第十二讲 项目沟通管理

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《第十二讲 项目沟通管理》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第十二讲 项目沟通管理(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、项目沟通管理Many experts agree that the greatest threat to the success of any project, is a failure to communicate.学习提示 沟通管理的一般知识 沟通的内涵与外延 沟通类型 沟通的过程 正式沟通的渠道 信息沟通管理过程 制定沟通计划 Communication planning 转送信息Information distribution 报告项目绩效Performance Reporting 管理利益相关者Managing stakeholders沟通的概念 沟通是凭借一定的符号 载体,在个体或

2、群体间 ,把信息、思想和情感 从发送者传递到接受者 ,并取得理解的过程。 沟通的目的是相互达 到理解和交流 沟通的内容包括信息 、思想和感情 沟通是提出和回应问 题与要求 沟通是信息和思想交 换的过程 沟通是一种有意识的 行为沟通对外协调项目组织与利益 相关者者之间的关系,改善外部环境; 对内传递维系项目组织运行的各类信息 提高组织运行的效益与效率Functions of Communication 沟通的功能 Control 控制 Motivation 激励 Emotional expression 表达情绪 Information 传递信息沟通的过程想法信息 传递接收解码理解编码干扰过程反

3、馈过程传递过程发送过程接受过程噪音噪音心理背景物理背景社会背景文化背景Communication ChannelsnFormal channels are established by the organization and transmit messages that are related to the professional activities of members n正式的信息渠道由组 织建立传递的是与员 工的职业活动相关的 信息nInformal channels are spontaneous and emerge as a response to individual ch

4、oicesnPersonal and social messages n非正式信息渠道是自发的 是为了满足个人的选择需 要n传递的是私人的或社会的 信息Communication DirectionnDownwardnUpwardnLateral组织沟通类型Interpersonal CommunicationnOral 口头的nWritten书面的nNon-verbal非语言 的Oral Communication 口头沟通nAdvantages(优点)Speed (速度快)Feedback(能反馈)nDisadvantages(缺点)Potential for distorted mess

5、age(曲解信息的可能)Content at destination is different from the original(信息在传达 到目的地时已面目全非)Written CommunicationnProvide a tangible and verifiable record提供有形的 可验证的纪录nCan be stored for an indefinite period of time能 不定期地被存取nPhysically available for later reference可以做以后 参照之用nWell thought-out, logical, and clea

6、r深思熟虑、逻辑性 好、条理清晰nTime consumingnLack of feedbacknNo guarantee how reader will interpret itn费时n缺乏反馈n不能保证信息的接 受者能精确解释AdvantagesDisadvantagesOral Communication 口头沟通nAdvantages(优点)Speed (速度快)Feedback(能反馈)nDisadvantages(缺点)Potential for distorted message(曲解信息的可能)Content at destination is different from t

7、he original(信息在传达 到目的地时已面目全非)Non-verbal CommunicationTwo most important messages that body language conveys are:身体语言中最重要的信 息包括: (1) the extent to which an individual likes another and is interested in his views 一人喜欢另外一人并对他的观点观点感兴趣 (2) the relative perceived status between a sender and receiver 在信息发送

8、者和接受者之间意识到的相对地位Non-verbal CommunicationnIntonations 声调nFacial expression 面部表情nPhysical distance 身体的距离聆听中的技巧展示赞许性 的表示避免分析的 举动和手势尽量做到 多听少说避免随便 打断对方适时合理的 提问正确有效的 复述使用目光接触 和对视使听者与说者的 角色顺利转换聆听的主要技巧Formal Small-Group NetworksChainChainWheelWheelAll-ChannelAll-ChannelSmall-Group Networks and Effectiveness

9、CriteriaThe Grapevine(葡萄藤)nNot controlled by managementnPerceived as being more believable and reliablenLargely used to serve self-interestn不被管理层控制n被认为更为可靠与可信n大部分被用来满足个人的兴趣Computer-aided CommunicationnE-mailnInstant messagingnIntranet and Extranet linksnVideo-conferencing(视频会议)Instant MessagingnFast

10、 and inexpensive means for managers to stay in touch with employeesnNo delay, no in-box clutter of messages, and no uncertainty as to whether the message was received Knowledge ManagementnProcess of organizing and distributing an organizations collective wisdom so the right information gets to the r

11、ight people at the right time n组织并传递集体的智慧,确保适当的信息 在适当的时候到达适当的人。Knowledge ManagementnProvides an organization with both a competitive edge(竞争优势 ) and improved organizational performancen知识管理可以给组织 提供竞争优势并提高 组织绩效nWell-designed KM system will reduce redundancy and make the organization more efficientn好的

12、知识管理设计系统可以减少 冗余使得组织更有效率。Knowledge ManagementKnowledge ManagementnKM requires an organizational culture that promotes values, and rewards sharing knowledge n知识管理需要一种提升价值观 提高共享知识的报酬的组织文 化。Barriers to Effective Communication有效沟通的障碍nFiltering过滤性传递nSelective Perception选择 性感知nInformation Overload信息 过载nGen

13、der Styles性别差异nEmotions情绪状态nLanguage语言沟通Cultural Context 文化背景nHigh-context cultures - rely heavily on nonverbal and subtle situational cues when communicating with others n高文化背景下沟通时对 于非语言沟通和细微的 情景细节依赖性较大。nLow-context cultures - rely essentially on words to convey meaning n低文化背景下主要依 赖于词语传递含义。A Cultur

14、al Guide 基于文化差异的沟通指导Assume differences until similarity is proved 在相似性未得到证明之前假设文化是有差异的 。Emphasize description rather than interpretation or evaluation沟通时强调描述而 不是解释与评价Practice empathy善于心领神会Treat your interpretation as a working hypothesis将你的翻译作为一种沟通假设Implications for Managers 对管理者的启示Use Multiple Chan

15、nels多渠道传递信息Use Feedback 运用反馈功能Simplify Language 语言要精炼Listen Actively 善于倾听Constrain Emotions 控制情绪Use the Grapevine 使用小道消息Communication planningnCommunication planning involves determining the information and communications needs of the stakeholders: who needs what information, when will they need it,

16、 and how the information be given to them. The out of this process is a communicaions management planningAddressed items nStakeholder communications requirementnInformation to be communicated including format,content, the level of detail.nWho will receive the information and who will produce itnSuggested methods or technologies for conveying the informationnFrequency of


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