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1、语法专题反意疑问句第一部分:分类反意疑问句分为两类:1. 前否,后肯;前肯,后否。2. 前肯,后肯。第一类:前否,后肯;前肯,后否。1. 前部为be, have, had better, 或mod.V 时, 后部仍然用这些词 Eg. You had better go now, hadnt you?You should have finished your homework, shouldnt you? 2. 前部为实意动词(表具体动作的动词), 后面用do的适当形式。 Eg. He doesnt like sports, does he?You had breakfast at six th

2、is morning, didnt you?3. 前部为there be, 后部也用 there be Eg. There is a radio on the desk, isnt there? 4. 前部为have/ has/ had to, 后部用do的适当 形式。 Eg. We had to leave early, didnt we?They have to get up 4 am., dont they? 5. 前部为used to, 后部可用两种形式。 Eg. He used to live in London, usednt he / didnt he?There used to

3、 be a cinema here before the war, usednt there/ didnt there? 6. 前面为ought to, 后面用ought/ oughtnt Eg. Such things ought not to be allowed, ought they?He ought to be punished, oughtnt he? 7. 含有must的句子,要分情况对待。must对现在的推测。 Eg. You must be tired, arent you?He must be doing his homework, isnt you?My mother m

4、ust prepare the meal, dosent she?若前部为must have done, 疑问部分用 didnt, 或者havent/ hasnt + S Eg. He must have met her yesterday, didnt he?You must have seen the film, havent you?若前面的must表示“有必要”时,后面为 neednt. Eg. You must go home right now, neednt you?若前面为表示“禁止”的mustnt, 后部用 must. Eg. You mustnt walk on grass

5、, must you?8. 前面有否定词缀,后面仍用否定结构 Eg. He is unfit for his office, isnt he? 9. 前面有no, never, hardly, seldom, few, little, nowhere, nothing等否定或者半否定词 ,后面用肯定。 Eg. He is hardly 14 years old, is he?She never goes to church, does she? 10. 前面的主语为everyone, someone, no one等不定代词,后面的主语he, they Eg. Everyone knows h

6、is job, doesnt he?No one was hurt, were they?10. 前部为this, that后面主语为it, 但是谓语与前 部保持一致。 Eg. This is very important, isnt it?This medicine doesnt work at all, does it? 11. 前部为I dont think/ believe/ suppose/ expect+ 宾语从句,后面的动词和主语要 与宾语从句的主语和动词,并且要用肯定形 式。 Eg. I dont think he can finish the job, can he?I do

7、nt believe she knows the accident, does she? 注意:You dont think he can finish the job, do you?12. 前部为感叹句,后面一律用be的一般 现在时态。 Eg. What a lovely day, isnt it?How cool the weather is, isnt it?第二类:前肯,后肯。前部为祈使句,后一般用肯定形式。 Eg. Have a cup of tea, will you?Lets go there, shall we?Let us go there, will you?练习: 1.

8、 She is a school girl, _? 2. It looks like rain, _? 3. They go there by bus, _? 4. His mother goes to work at 8:00, _? 5. The girl can sing an English song, _? 6. He forgot his umbrella, _? 7. Lets clean our bedroom, _?isnt shedoesnt itdont theydoesnt shecant she didnt heshall we 8. I think he is a teacher, _? 9. There was a telephone for you, _? 10. The students had a class meeting yesterday, _?isnt he wasnt theredidnt they


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