培养和照顾顾的感激。并予以祝福。Suggested Answer: To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that Mr. Wang Dalei has be

9、en working in our company as the Project Manager from June 1998 to July 2006. Mr. Wang Dalei is a diligent and creative engineer. Under his leadership, we successfully designed a new product, and the product also gained international patent. Mr. Wang Dalei also has a good sense of teamwork, who know

10、s how to delegate and how to coordinate.For further enquires, please feel free to contact me at 075786687111. Sincerely yours, Sun Lei Chief Executive OfficerWrite a Letter of Certification using the information provided.Suggested Answer: 假设设你是某公司总总裁孙孙磊,你写一封信证证明公司员员工王大雷于1998至2006年间间在公司任项项目经经 理一职职。王大

11、雷是一名勤奋奋而有创创意的工程师师,在他的带领带领 下,你们们公司曾设计设计 出获获得国际专际专 利的新型产产品。王大雷非常富有团队团队 精神,PW5Write an email according to the following information. Date: Sun, 2 May, 2004, 12:13:34 From: Sonny Jimenez To: Wang Lin Subject: Rescheduling of May 10th meeting (注意主题题必须须是名词词,名词词组词词组 或动动名词词 )Dear Dr. Wang, Im sorry to infor

12、m you that the meeting on May 10th has to be rescheduled because the General Manager, Mr. Brown, must be away for a marketing conference in Paris around that time. It has to be postponed to May 20th, at the usual place. If you have any problems please let me know as soon as possible.Best Regards,Son

13、ny Allen Jimenez Web Developer/Programmer Tel: 713-8611-480日期:2004年5月2日星期天12:13:34寄信人:Sonny Jimenez 收信人:Wang Lin 主题:5月10日会议时间重置内容:因总经总经 理Brown将赴巴黎参加销销售会议议,5月10日的会议议将推迟迟到5月20日,地点 不变变。亲们:注意E-mail的 内容多变,可通知 ,可投诉,可祝贺 ,主要考察大家的 翻译技巧。赫伯特进进出口公司 电话电话 :(212)2215608车车站街388号 传传真:(212)2215706美国纽约纽约 10018 发发送: 约约

14、翰逊逊公司 日期: 1993年5月23日 收件人: 埃里克李 发发件人: 西蒙戴维维斯 贵贵方编编号: 2051/ef 我方编编号:5237/nl 抄送: 凯凯特郎 页页数:1 先生: 我方为为一家美国公司,我方股票将于下月发发行。本公司即将得到世界银银行的一笔贷贷款。贵贵方 如有兴兴趣与我方合作,或购买购买 我方股票,敬请请与我们联们联 系。恭盼回复。 你忠实实的 西蒙戴维维斯总经总经 理Write a fax using the information provided.Suggested Answer: Herbert Import 5237/nl CC: Kate Long Page:

15、 1 Dear Sir, We are an American company. Our shares are to be issued next month(下月发行 股票). Our company is to be granted a World Bank credit soon(获得世界银行的贷 款). Should you be interested in cooperation or in buying our shares, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. You

16、rs Sincerely, Simon Davis Managing Director亲们,这一部分要考的话主要是填空。 即填红体字部分。所以,你们要明白 Ref. (reference) 信涵参考编号, 一般编号往往包括有关人员的姓名的首 字母。Our Ref. 我方编号,即发信 人编号。Your Ref. 贵方编号,即收信 人编号。Atten. 收件人CC 抄送(其他收件人))We are going to have a party Friday evening (at around 6:30 p.m.) in our staff club to welcome Ms. Li Hong to our sales d



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