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1、 书面表达(1):根据下面的表格以“How to Reduce the Citys Present population”为题,写一篇作文,谈谈你对这个问题的见解注意:1。只需把表格中的要点写清楚。短文的开头与结尾已写 出,不记入总数。 2。词数:100-120。参考词汇:政策 policy ; 压力 pressure ; 郊区 suburb ; 生活小区 living block ; Our city is too crowded now, and to solve this problem , three proposals are put forward - - - 正文- - -If

2、these proposals are well carried out , the citys population will be greatly reduced . 建议具体措施目的I。A。晚婚 B。一对夫妇,一个孩 子减少人口自然增长(人 口出生率)II。严格控制外地人口进城 务工经商减少外地人口对城市的 压力III。 在郊区建立便于生活、 集学校、电影院、医院 、购物中心于一体的生 活小区吸引城市居民到郊区的 生活小区工作和生活答案: How to Reduce the Citys Present population Our modern city is too crowded ,

3、 and to solve the problem , three proposals are put forward . Most people believe that we should first practice the policy of late marriage and “ One couple, one child” in order to reduce the birth rate. Secondly, the city government mush have a tight control of country people entering cities to eng

4、age in trade or do manual labor so as to reduce the pressure on the city caused by the increasing population . Finally more and more people suggest that living blocks with shopping centers ,schools , hospitals, cinemas and theatres should be in the suburbs . In this way the city people will be encou

5、raged to move there to live and work . If these proposals are well carried out, the citys population will be greatly reduced. 书面表达(2)假如你是李欣,对和“All right”的 “Thats all right”用法及区别不太清楚,你的英语老 师给你作了简单的讲解,还鼓励你向英文 报纸的外籍编辑(editor)写信问这个问题。 现在,请你用用语向某一英语报纸的编辑 写一封信,询问和的用法和区别,并请他 举例说明。最后问他是否有空来学校作英 语讲座,谈谈如何学好英语

6、。注意:1)不要逐条翻译 2)注意书信格式 3)词数:100-120。答案:Dear editor, My name is LI Xin. Im a middle school student . I wonder if I can ask you a question . My teacher told me that there was something different in meaning between the two sentences “All right” and “Thats all right”. But I cant understand them very well

7、. Would you please tell me the difference between them in simple English ?And I also hope that you will give me some examples. By the way , would you be kind enough to come to our school to give us a lecture o how to learn English well? Wish to get your reply soon. Yours truly Li Xin 书面表达(3)假如你是学校学生

8、会主席。现请按下列要求, 以学生会的名义用英文写一个举行英语演讲比 赛的书面/口头通知,欢迎全体同学参加。1)目的;诣在提高全体学生的英语口语水平 。2)报名时间与地点;星期五,六月四日前, 学生会办公室3)比赛时间和地点:下周三晚7:00-10:30 学生礼堂4)在本校工作的加拿大老师格林先生和五位 本校英语老师将被邀请当评委,前六名优胜者 或奖。5)字数:100-120答案(3) Notice In order to improve our spoken English, we are going to have an English-speaking contest from 7:00

9、to 10:30 p.m. next Wednesday in the school auditorium. Mr. Green , who came from Canada and now works in our school, together with five English teachers will be invited as judges.The first six winners will be given rewards . Those who would like to take part in the contest may sign up in the office

10、of the Students Union , before this Friday , June 4th. All the students are welcome to the contest .May 30th , 1998. the Students Union答案: All the students,may I have your attention please? Our Students Union are going to organize a - in order to -in -. Mr. Green -together with -. The first six winn

11、ers -.Those who will-should -in -before -. Thank you for all your attention! The Weak Are the Slaves of the Strong An old man was sitting in an armchair at home , reading his newspaper. Besides him lay a dog sleeping soundly . Suddenly the old man decided to leave home for a while , but he could not

12、 go out with his slippers on . So he woke up the dog and let it fetch the shoes for him . Out of his expectation, the dog didnt even stand up , but just barked with two eyes closed again. The old man was completely puzzled .As he was wondering what was happening , he saw the cat coming towards him w

13、ith the pairs of shoes in its month. Seeing this , he was totally dumbfounded. Is this the law that the weak are the slaves of the strong? 书面表达:评分原则以及给分范围第七档: (25-29)能写明全部或绝大部分 要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。第六档: (20-24)能写明全部或绝大部分 要点;语言有少量错误;行文基本连贯,表达 基本清楚。第五档: (16-19)能写明大部分要点;语 言有一些错误,行文不够连贯。第四档: (12-15) 能写明基

14、本要点;语言 虽然有许多错误,尚能达意第三档: (8-11)能写出部分要点语言错误 多,影响意思表达。第二档: (4-7)只能写出一两个要点,语 言错误教多,只有个别句子能懂第一档: (0-3)只能写出与所给要求内容 有关的一些单词。内容要点:1)老人在家,坐在椅子上,看报,狗在 旁边睡觉。2)老人想出去,唤醒狗,去拿鞋3)狗闭眼叫,老人迷惑不解4)猫叼鞋走来,老人目瞪口呆注:内容要点可用不同的方式来表达, 对紧扣主题的发挥不扣分。99年高考英语作文评分原则 :1)本题总分为30分,其中内容和语言占 29分,词数占1分,按七个档次给分。2)平分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初 步确定其所属档次,然

15、后以该档次的要求 来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。词 数在90-110之间的,加1分。内容要点:1)开头语 2)结束语3)盖起了一幢新教学楼4)新建了一座图书馆5)新操场位于学校前面 6)种了许多树99高考作文答案 :Dear Mr. Smith, I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school. Quite a few changes have taken place. On one side of the road there is a new classroom building . One the other sid



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