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1、英语学业水平考试 之 词性转换题目要求 lRead the text below. Use the word given in the brackets to form a word that fits in the space. 题目分析l“Read the text”, “that fits in the space” -考 生必须在把握全文大意的基础上,结合上下 文信息,填出符合该语境的单词;l“the word given in the brackets”-所填单词 应该与所给单词在词根上是相符的。l“form a word”- 只能填一个单词-通常是名 词,动词,形容词,副词。题目分

2、析总结很明显,这种考查形式的考核考生:l是否掌握课程标准所规定的词汇(包括 常用词组和习惯用法)的基础知识,l是否能在具体的语境中运用这些语言知识。具体的考核目标l能否在具体语境中正确理解词汇和习惯用法 的意义; l能否根据上下文和交际需要正确运用词汇。词汇学习要点l掌握所有词汇的本身的基础知识,包括拼写 ,词义,词性,等等l掌握构词法,包括前后缀的功能及含义等l掌握所有词汇的用法和搭配,包括名词单复 数变化,形容词副词级的变化,动词不规则 变化,动词+名词搭配,形容词+名词搭配, 动词+副词搭配,动词+介词搭配,等等解题要点l正确理解语篇和所给词的词义l根据语篇需要,结合所给词的词根,运用构

3、 词法和单词本身的用法进行相应的词性和词 形的变化-关键l注意变化后的名词的数,动词的时态和数, 形容词的级,等等常见的转换形式l减法l加法l先减法后加法1. 减法l所给词往往是派生以后的词l根据语境需要还原词根l做法:去掉前后缀,还原为词根例1lMany destinations that were once too _(remoteness) to visit are not just a flight or bus trip away. l减去后缀-ness变成remote例2l7,000 visitors an hour _ (stepping) in and out of Notre

4、 Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院) each day. l减去后缀-ing 变成step 例3lSports and games can be of great _(valuable). l减去后缀-able变成value例4lWhen our eyes see the ball coming our brain has to _(decision) what to do. l减去后缀-sion变成decide*例5l*It is an instructional system which is to _(disconnect) learners with educational re

5、sources. l减去前缀dis-变成connect,l*注意:否定变成了肯定*例6l*If a mist _(appearance) in the early morning, l减去后缀-ance变成appearl*注意:动词第三人称单数appears*例7l*There are many _ (beneficial) of using online distance learning environments. l减去后缀-cial变成benefitl注意:名词复数benefits 2. 加法l所给词往往是词根l根据语境需要派生词l做法:添加不同前缀或后缀,变成其他词性 的派生词例1l

6、Sports and games should not be treated only as _(amuse). l加上名词后缀-ment,变成amusement例2lkeep us _(health). l加上形容词后缀-y,变成healthy例3lthe practice of such skills is _ (especial) useful. l加上副词后缀-ly,变成especially例4lOnline courses keep learners very _ (occupy) at all hours. l加上过去分词后缀-ed, 变成occupied*例5l*Most of

7、the above _(say) have been made up . l加上动名词后缀-ing,变成sayingl*注意:名词复数sayings *例6l*Many have become a part of _ (expensive) package tours. Because of the tourist industry, these sites are now being visited by millions of people annually. l加上反义词前缀in-,变成inexpensivel*注意:肯定变成了否定。*例7l*This may confuse the l

8、earner and cause _(understanding). l加上前缀mis-,变成misunderstandingl*注意:肯定变成了否定。*例8l*Guests who arrive exactly on time or early are mere _(thought) ones who are not giving the hostess those last few minutes she needs to deal with details. l加上形容词后缀-less, 变成thoughtlessl*注意:肯定变成了否定。*例9l*The _(fun) the cart

9、oon, the more the womens parts of their brain lit up. l加上形容词后缀-y, 变成funnyl*注意比较级形式funnier. *例10l*Whats _(bad)l “更糟的是” l*注意:形容词比较级不规则变化,变成 worse. *例11l*During the process they _ (undergo) sophisticated scans l*注意:动词过去式不规则变化,变成 underwent. 3. 先减法后加法l所给词往往是派生词l根据语境需要另外一个派生词l做法:先要做减法来还原为词根l然后添加不同前缀或后缀,变成

10、其他词性的 派生词例1lMediterranean is nothing _ (comparative) with a disturbing projection made by the United Nations. l先要减去后缀-ative, 还原为词根comparel然后加上过去分词词根-ed,变成compared例2lfor _ (variety) reasons. l先要减去后缀-ty, 还原为词根varyl然后加上形容词后缀-ous, 变成various例3lIts not a _(competing) and l先要减去后缀-ing, 还原为词根competel然后加上名词后缀

11、-tion, 变成competition*例4l*Some learners just want to take up their _(farther) studies at home. l先要减去级的后缀-er,还原为词根farl*然后加上级的后缀-er,变成另外一个形式的 比较级further.先减后加的补充l当然,在实际的解题过程中,我们都是忽略 其中的步骤的,直接进行跳跃式变形l例如:从comparative直接变成compared, 从 variety直接变成various,从farther直接变成 further, 等等。总结综上所述,不管所给词如何,一定要l抓住其词根l依照构词法原则l根据语境所需l填入相应词性的词根或派生词l*注意:变化后的名词的数,动词的时态和数 ,形容词的级,等等Thank you!lAdvice and suggestions are welcomed and appreciated!



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